Chapter 441
"The defense is so powerful?"

Satoshi Miyamoto's face was smug, but he was secretly surprised in his heart.

You must know that this annihilation fire seems to be an understatement, but it is already one of Yuzao's most proud demon techniques, and its attack power is very strong.

Ordinary element-level elves might not be able to withstand this move even if they use defensive secret skills, but the Bone Fighting Dragon in front of him didn't even use secret skills, and directly used its own bone armor to resist the attack.

Although the armor was damaged, the result was already amazing!

Gong Benzhi didn't know, Long Yi was also secretly startled.

"What a strong Yuzao! The Bone Fighting Dragon's Bone Armor is blessed by the God of War, and its defensive power is no less than the top defensive secret skill, yet it was shattered by one move."

"This kind of destructive power has already surpassed the limit of secret skills! Although it has not yet reached the threshold of nirvana, it is very close."

"We must fight quickly!"

Although Long Yi obtained the legacy of Ares, the god of war, it was nothing more than a series of secret skills and a nirvana suitable for the elements of a god of war. Although his attack had officially reached the champion level, he could only rely on his defense and recovery. Cheats.

Champions are also different from champions. According to Long Yi's vision, the mainstream of this world, the truly top champion spirits, should possess physical melee, physical long-range, energy melee, and energy long-range attacks, plus defense, recovery, movement, Nirvana skills with nine different effects, assist and burst, can be regarded as the pinnacle of a champion.

Long Yi's Bone Fighting Dragon can only be regarded as just crossing the threshold at present.

Therefore, facing Tamazao, who also has high offense and low defense, it is necessary to make a quick decision and use offense against offense.

The thought in his heart was certain, and it was immediately transmitted to Bone Fighting Dragon's heart along the spiritual link. The tender red skin exposed under the latter's armor suddenly began to swell red, thick tendons bulged one after another, and two groups of hot flames screamed. All of a sudden, he rose from the energy weapon in his hand.

Bone Fighting Dragon—Revenge Form!
Bone Fighting Dragon has two states. Usually, its attributes are ground and fighting. However, once the revenge form is turned on, not only the attributes will change to the ground/fire system, but even the elemental abilities will change.

And this form is also the first time that Long Yi has shown the Bone Fighting Dragon in front of the world.

The Bone Fighting Dragon's eyeballs burning with two flames moved slightly, and with a hissing sound, its crimson thick tail with ferocious bone spurs shot out like a sharp arrow, directly piercing the front of Yuzao.

The pierced jade algae turned into a cloud of flames and scattered.

As a top demon who is good at sorcery, how could Tamamo-mae be defenseless against his fragile body?
This flame substitute technique is enough to make 99% of the attacks fail.

"On top!" Long said.

Bone Fighting Dragon looked up and saw Yuzao on the ceiling, two bone sticks crossed directly in front of him.

The ultimate move - flame cross cut!

At the same time as it made a move, a heartbeat sounded, and an identical phantom of the God of War appeared behind the Bone Fighting Dragon.

This is the superposition of secret skills and combat intent obtained by Long Yi from the alliance supercomputer. It is an auxiliary secret skill, which can make all the attacks of Bone Fighting Dragon carry a spiritual impact, and the power is doubled.

However, at this time, this auxiliary secret skill, combined with the auxiliary secret skill combat intent boost from Ares, and the auxiliary secret skill War God's Heart, immediately exerted an effect of 1+1+1 greater than 5.

The increase in fighting will can double the power of all secret skills related to fighting will!

Using the combination of the battle will boost and the superposition of the War God's Heart and the War God's Heart, any attack of Bone Fighting Dragon will be doubled by the powerful battle will stored in the War God's Heart, instantly surpassing all attack secret skills, and the attack power breakthrough secret skill can The limit reached, but slightly inferior to the nirvana.

This combination of secret skills can be called a pseudo nirvana!

Tomo Miyamoto's eyelids twitched, startled by the momentum of this flame cross cut, and quickly ordered: "Demon method - Naruto clone!"

Yuzao screamed in front of him. Facing such a strong enemy, he finally couldn't maintain the beauty's hometown, so he let out a scream, exposing the essence of the demon.

This point alone is enough to greatly reduce Yu Zaoqian's charm-type magic.

One after another, the red transparent jade algae fled in all directions from where it was located. The Bone Fighting Dragon couldn't tell the truth from reality, and the flaming cross sword energy went forward without hesitation, and directly hit the roof of the castle. In the explosion, large pieces of bluestone Was blasted to pieces.

"How dare you..." Miyamoto Zhi screamed.

