Chapter 440
A pair of invisible big hands grabbed Long Yi's heart with Yu Zaoqian's moan, making him unable to control himself in the moment of life and death.

However, in Long Yi's atrium, there is not only the heart.

Relying on the condensed construction of "800 Million Divine Acuity Skills", the momentum of the offering fire is scorching. The volcano where Fragnaros lived erupted loudly, and the jet-black thick smoke with the smell of sulfur rose straight into the trachea, and sprayed from Long Yi's nostrils. Out, billowing magma flowed, and the huge half of the flame lord's body protruded from the crater, roaring upwards.

At the same time, Fire Born Earth, because of Ragnaros' riot, Sun Wukong, who was sitting in the Temple of the Five Viscera, also opened his eyes. Jian jumped up and slashed down heavily in front of him.

"Bah! Eat my old grandson!"


"Blocking a car with a mantis' arm, I really overestimate my capabilities." Satoshi Miyamoto smiled disdainfully.

It was only a split second before Yuzao groaned, but after that second, the two embarrassed guards, the jealous Matsumoto, the jealous Miyamoto Treasure, and the silent Long Yi all became quiet, their eyes fluttered, their bodies froze. But he didn't dare to move a little bit, a lot of cold sweat broke out from his forehead and back.

This nine-tailed fox, Tamamo, is really one of the most powerful demons in the world. Ever since he begged Meizi to help him tame this Tamamo, Tomo Miyamoto has never met anyone who can resist him.

Even the so-called champion trainers are still weak mortals, and they are also vulnerable in front of Yuzao.

Therefore, although the Miyamoto family has unique innate conditions and has a large number of secret skills, combination secret skills and even nirvana to choose from, it still does not change the situation policy with Onmyoji as the main body.

As for the lineage of the main family, as long as someone who has awakened the Amaterasu God's bloodline succeeds him, even if the three great demons come together, they will obediently bow their heads and bow down as ministers, and they are not afraid of rebellion by the branch lines.

As for the situation like Shigeru Miyamoto's generation without awakeners, the branch can't get the three top-level demons as shikigami.

And other monsters, even big ones, are vulnerable in front of the divine weapon Yin-Yang Mirror, and can be killed with a backhand.

It is precisely this that has ensured the prosperity of the Miyamoto family for thousands of years!

However, all this has changed today.

"Bah! Eat my old grandson!"

A monkey's head suddenly popped out of Long Yi's body, and with a loud shout, the golden cudgel weighing [-] catties fell on his head, and Yuzao screamed before him, backed up again and again, his beautiful jade face rose There was a cloud of clouds, and two lines of nosebleeds flowed down the skin and left in the mouth.

Because the witchcraft was broken, Yuzao was seriously injured in the previous meeting. At the same time, the rest of the people were all exposed to the nightmare state, and they all broke out in cold sweat and breathed heavily.

This nightmare technique was originally a spell used against people who were weak in energy and spirit but in high positions, and it was extremely easy to backfire.It's a pity that Satoshi Miyamoto's life was too smooth before, so he took this method with the least sign but the best effect, but he didn't want to be self-defeating and forget about Long Yi.

Being broken at this moment, the inexperienced him suddenly felt at a loss.

"Bone Fighting Dragon!"

The dragon raised one hand, and a huge, ferocious, and terrifying elf appeared in front of him. It was the number one thug, Bone Fighting Dragon.

After inheriting the legacy of Ares, Bone Fighting Dragon jumped directly to become the number one fighting force in Long Yi's hands. Even the terrifying serpent Yemengard had to stand aside, and his fighting power was not insignificant.

The Bone Fighting Dragon is about [-] meters tall, and it can already touch the ceiling here. It is covered with a white exoskeleton armor. Under the hideous helmet bones are two blood-red eyes, just like monsters in monster movies. daunting.

Such an elf is not a monster, but it is more shocking than a monster!
"Tomo Miyamoto, let your Tamamoto get out of the way, or you will fight later and destroy the old house of the Miyamoto family. You can't afford the consequences."

Long Yi said leisurely.

His mighty power belongs to himself, both elves and personal combat power are approaching the apex of this world, if he really falls out, he will pat his ass and leave, leaving behind a pale association for the Miyamoto family to take revenge.

Does the Miyamoto family dare to go too far?

dare not!

Long Yi was so anxious, he hid himself and secretly attacked, cut his flesh and let blood out, after a long time even the family as strong as Miyamoto would fall apart!

But Satoshi Miyamoto was different.

