Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 437 Miyamoto Treasure

Chapter 437 Miyamoto Treasure
Miyamoto Treasure is the eldest son of the main line of the Miyamoto family and the elder brother of Miyamoto Mei.

However, at this moment, the black-glove Spring Palace, which he established under the orders of his family to raise money, was destroyed in Long Yi's hands because of a piece of news from the Miyamoto family.

The meaning in it has to be thought-provoking, but also frightening.


In Shuijing City, in a holiday villa.

"Impossible. The Spring Palace brings amazing benefits to the family every year, not to mention the functions of liaising with important personnel and spying on intelligence. How could the head of the family issue such an order and cut off his own arm?"

I have five or six points of imagination with Mei Miyamoto, wearing a silk shirt, Miyamoto Homono, who is unrestrained and flirtatious, shakes his head again and again, unbelievable.

However, the reputation of Haruka Palace has exploded, and the reality of its collapse is already before our eyes. Although Ryuichi Miyazaki is not a member of the Miyamoto family, he is indeed the closest to the Miyamoto family among the three big families.

What's more, the location of Spring Palace's headquarters is not known by ordinary people, because it uses the mirage, the headquarters has very little consumables, and the guests are sent by elves, so the address is extremely hidden.

At least with Long Yi's energy, he still can't find out this point.

Although he didn't want to believe it, in Miyamoto's mind, a vague shadow still lingered.

Could it be...

The door of the room was opened, and Long Yi, who had regained his original appearance, walked in casually, followed by a helpless black and white maid, who was waved away by Miyamoto Treasure.

"How, you still don't believe my words?"

Long Yi said with a smile.

There were only him and Miyamoto Treasure, Lian Ji was thrown out to bear the anger of those high-profile guests, and Matsumoto also accepted Shikigami under his name and went to recuperate.

"Getting along in a different place, if I told you that your family suddenly betrayed you, would you believe it?"

After all, Miyamoto Treasure Treasure is an excellent child cultivated by Miyamoto's family, the city is extremely deep, no matter what he thinks in his heart, in front of Long Yi, a half outsider, he will not reveal it at all.

But Long Yi smiled strangely when he heard the words.

"I was only three or four points sure, but your current performance has made my guess seven or eight points."

"Do you know that your father, the current head of the Miyamoto family, Miyamoto Shigeru, suddenly became ill the night before yesterday, and has fallen into a coma."

The Miyamoto family is famous for their onmyoji, but their family members will never practice onmyoji, because Gain knows that most of the onmyojis are short-lived.

However, in this way, even if there are many masters under his command, it is inevitable that he is weak. In this life, old age, sickness and death, except for a few top-level beasts such as Feng Wang, even Rogia cannot escape.

It has long been no secret that Miyamoto Shigeru was seriously ill, and it was terminally ill, a terminally ill that could not be cured even with secret healing techniques.

The Miyamoto family, which had been undercurrent for a long time, suddenly turned upside down after Shigeru Miyamoto's condition worsened and he fell into a coma.

Someone wants to take the seat!
Miyamoto Treasure's eyes instantly turned red.

Even Long Yi knew this information, but Miyamoto Treasure, who was the eldest son and the only son of Miyamoto Mozo, didn't know, what does this mean?
This means that in the eyes of the Miyamoto family, Miyamoto Treasure is definitely not a suitable candidate for the next head of the Miyamoto family!
Since ancient times, the elders should not be established, and the males should not be females. However, this custom does not apply in the Miyamoto family.

The core of the Miyamoto family's inheritance is Yin Yang mirror, but in the long history, relying on the strength of their own family, they have gradually integrated the ability of another bloodline.

That is the blood of Amaterasu Omnibus!
This Amaterasu God is the most powerful god in the elf world, stronger than the three top monsters. Although he has never appeared in the world, there are endless legends about him.

However, the blood of Amaterasu Goddess is true and true.

Legend has it that a person who has awakened this bloodline can command 800 million monsters by nature, even the three top monsters Shutendouji, Tamamomae, and Dayakemaru will bow their heads and obey orders.

The Miyamoto family didn't have this bloodline at first, but later their children married women with corresponding bloodlines one after another, and finally merged with the bloodline of Amaterasu, so that the offspring had a chance to awaken special abilities.

From then on, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, as long as someone in the main bloodline awakens the bloodline of the Amaterasu Goddess, he will definitely become the next Patriarch.

