Chapter 436

"Guests, please come in, this is the slave's boudoir."

Lian Ji led Long Yi into a room, and said tenderly.

The headquarters of the Spring Palace is located on the seabed, so it is inconvenient to transport supplies, and even the rooms for guests are just simple wooden tables and wooden beds, let alone other things.

The entire Spring Palace, only her, the big boss on the bright side, has a decent room, and this time, in order to entertain Long Yi, she had to let it out.

"Come here, serve tea fruit."

A few maids opened the door and came in, offering tea, fruits and snacks, all of which were high-quality goods, although in Long Yi's eyes it was just like that, but under this deep sea, it was not easy.

"Guests please use it, but how many younger sisters do you need to accompany?"

Lian Ji is worthy of being a mother, she doesn't have the coquettishness and arrogance of those young girls, just now she was threatened by Long Yi face to face, and she can greet her with a smile when she turns around, flattering her, her skin is extremely thick.

Long Yi showed a wolf-like gaze, and said with a sneer: "What kind of sister do you want, those bunch of broken flowers and willows are no match for you, boss lady."

"I don't know your name yet."

"Slave Lian Ji." Lian Ji blushed and said with a slight bow.

"Guests are really good at talking. How can this beauty of my slave's family compare to those of my young daughters." He said so, but his face turned redder, which can really be called beautiful.

But Long Yi rolled his eyes, and angrily said: "Are you saying I'm blind, I can't tell which is beautiful and which is ugly?"

"It's my family who made a mistake, and I'm willing to punish myself with a drink." After speaking, he frowned, raised the wine glass on the table and drank it down, revealing his fair neck.

"Cough cough cough."

This Lian Ji didn't seem to know how to drink, the wine entered her throat, and she was immediately choked, the originally shy ruddy suddenly turned into a choked red, she turned sideways and coughed again and again.

This beauty, this demeanor, is completely enough to make people ignore the fact that she is over 40 years old, she is almost like a young girl in her [-]s, with an added charm that only mature women have.

"It's not necessary." Long Yi waited for her to finish coughing, and then said slowly.

He didn't come here to act recklessly, seeing this temper eased, he started talking with Lian Ji, and it was not bad to let the latter talk nonsense and ignore the main topic.

After a while, Long Yi moved his ears, heard a slight breathing sound, came to the door and stopped.

Lian Ji turned her eyebrows, and finally asked: "Guest, this is groundless, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to insist that the territory I occupy in the Spring Palace is yours?"

This is the help she has been waiting for for a long time.

Haruka Palace, as Feng Yuan's emerging four evil forces, has the shadow of the Miyamoto family behind it, so it is natural that there are some masters.

The Umbrella Ghost and Mirage Tower outside are two of them, and they can be regarded as two big monsters that can barely match the element-level elves.

But these two monsters are not good at fighting, so the real confidence is something else.

Long Yi took a sip of his wine and looked outside the door.

The door here is a real wooden door, he naturally couldn't see through it, but the powerful perception still made Long Yi feel the existence outside.

An ordinary person, and an extremely cold breath.

"Is this your hole card? Just a snow girl?" Long Yi said.

In fact, there are quite a lot of monsters of the Ice and Snow genus, such as the Snow Boy, the Ice General, etc., but the most famous of them is naturally the Snow Girl.

In addition to the attributes of the Spring Palace, there should be a high probability that the snow girls are still in the majority.

The door was pushed open forcefully, and a middle-aged man in the costume of an onmyoji walked in, followed by a big monster, which was the Snow Girl.

This onmyoji is probably in his early forties, with a white and beardless face, thick white powder on his face, rouge on his mouth, clogs and a long robe, and a butterfly fan in his hand. He looks so greasy and crooked .

"Jumping Clown."

Long Yi scoffed.

Onmyoji raise shikigami in captivity, most of them are in the relationship of offerings, and they have been exposed to death and evil spirits for a long time, so a person is not like a ghost or a ghost, and none of them can die.

Although the person in front of him is a great onmyoji who has envoyed three big monsters, but in Long Yi's eyes, he is just a dead bone in a mound, and he doesn't have many years to live.

His more eyes were on the snow girl behind him.

Ordinary snow girls have the appearance of women and are extremely beautiful. They will lure single men to kiss them in heavy snow, and at the same time, they will gradually freeze the men and suck their souls.

However, the one in front of her has the appearance of an elf snow demon girl, but her body exudes an out-and-out monster aura, and her eyes don't look like the eyes that an elf should have.

"An interesting idea. The Snow Fairy is a kind of elf created artificially because of the legend of the Snow Fairy. Using the connection between the two, the Snow Fairy and the Snow Fairy can be integrated into one, and get rid of the defects of monsters?"

After all, this world is a world of elves, and elves are the mainstream and the favorite of the world.Even though other onmyojis, samurai, and ninjas can achieve extremely high achievements, they will eventually have some shortcomings and difficulties, which are not as convenient and flat as elves.

