Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 442 Death

Chapter 442 Death


Miyamoto Satoshi looked awkward and stepped out of the way, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Miyamoto Mei stepped forward, although it destroyed the original plan of those elders, it was better than continuing to be in a dilemma.

Long took a look at Miyamoto Mei, who looked more plump because of the years, like a peach that would squeeze out water with a light squeeze, and also stepped out of the way.

Even though he has the strongest strength among all the people present, he should not be the protagonist at this time.


Miyamoto Treasure stood up.

To be honest, he was really envious of Mei Miyamoto and Tomo Miyamoto. The two brothers and sisters really absorbed the greatest advantages of their mothers.

Miyamoto Hozo itself is also very handsome, but compared with these two, his appearance is obviously at a disadvantage. Obviously, he inherited his father Shigeru Miyamoto's appearance a bit more genetically.

"elder brother."

Miyamoto Mei and Miyamoto Treasure met each other's eyes, looking at each other silently.

After a brief silence, it was Miyamoto Mei who finally spoke first: "Brother, do you really want to be the head of the Miyamoto family?"

Miyamoto Mei's tone was a little sad. She hadn't felt much love from her father since she was a child, and since her mother passed away, she often felt a deep loneliness.

Even though her aunt and cousin's family seemed to care about her, Miyamoto Mei knew that they were only doing it for the Amaterasu God's blood in her body.

They think they are young and don't remember things when they were young, but they don't know that Mei Miyamoto has been wise since she was a child, and she has a panoramic view of her aunt's family.

The only ones that Mei Miyamoto really considers as relatives are Miyamoto Treasure and her best friend Shimada Ye.

However, Shimada Ye was controlled by the ancient spirit god contained in Yaodao Buyu when he broke through the momentum. Although he was rescued in the end, his personality was affected after all, and it was difficult to recover.

Now, even the last brother has to break with her because of the position of the patriarch, which makes Miyamoto Mei even more sad.

However, Miyamoto Treasure's next words were far beyond her expectations.


There seemed to be light in Miyamoto's eyes: "You are wrong Mei, I don't care about the position of Patriarch at all."

"What I care about is the Miyamoto family itself! It is the inheritance of the master's family!"

"Mei, I have known since I was a child that you are smarter and more capable than me. If you are willing to be the head of the Miyamoto family wholeheartedly, then I will definitely support you unconditionally."

"But if you are just being pushed and reluctantly become the head of the family, then even if I risk my life, I will compete with you for the position of the head of the family!"

"Brother..." Miyamoto Mei asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

She couldn't figure it out, what's the difference?

Miyamoto Hozo sighed, and said, "Mei, a patriarch without the spirit of struggle is like a puppet, which will inevitably lead to the loss of power."

"For example, Satoshi Miyamoto, now he is your cousin, but if his Tamamozen was not killed today, when you become the head of the family, he will 100% become a family leader in a few decades!"

Miyamoto Satoshi looked ugly, this was his original goal in life.

Miyamoto Baozang didn't even look at him, and continued: "Your generation may not see anything, but what about the next generation? What about the next generation? If there is an old man who is attached to power, he will let your wise and capable descendants take office, or Let an ordinary descendant take office?"

This is the most fundamental interest issue. Even the family rules of a thousand-year-old family cannot restrain the greed of human nature.

What's more, the history books are written by the victors. How many people will know the truth and care about what happened in those years after dozens or hundreds of years?

In the end, Miyamoto Treasurer sent out a soul question: "Mei, do you know why the old man appeared?"

"Do you know that other than the head of the main family, other children are not allowed to have children, and why?"

This is the content in the family book of the Miyamoto family. Miyamoto Mei blurted out: "Of course it is to ensure the purity of the main family and prevent family fighting."

"I do not believe!"

The three characters of Miyamoto Treasure are like three heavy hammers, which are so arrogant that they crush a dark wall that Miyamoto Mei has deliberately ignored somewhere in her heart.

Deng Deng Deng!
Miyamoto Mei took three steps back, her face was pale, and various complex expressions flashed one after another.

