Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 435 Thunder Leopard

Chapter 435 Thunder Leopard
The palace occupies a huge area, with continuous eaves, and the whole body is made of crystal. The lights inside are brilliant, and the reflection of the lights is beautiful. It is definitely a first-class luxury place in the world.

What's even more amazing is that there seems to be an invisible circular cover covering the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the Crystal Palace, so that there is no sea water in the vicinity, and a stone road is even paved on the exposed seabed at a great cost. called luxury.

"Building the Crystal Palace under the water, and using special methods to drain the sea water? If it is true, how much manpower and material resources will be required, and how much money will it cost?"

"The Spring Palace is a black glove used by those big families to make money, not to lose money, so this Crystal Palace...hehe."

Long Yi didn't believe that these families in Fengyuan area would have such good intentions. Before that, he just used the night vision function of the piercing eyes. At this time, with a thought, the real scene in front of him suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The sea water was indeed pushed away, but not because of some invisible cover, but because of a huge umbrella suspended in mid-air.

The handle of the umbrella is a human leg, with thick and dark skin, the calf is covered with leg hair, wearing a clog; Stick out your red tongue.

This is an umbrella ghost!
Ordinary umbrella ghosts are fusangshen formed after unused umbrellas have been placed for a hundred years. They are also called monks with umbrellas in the Tang Dynasty. They have limited demon power and belong to the bottom of the monsters.

However, this one in front of him is obviously not the case, it exudes a vigorous evil spirit in Long Yi's eyes, even if it is the wheel of Inoue Shuichi's imperial envoy that Long Yi eliminated before, it is not as good in front of this umbrella ghost.

And the magnificent Crystal Palace is nothing more than a few simple wooden beds placed on the seabed, plus some wooden candlesticks.

As for why others look like Crystal Palace?That, of course, was the cause of the mirage buried in the sand.

Mirages are monsters cultivated from giant clams in the sea. Their abilities are somewhat similar to mirages and mirage dragons in ancient China.

The monster spirit of this mirage, and the umbrella ghost did not show much, they are the two strongest monsters here.

Seeing through the illusion, the essence of this place is naturally exposed to Long Yi's eyes.

"Qiaoji, Lanternghost, Yingnv, Bingzhubu, Bonnv, Feitouman, Xixinv, Feiyuanmo, Guiyikou, Hunnv... Tsk tsk, it's really monsters and ghosts all in battle, and there are no good people at first sight."

In Long Yi's eyes, the so-called 'Crystal Palace' is simply a monster cave, full of monsters, and most of them are the kind of monsters that can transform into beautiful women.

With such a big effort, even the Aso family, which is famous as an onmyoji, may not be able to do it, and only the Miyamoto family, one of the three wealthy families, can do this.

"Huh? It seems that there are still patrols, have you been found?"

Long Yi glanced to the left, and saw a team of escorts wearing diving suits and riding stinging jellyfish in the sea, approaching quickly.

He swaggered and watched here for a while, and there is such an eye-catching elf as the Purgatory Two-headed Dragon, so as long as the manager of the Spring Palace is not blind and foolish, he can naturally find the abnormality.

The jellyfish swarm is one of the most common elves in the sea, with a huge number, so as long as there is a certain strength, they can gather a team of guards composed entirely of stinging jellyfish.

This level of strength is not enough compared to the giant tooth shark team formed by the Pale Society, or the monsters in the Crystal Palace. It is obviously a small role used to guard the door.

Long Yi's goal this time is the Palace of Beauty, so he didn't dodge or evade, he just stayed where he was, he just made some manipulations on himself, and completely changed into another person's appearance.

Anyone who has mastered the martial arts can change his tendons and bones, and changing his appearance is just a matter of leisure, let alone Long Yi and the Monkey King's 72 changes, so this change, there is no trace of it before. .

"People over there, who are you? What are you doing here?" As soon as the patrol team approached, a man who looked like a small captain immediately released a Gotha Duck and used superpowers to transmit sound.

"Who am I?" Long Yi laughed. At this time, he was muscular, with a leopard head and eye rings, and a beard like steel needles. Except that he was not so dark, he was like Zhang Fei alive. How fierce could he be? fierce.

The laughter caused the sea to roll away, and immediately shocked and frightened the patrol members who hadn't seen much of the market.

"My name is Leibao, you are the servants of that broken house, you dare to ask me what I'm doing here while I'm out and occupying my place?"

"It's so daring!"

Long Yi yelled sharply, and a circular stream of water immediately formed in front of him, crashing into the small patrol team.

"not good!"

"The Gotha Duck uses mind power, and the stinging jellyfish uses bubble light!"

A burst of purple super power flashed away in the sea water, but it exploded the moment it touched the water ring, and the foam light from the stinging jellyfish couldn't even block the water ring for a second, in vain Blast on top.

