Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 443 The Dust Settles

Chapter 443 The Dust Settles

Long Yi looked at the elf ball in his hand, sneered, and casually threw the elf ball to Miyamoto Treasure.

Although Miyamoto Godano has a genuine champion-level elf in his hands, he himself is just an old man on the verge of death.In this situation, let alone Long Yi, even an ordinary person with a gun can kill him with one shot.

As for the champion-level Shining Geng Ghost, this kind is completely a strategic material, and it is naturally difficult to take away the elf Ryuichi who is the most important heritage of the Miyamoto family, so the best choice is to throw it to Miyamoto Treasure.

Naturally, Miyamoto Takano will not let go of such a powerful force that is at his fingertips.

The death of Miyamoto Godano indicates that the greatest power of the old house of the Miyamoto family has been wiped out by Long Yi. From now on, there is no power in the old house that can stop Treasure Miyamoto from seizing power, even if Mei Miyamoto suddenly wants to fight for the head of the family. The position is the same.

And the death of the old man also pushed Miyamoto Treasure to the cliff, so he had to bite the bullet and walk all the way to the dark, with no possibility of repentance.

With the assistance of Ryuichi and Matsumoto, Treasure Miyamoto quickly grasped the power of the old mansion. A series of opposition forces including Satoshi Miyamoto were imprisoned, and all communication was cut off, whether it was Yin Yang Dao, electronic communication, martial arts ninja, etc. Or elf messengers are strictly blocked.

Afterwards, Miyamoto Hozo secretly summoned his supporters to the old house, further stabilizing his position.

Of course, Miyamoto Godano is not the only champion trainer in the Miyamoto family, but the symbolic significance of the old house is greater than the actual benefits, so several other champion trainers are guarding in various important areas, maintaining the operation of the huge Miyamoto family. .

Among them, there are two elders belonging to the branch line, two pillars of the younger generation, and one enshrined by a foreign surname who has defected to the Miyamoto family.

These five Chinese and foreign surnames and one of the younger generation supported Treasure Miyamoto, plus the champion-level Shining Geng Ghost and Long Yi he had just tamed, the strength in his hand was already enough to suppress the situation.

He then pretended to be Miyamoto Godano's hand letter, thinking that Shigeru Miyamoto was seriously ill and his life was dying, and news of suspicious movements in Miyamoto Treasure brought the three champion trainers and several key members of the old family to the old house. Unintentionally, a simple plan completely disintegrated these biggest threats.

So far, Miyamoto Takano’s campaign to seize the head of the family has finally come to a successful conclusion. Witnessed by his own people and the elders who have been deprived of all power, Miyamoto Treasure took off Miyamoto Shigeru from the hospital bed to symbolize the patriarch’s death. The status ring was solemnly worn on his hands.

"See the master!"

The atmosphere in the large ward was solemn, and the two champion trainers who supported Treasure Miyamoto spoke loudly at the first time.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and as voices sounded, the defeated party finally joined the bowing team, and everyone expressed their submission.

"Good! Good! Hahaha!"

Hozo Miyamoto laughed loudly, years of panic completely dissipated at this moment, he changed from his usual attire in a very formal dress today, although he seemed to know the situation, but a trace of majesty had already emerged from his body .

In the corner, only the pale-faced Miyamoto Mei was secretly sad, watching Shigeru Miyamoto whose electrocardiogram had completely returned to zero on the bed, weeping silently.


The death of Miyamoto Shigeru could not affect the fiery atmosphere of Miyamoto's family. After a grand banquet, the first thing Miyamoto Hozo did when he took office was naturally to reward meritorious deeds.

As the former high-level members of the Miyamoto family who supported Takara Miyamoto, the power in the hands of Miyamoto Ao and Baoshan Koten almost doubled. Although most of this was because there was no suitable confidant to take over for the time being, the benefits they got in the short term Undoubtedly amazing.

Other mid-level and high-level people have their own rewards.

And the treatment under the name of "Minister of the Dragon" Matsumoto is naturally rising. Miyamoto Treasure promises to build him a three-dimensional demon subjugation in the future, and is responsible for leading the team of onmyojis in the Miyamoto family.

Finally, it was Long Yi's turn.

"Long Yi, I was able to escape the catastrophe this time and successfully became the patriarch of the Miyamoto family. You can say that you have contributed a lot. If you have any requests, just say so, and I will definitely find a way to satisfy you."

Sitting on the main seat, Miyamoto Ao is on the left, and Baoshan Guangtian is on the right. Miyamoto Treasure, who still holds the champion-level Geng Gui and the champion-level Violent Salamander, did not turn his face and deny people, but said very generously .

As if he didn't see Miyamoto Qing and Baoshan Guangtian who were staring at him, Long Yi smiled naturally, and said: "My request is very simple, I want to watch the learning methods of all the secret skills and ultimate skills of the Miyamoto family, as well as The relevant knowledge of the elements and the head of the above."