Unfortunately, the previous generation was broken, and in this generation, Miyamoto Mei awakened the blood of Amaterasu, but Nagaomoto Treasure did not.

"Is what you said true?" Miyamoto Treasurer breathed heavily and narrowed his eyes slightly.

After hearing the news that his father was in a coma, his first reaction was not sadness, but anger that someone wanted to take his place.

"Of course it's true." Long Yi sneered in his heart, but said calmly on the surface.

The more ignorant these people were, the less burdened he was to calculate.

"Even though Meiya Miyamoto doesn't have such an idea, the elders of your Miyamoto family will not allow you to become the next head of the family." Long said.

This sentence immediately hurt the most sensitive part of Miyamoto Treasure's heart, making his eyes turn red instantly.

"I originally thought that as long as I was good enough and my sister didn't want to mess with the Patriarch, the elders would agree with me, but it's a pity..."

Miyamoto Hozo lowered his head.

"Unfortunately, the rules of the Miyamoto family are above all else. No matter how good you are, even if Mei Miyamoto doesn't want to be a family, your elders will not agree." hope.

In this kind of big family, what is the idea of ​​the younger generation?
The premise of the Miyamoto family's calculation of their own interests is to protect the health of this big tree of the Miyamoto family.

And the family rules passed down from generation to generation are the key to ensure the healthy growth of the tree.

This time set a precedent, then the next generation, if the same thing happens again in the next generation, will the eldest son still compete for the position of Patriarch?

In case the first son/second daughter disagrees, wouldn't the Miyamoto family suffer severe internal friction?
This is never allowed!
Therefore, this precedent cannot be opened!

Mei Miyamoto must be the next Patriarch!
And the second family rule of the Miyamoto family is that in the main line, except for the branch that inherits the head of the family, other children are not allowed to have heirs throughout their lives.

This is because only the people in the main line have the bloodline inheritance of the Amaterasu Omnibus, in order to prevent two main lines with the bloodline of the Amaterasu Omnibus from appearing at that time, causing internal strife.

And the third rule is that the rest of the main line's descendants must not assume the important power of the family.

The reason is the same as above.

Putting it on Miyamoto Treasure, the direct consequence is that not only can he not be the head of the family, but he can't have children for the rest of his life, and he can't hold important positions. He can only be a rich man for the rest of his life.

Is Miyamoto Hozo willing?
Of course he was unwilling, even with his city mansion, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth at this moment, and his nails dug into the flesh fiercely.

However, after a while, he exhaled and slumped back on the sofa, his face pale.

What if she doesn't want to, Mei Miyamoto, who has awakened the blood of Amaterasu, is born with the support of many branches of the Miyamoto family, and the elders are also on her side. Strength is also like a cart with the arms of a mantis.

This point can be seen from the fact that none of the children have been able to resist successfully for so many years.

"Why, you just gave up?" Long Yi asked.

"So what if I don't give up, unless I can get the support of the Ikegami family or the Shimada family, but how is that possible."

The three giants have been passed down for thousands of years, so naturally there is a set of rules, and the most important one is not to interfere with the other two's family affairs.

And even if one of them can be persuaded, Miyamoto Treasure will be cut off from the Miyamoto family, and by then there will be no hope.

"What if I help you?" Long Yi leaned forward, spit out the devil's temptation.

Miyamoto Treasure was taken aback for a moment, and took a look: "You?"

Long Yi is a trainer at the level of a heavenly king, and one of the best, but facing the behemoth Miyamoto family, this point is not enough.

"Even if you are the champion, how can you help me?" Miyamoto Homono shook his head.

"I can help you get a chance." Long Yi said.

Without power, there is no right to speak, this is the unchanging truth.

The king is not enough, but the strength of the champion is barely enough.

Even the Miyamoto family would not rashly offend people of this level.

"The point is, is Mei Miyamoto herself really willing to quit?"

If Mei Miyamoto is really unwilling to be the head of the family, and Miyamoto Treasure itself has the support of champion-level figures, then he does have a glimmer of hope.

"It's hard..." Miyamoto Hozo said.

No one knows the difficulty better than him, but it does have the possibility of success, and this possibility made his breathing uncontrollably heavy.

"It's difficult, but it doesn't mean it can't be achieved, does it?" Long Yi laughed.

He knew that half of his plan had been completed.

(End of this chapter)

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