Not only Miyamoto Satoshi, Miyamoto Treasure and Matsumoto's name also couldn't believe that Long Yi dared to destroy the most sacred ancestral house of the Miyamoto family.

This is because the entire Miyamoto family is an enemy! ! !
But Long Yi scoffed at this.

Originally, if he had the upper hand, he could indeed make the Bone Fighting Dragon restrain his strength, but Yu Zaoqian on the opposite side had the strength to kill the Bone Fighting Dragon, how could he be restrained in front of such an opponent?

What's the difference between that and sticking your neck under someone else's knife!
For example, this time, no one thought that the Bone Fighting Dragon would be so strong, and Yuzao didn't expect it, so after a moment of surprise, the flame shadow clone suddenly showed its flaws.

With a move of Long Yi's eyebrows, a green vine burst out from the gap between the green bricks, and directly tied one of the jade algae tightly.

That is indeed Tamamo Mae's real body!

"Nirvana - kill me!"

Two golden rays of light shot out from the Bone Fighting Dragon's eyes, which directly entered the eyes of Nine-Tailed Fox Yuzaoqian.

The violent heartbeat could be heard as clearly as a drum beating, and a small Bone Fighting Dragon visible to the naked eye flew out of the skull of the Bone Fighting Dragon, and rushed directly into Yuzao's head along the golden light.

The Bone Fighting Dragon's revenge form is already in a very extreme fighting state. This is an extreme form in exchange for a powerful attacking ability like flames after abandoning the heavy defense.

However, this nirvana obtained from Ares is life and death, but it is the extreme of extremes!
Gather all the energy, physical strength, and potential in the body, engulf the soul, thoughts, and will, and transform into a phantom of a god of war to rush into the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, and directly engage in the most dangerous will struggle.

This is a real life-and-death skill, only the death of one party can end, there is no third result!
"I won." Long Yi said.

Even though the nine-tailed fox Yuzao's demonic powers are powerful, although the numerous fire-type magical arts have not yet been used, the clue can be seen just by looking at the move of annihilating the fire.

But being strong in demons doesn't mean having a strong soul or a strong will.

For a monster like it that likes to rely on charm to control others, its soul is indeed powerful, but its will is not.

Only those who have unbearable past in their hearts will be in this form, and Yuzaoqian is no exception, which can be seen from the conditions of its arrival.

The peerless beauty died of injustice?

As peerless beauties, how many of them have a strong will?

it doesn't.

But Bone Fighting Dragon has it!

For an elf, the most important thing is the enlightenment element, the previous evolution is just a small leap, and everyone pays attention to instantly changing the character of an elf, let alone the most critical element, which can be called the enlightenment of the carp leaping over the dragon's gate.

Therefore, no matter what the Bone Fighting Dragon was like before, whether he was a troublemaker or a crybaby, he has been an out-and-out God of War from the moment he enlightened the elements of the God of War.

God of War, victorious in every battle, with a will as strong as steel.

Therefore, Long Yi already knew the result from before and after the special move successfully hit Yuzao.

Sure enough, just as he thought, after a few seconds, the light dimmed and some Bone Fighting Dragon souls returned, but Yu Zaoqian fell limply to the ground, and the light turned back into a nine-tailed one in a flash.

That nine tails, with rotten hair and riddled with holes, had already died for an unknown amount of time.

"You! You actually killed my Tamamoto!" Tomo Miyamoto covered his chest, suppressing the throbbing pain in his heart, and shouted in disbelief with his face full of big men.

Thanks to the help of Miyamoto Mei and Yin Yang Jing, he and Tamamo-mae have an equal relationship and a support relationship, so the damage caused by the latter's return to the Bitter Swamp is far less than the injury caused by Matsumoto's name when Mirage died.

If so, without the Nine-Tailed Fox, Tomo Miyamoto's status in the Miyamoto family will inevitably plummet, and he will never regain the prestige he once had.

After all, even if Miyamoto Mei is willing to help, there is no second Tamamoto in this world for him to control.

"Kill it, kill it, what can you do to me?"

"If you dare to stop us again, believe it or not, you will be killed too!" Long Yi said threateningly, but Miyamoto Satoshi's words froze, and he suddenly felt in a dilemma.

Stop it, he can't stop it, and his life is in danger.

If he didn't stop him, Treasure Miyamoto rushed up. Afterwards, the old man settled the matter, and he couldn't bear to walk around.

At this moment, a faint sigh came from the stairs.

"Brother, why are you here?"

A beautiful figure came slowly, although she was not as glamorous as Yuzaoqian, she was only slightly inferior, but compared with the latter, this is a genuine human being!
Mei Miyamoto finally showed up.

(End of this chapter)

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