Knowledge has always been the rarest thing to come by, especially when the general environment has been stabilized, the alliance has no foreign aggression, and countless capitals and forces are entrenched.

Money, women, rights, etc. Don't say that Long Yi doesn't lack, even if he is missing, he won't choose him. What he wants is the most core inheritance of the Miyamoto family besides the blood and the artifact 'Yin Yang Mirror'!
This is also the only reason why he meddled in the disturbance of the Miyamoto family!

The day of Jirachi's arrival is approaching, and Long Yi has been trained in martial arts to the point where he has faintly had the ability to foresight before the autumn wind moves. He can feel that if he doesn't make great progress in a short period of time, when Jirachi arrives, Almost certain death!


"Absolutely impossible!"

As soon as Long Yi's words fell, Miyamoto Treasure hadn't opened his mouth yet, Miyamoto Qing who was at the side jumped up, and several middle and high-level members of the Miyamoto family also scolded.

On the other hand, Baoshan Guangtian squinted his eyes and did not speak.

"Patriarch, secret skills and nirvana are the foundation of our Miyamoto family. Although Long Yi's contribution is great, this matter must not be allowed!"

Miyamoto Baozang showed embarrassment, "But I already boasted about Haikou just now, Long Yi, do you really have no other requests?"

Long Yi shook his head, an invisible sword light flashed in his eyes, and Miyamoto Qing, who was about to continue speaking, suddenly froze, as if he fell into the crater when he was young, and woke up a wild Xidoran and was stared at coldly by him. illusion.

The goose bumps on his neck suddenly appeared one by one, and he felt a strong sense of fear that his neck would be wiped off on the spot if he dared to say a word.

He knew that it was Long Yi who made the move, and among all the people present, only this person nicknamed Terrible Snake Lord possessed such terrifying martial arts attainments, not only regretted his reckless move just now.

Miyamoto Ao didn't speak, and several other members of the Miyamoto family who were not in the same position also sensed something was wrong, and they were all sweating and fidgeting.

Miyamoto Hozo seemed not aware of the inappropriate atmosphere in the room. After a moment of silence, he said: "Okay, I'll beat you."

As soon as these words came out, the tense atmosphere in the room suddenly relaxed, and several Miyamoto family members heaved a sigh of relief, feeling like they had narrowly escaped death.

"However, these materials are the most precious knowledge of the Miyamoto family after all. You can see it, and you can use it yourself, but you must never tell anyone other than you, or even leave notes." Miyamoto Treasure added.

"Yes." Long Yi has nothing to do with it.

As soon as this remark came out, even Miyamoto Qing no longer expressed strong opposition.

After all, no matter how strong Long Yi is, he is still only one person. After a hundred years, he will not be the same as Huang Tuyi. He cannot shake the foundation of the Miyamoto family in front of him, and it doesn't matter after his death. Compared with other efforts, knowledge with conditions is actually is the cheapest.

At this point, the celebration banquet finally came to an end. Although it cannot be said that everyone was satisfied, at least almost everyone got what they wanted.

As for the losers?
Who cares about them?

That night, Long Yi plunged into the core library of Miyamoto's family, reading all kinds of knowledge that is hard to buy in the world.

The rotten secret skills like the Sparkling Dragon Sword and Flame Armor are only the lowest level here, and no one even learns them. He is dazzled by all kinds of powerful secret skills, and there are even no less than double-digit nirvana!

While Long Yi was obsessed with knowledge, a sneaky figure quietly pushed open the secret door of the study.


Matsumoto bowed slightly towards the sofa chair with his back facing him, only feeling that Miyamoto Hozo's majesty was stronger every time.

"It's under my name, what's the matter so late?"

Miyamoto Hozo turned around and said, he was still reading at such a late hour, with a pair of pocket glasses on his face, he looked more elegant than during the day.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi is so arrogant and rude, now the overall situation is settled, do we..."

He quietly made a gesture of wiping his neck.


Miyamoto Takano frowned, and scolded: "Long Yi is the most precious friend of our Miyamoto family, what are you talking about, get out of here!"

"This..." Matsumoto was dumbfounded.

"Do you want me to say it a second time?"

Hearing the impatience in Miyamoto Hozo's tone, although Matsumoto Nakata was puzzled, he hurriedly left.

Miyamoto Treasure shook his head, put down the book in his hand, and squeezed the space between his eyebrows.

"It's an idiot to want revenge without even knowing who the opponent is."

That book is the diary of the most powerful head of the Miyamoto family in history. It records all kinds of powerful enemies he has encountered, including a martial artist who is at the peak of the second level of the divine way.

Such a person is no different from a humanoid beast!

And when the divine beast has the wisdom of a human being, the danger to deal with him is at least ten times higher!
At least Miyamoto Takano is not going to destroy the 'friendship' with Long Yi until he is absolutely sure.

(End of this chapter)

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