As the water flowed past, a group of people turned upside down. If Long Yi didn't have the intention to kill people, at least half of the dozen or so patrol teams would have been killed or injured with just this move.


Seeing this, Long Yi snorted coldly, and drove the remaining Purgatory Two-headed Dragons forward, only one sentence came from afar: "Let your boss come to see me."


"This person, without relying on supernatural powers, can make us clearly hear what he says in the water."

"And he doesn't wear any diving equipment, but he can breathe freely in the water. God Amaterasu, this must be a martial artist at the master level of swordsmanship!"

After all, the team leader had a bit of insight, so he didn't dare to be negligent when he saw this, and quickly contacted the senior officials of the Spring Palace in the Crystal Palace through the communication equipment.


The headquarters of the Spring Palace is protected by special umbrella ghosts and demons, which displace hundreds of millions of tons of seawater and stand in the depths of the ocean. It can be said to be uniquely blessed by nature.

However, this place looks miraculous, but it is still vulnerable to real masters.

After all, even the most powerful Umbrella Ghost and Mirage among them can only achieve such effects by relying on their own special abilities. In terms of real combat power, they are at most the level of ordinary element-level elves.

It can't be said to be weak, but it can't be said to be strong either.

At least in the eyes of the dragon at this time, it can be broken with a single snap.


In the area under the protection of the Umbrella Ghost, all water retreated, but at this moment, a terrifying elf with two heads rushed in the sea arbitrarily, and a black and yellow torrent of water stretched to the front of the Crystal Palace. A headed dragon swims on it, and a burly man stands on the back.

When Long Yi came to the gate of the Crystal Palace riding the two-headed dragon from Purgatory, a woman with a hot figure that could not be concealed even wearing a kimono, was outstandingly enchanting, holding a paper umbrella, and a beauty spot on the corner of her mouth was already waiting there .

She is the leader of Chunse Louming, and the "mother" of all the ladies, nicknamed Lian Ji.

There are many monsters in this so-called spring palace headquarters, but it is not without real people, at least those new customers who come to have fun are all living people.

Among the ladies who received the guests, half of them were disguised by demons, and half of them were real people, but they were ordinary in appearance. They were all bewitched by the mirage of the mirage, and they pretended to be peerless beauties.

In the eyes of ordinary guests, all of them are naturally fragrant and beautiful. Even though this Lian Ji still has a charm, after all, she is so old, except for a few with special hobbies, no one provokes her.

But in Long Yi's eyes, among the people present, this Lian Ji was the most outstanding, she was a genuine material, the others were all pink skeletons, after a long time, even the advantages were disgusting.

"Are you the boss here?" Long Yi was playing Lei Bao at this time, so he naturally pretended not to know Lian Ji, and jumped off the Purgatory Two-headed Dragon, making a dull landing sound, which made the corners of Lian Ji's eyebrows twitch.

"It's the slave's house." Lian Ji showed a slight smile, charming, and said softly: "My guest, when I built this palace, it was just an ordinary seabed. How can you say that I have taken over your territory?" ?”

"Didn't the guest come here on purpose to find fault?" When he said this, he remained calm on the surface, but in the dark, there was a wave of breath aimed at Long Yi, and as long as Lian Ji gave an order, he would rush forward.

"Whoever told you that there is no owner in a place without buildings."

"This place is a water hole. I have occupied it for many years, but after going out for a while, it has become your territory. It's really funny."

There is a reason why Spring Palace chose this place in the vast sea.Shuiyan's statement is true, and it is precisely because of the situation that Umbrella Ghost is able to displace hundreds of millions of tons of seawater. Otherwise, although it is powerful, it is still powerless to do so.

"As for this palace..." Long Yi raised his head, looked at the three big characters "Spring Palace" on the plaque at the main entrance of the Crystal Palace, which was an empty space in his eyes, and smiled disdainfully: "This kind of fooling trick is also to deceive those fools, Do you want to hide it from my uncle?"

Lian Ji's face froze, knowing that the person in front of her had seen through the biggest secret of the Spring Palace, she couldn't help but feel a killing intent in her heart.


Long Yi stared, and said angrily: "You still want to kill someone?"

With a novice shot, he hit one of the two lampposts at the front gate of the 'Palace', only to hear a scream, and the lamp bead suddenly twisted, changing into the appearance of a little ghost wearing a coir raincoat with a lamp on his head, and then turned into a Disappeared as a puff of black smoke.

This is a lampstand ghost!

"I advise you to weigh the consequences. If you offend me, none of you present will get better."

Lian Ji was startled, didn't dare to say anything, apologized respectfully, calmed down Long Yi's pretended anger, and invited him in.

(End of this chapter)

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