As the world's top onmyoji family, the Miyamoto family is naturally the world's number one in research in this area. The method of this onmyoji not only retains the advantages of the snow female monster, but also puts it on the coat of an elf to get rid of the monster. Defects.

In this way, the power is naturally the result of 1+1 being greater than two.

"You insulted me."

The great onmyoji Matsumoto was angry under his name.

From Chunsegong's point of view, Long Yi is at most a mutated elemental elf plus a martial daoist level of courage and momentum. Before, it was not enough to rely on the natural power of umbrella ghosts and mirages, but now that Xuenv has come back, it naturally takes over. Advantage.

As an enshrined member of the Miyamoto family, he is not the most powerful onmyoji in the family, who is not usually respectful to Matsumoto's name, the face-to-face swearing of Lei Bao in front of him immediately awakened his long-forgotten unbearable memories, and he was so angry that he couldn't bear it. It burned.

"Evil method, Blizzard!"

Matsumoto's name gave an order, and the Snow Demon Girl immediately opened her mouth, and the turbulent blizzard sprayed out from her mouth, which had a huge effect in the closed room. There was a layer of snow on the eyebrows.

This snow demon girl does not have civilized elements, but after being possessed by a big demon-level snow girl, and under the blessing of demon law, its blizzard has the power of an element-level elf!

However, such a powerful blizzard disappeared without a sound after approaching Long Yi. Long Yi was like a big, vigorous furnace. every bit.

Outside, the two-headed dragon in purgatory roared deafeningly. Under the order of Matsumoto, Umbrella Ghost and Mirage attacked Ao Yu and Ao Guang at the same time.

"Get your hands on me?"

Long Yi narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Some people, if you don't teach them a lesson, they just don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

"Let the flame purify everything!"

Long Yi's hair suddenly turned into a ball of blazing flames, and then a circle of fire waves quickly radiated away from him, the powerful high temperature scorched people's eyes, Matsumoto quickly blocked Lian Ji, and ordered the Snow Demon Girl to act meat shield.


The Snow Demon Girl let out a sharp scream, but the fire ring passed by, Lian Ji didn't feel anything, but dense blisters appeared on Matsumoto's body, as if she had been thrown into boiling water and scalded.

The ring of fire issued by Long Yi has no effect on ordinary people. However, as a great onmyoji under the name of Matsumoto, he has accumulated an unknown amount of yin, death, and monster energy in his body. It is these breaths that caused him to receive the fire ring. ring damage.

With the sound of air bubbles being punctured, the guests of Spring Palace suddenly found that the luxurious Crystal Palace suddenly disappeared, and what appeared instead were simple wooden beds and wooden tables. There were no door panels between the rooms. see each other.

And the lingering beauties either turned into vulgar fans, or half turned into monsters and goblins. I don't know how many people fainted from fright, and I don't know how many people have been sluggish since then.

Long Yi's ring of fire, the ring of fire with strong masculine energy broke through the mirage of the mirage, allowing everyone to see the truth of this place!

"Damn it! What's going on here?"

"Where's the Crystal Palace? Where's my Xiangfei!"

"Damn Spring Palace, how dare you fool me like this, my little Saburo will never end with you!"

All the guests exploded in anger, Lian Ji saw her legs go limp and collapsed on the ground.

"It's over, the Spring Palace is over."

Those who can come to the Spring Palace to consume are either the rich or the powerful. These people can't move, so naturally there is no way to silence them.

Starting today, Spring Palace is officially removed from Fengyuan.

As the big boss of the Spring Palace, Lian Ji's fate will not be very good, she will 100% be thrown out by the Miyamoto family as an excuse to bear the anger of these big shots.

"How dare you do that, how dare you do that." Matsumoto was trembling with anger, he was the enshrined of the Miyamoto family, and he was also a great onmyoji who sent three big monsters. Lian Ji would definitely die, but nothing happened to him.

However, with a bang, the wall of Lian Ji's boudoir was smashed, and the Purgatory Two-headed Dragon rushed in with a big clam shell biting.

Secret skill - annihilate the dead light!
The strongest defense of the mirage is its shell. However, Ao Guang's annihilation death light is best at killing the enemy. The dead light suddenly drilled in, burning the monster body inside to ashes.

The so-called big monster, although it claims to be comparable to element-level elves, it also depends on what kind of monster it is, and what kind of elf it is facing.

With the mind connected, Matsumoto's name directly spurted a mouthful of blood and was severely injured.

Long Yi's eyes flashed, and he was about to attack the Snow Demon Girl, when Lian Ji's body suddenly lit up, forming a holographic projection around her.

"That's enough, Miyazaki Ryuichi, what do you want?" It was a man, a man who looked five or six points like Miyamoto Mei.

"What do I want?"

Long Yi smiled, restored his original appearance, and said to the man: "It's not what I want, it's what the Miyamoto family wants."

"Times have changed, Miyamoto Treasure."

The man suddenly fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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