"Dare to question the family rules and instigate outsiders to destroy the ancestral house and the Miyamoto treasure. Are you a vegetarian in the Miyamoto family's family law?"

An old voice came from the end of the passage. Accompanied by the sound of aggressive crutches, a skinny old vulture man with dry skin and gorgeous clothes slowly walked over.

He is one of the current elders of the Miyamoto family, the second branch of Miyamoto Godano!
"Old man."

Miyamoto Mea and Miyamoto Tomo hurriedly saluted, while Miyamoto Treasure, Matsumoto Nashita and Long Yi remained unmoved.

"In front of outsiders, I even forgot the etiquette. It seems that Mao San really spoils you too much."

"Come here, take the treasure of Miyamoto and lock it in the ancestral hall."

In this kind of big family, confinement in the ancestral hall is generally equivalent to confinement, allowing them to reflect. Although the punishment is not heavy, it is of great significance.

And at this time, if they were imprisoned in the ancestral hall, there would really be no hope for Miyamoto Treasure.

"And you, Matsumoto and Miyazaki Ryuichi, are just two dogs of our Miyamoto family, who actually wanted to turn against their master, breaking their legs and throwing them out."

As soon as the words fell, two warriors jumped out from behind Miyamoto Godano, walking towards Long Yi and the others.

These two people are not at the same level as the guards who were at the top of the stairs before, but they are genuine courage-level warriors. Their spirit, energy and spirit are integrated into one. Even they can fight head-on with elemental-level elves. They are the real high-level fighters of the Miyamoto family. force.

It's a pity that this kind of character is now being used against the eldest son of the main line of the Miyamoto family and his helpers.

"Master Treasure, come with me."

One samurai grabbed Miyamoto's treasure with his bare hands, while the other grinned ferociously, drew his sword in his hand, and raised his hand to Long Yi and Matsumoto's name.

One way, slash in anger!
Knife light!
There seemed to be the sound of the tide of the sea in front of my eyes, a cyan knife light brazenly broke through the terrifying tsunami, roaring and attacked Long Yi and Matsumoto, wanting to cut off their legs with a single blow.

"Old man, please forgive brother once." Miyamoto Mei shouted hastily, but Miyamoto Godano was completely unmoved.

"Ah! Snow Demon Girl!"

Matsumoto's name turned pale with shock, but before his shikigami could make a move, an ordinary hand firmly grasped the saber light in his hand.

"Old man, who do you call a dog?"

There was a chill in Long Yi's tone, and he exerted force with his five fingers, only to hear a bang, and the cyan knife light shattered into pieces and turned into light spots.

"Five elements circulate, soul and flesh unite, eat me with Taizu's long fist!"

Just hearing two slaps, the two warriors who had condensed their own vigor were suddenly abandoned in the air, their eyes burst out, and they felt that the perfect vigor in their bodies was torn apart in an instant.

In the form of revenge, the Bone Fighting Dragon let out a low growl, and the three auxiliary secret skills were activated at the same time, increasing the ordinary bone stick stabbing to the level of Taoist nirvana.

After hearing two puffs, the two warriors exploded into two pools of blood mist in mid-air, leaving no bones left.

Although a spirit-level samurai can rival an elemental-level elf, it also depends on who the opponent is.

Compared with the Bone Fighting Dragon who has a pseudo nirvana for any move?

That's really the difference between an egg and a rock.

"good very good!"

"How many years, how many years have no one dared to provoke the Miyamoto family?"

"Just a champion-level element-level elf, do you think I don't have one?"

Miyamoto Godaono smiled coldly, and threw a poke ball casually, and Geng Gui with pink shining hair suddenly appeared.

"Nirvana-Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night!"

Miyamoto Godano's expression froze, and he lowered his head slowly, only to see a green vine piercing his heart from behind like a javelin.

"A hopeless idiot." Long Yi said.

With a plop, Miyamoto Godano's body fell to the ground and gradually became colder.As for his Geng Gui, Long Yi took it back into the elf ball before he could exert his champion-level elf strength, unable to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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