Everything he got was given by the Miyamoto family, and he angered the elders who were in power. Without anything else, just taking back Yuzao, plus the family law service, it was enough for him to drink a pot.

Therefore, comparing the two, it is definitely Satoshi Miyamoto who is restrained.

But it was also the elder's order to stop Miyamoto's treasure, and Miyamoto Zhi didn't dare to let it go, and if he let him go, he couldn't eat and walk around.

"If this place collapses, you can't get rid of Miyamoto Treasure!" Miyamoto Satoshi hurriedly said, dragging Miyamoto Treasure into the water.

After finishing speaking, afraid of what the dragon would say again, he directly ordered Yuzao to attack: "Fire demon method-annihilation!"

A fireball appeared above Yuzao's head, and a baby's face could be vaguely seen in it, crying loudly and making strange noises.

This is a demon fire, a ghost fire!

The fireball shot out, and when it got close to the Bone Fighting Dragon, it suddenly let out a scream, and annihilated into a puff of blue smoke.

Tomo Miyamoto's eyes were sharp, and he vaguely saw a layer of transparent air waves wrapping the Bone Fighting Dragon. It was this air wave that attacked and wiped out the baby fire.

This is the secret technique from the god of war Ares, the force field of the god of war!
In the God of War force field, the opponent has to go through time after time of irregular will shocks, and only a strong enough will can be exempted from this kind of mental attack.

Unfortunately, although the baby fire is powerful, this aspect is its biggest weakness, so it was wiped out in an instant.

However, the attack in front of Yuzao was not over. When the baby fire flew out, two new fireballs had condensed on the top of its head, one with the face of a little girl inside, and the other with the face of a beautiful girl. The same thing is that these two faces are all ferocious, with blood and tears in their eyes, and their screams are terrifying.

Girl fire!Girl fire!

The two fireballs were also wiped out by the God of War's power field, but the girl fire was able to slightly resist this mental shock and rushed into the aura for a certain distance.

Another fireball condensed, this time the face inside was that of a middle-aged woman.

Women fire!
Naturally, Long Yi is not a person who only takes beatings and does not fight back, but what he said just now was naturally to scare Miyamoto Tomo, and he would not destroy this ancestral house to anger the behemoth of Miyamoto's family if it was not necessary.

Glancing at the Bone Fighting Dragon, the dragon gave an order.

"Use the energy lightsaber."

This is a secret technique similar to the Spark Sky Dragon Sword and the Dragon King Blade. It can use energy to condense corresponding weapons. It is more advanced than the Spark Sky Dragon Sword and slightly inferior to the Dragon King Blade, but it has a wider scope of application. Almost all elves with attributes can learn.

After Long Yi got it, he made some improvements to the Bone Fighting Dragon.

Two blue lights were generated in the hands of Bone Fighting Dragon, forming two thick and long big bone sticks.

As a Bone Fighting Dragon evolved from Gala Gala, although he already belongs to a completely different race of elves, his love for bone sticks has not changed.

With a stick at hand, the woman's fire was scattered, and the Bone Fighting Dragon immediately charged towards Yu Zaoqian.

At this moment, the fifth fireball had condensed above Yuzao's head.

Among the flames, there appeared an old woman's face.

Grandma is on fire!
This is no longer an ordinary attack, just this ball of Granny Fire, if it is abandoned somewhere by Yuzao, it will transform into a ghost with the same name in a short time.

Therefore, the power of grandma fire has risen to another level.

Seeing this, Bone Fighting Dragon waved his bone club expressionlessly, and intersected with the flying fireball.

Completely different from the few fireballs that were annihilated before, the will within the grandma's fire can no longer be defeated by a single mental shock, so it exploded instantly at the moment the two sides touched.

The violent vibration caused a large amount of dust to fall from the ancient castle. Amidst the flames and dust, the unscathed Bone Fighting Dragon rushed out, facing Yuzao, who was holding his chest with both hands.

In front of Yuzao's predecessor, the sixth group of flames had already appeared. The flames were pale in color and had the sound of a skull.


There was a beautiful sound in front of Yuzao, and the skeleton fire collided with the bone fighting dragon that was close at hand. The moment the two sides touched, a layer of pale flames passed by, and the exoskeleton armor that was not injured by the explosion of the grandmother fire instantly became overwhelmed. Creaking and moaning, gaps were cracked.

The Bone Fighting Dragon's exoskeleton armor instantly turned into bone powder and exploded, exposing the pink-skinned body inside.

(End of this chapter)

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