Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 444 The Path of the Master

Chapter 444 The Path of the Master

"Beyond the elements, is there a way?"

Opening a notebook with a strong ink fragrance, Long Yi saw such a sentence at the beginning of the chapter, and immediately became refreshed.

Human beings' pursuit of the end is endless. Special powers such as qi, chakra, superpowers, and waveguide powers have been discovered from ordinary people, and momentum and courage have been explored from qi, and then the spirit shows the divine way, the momentum returns, Iwata Road and other genres.

The first stage, the second stage, and even the historical heroes who have reached the third stage of majesty, who knows if they are still thinking about whether there is a fourth stage?

The same goes for elf training.

The element is a vocabulary named by humans, but it symbolizes the beast in the wild elves, that is, the combat power of the legendary Pokémon when it grows up.

However, the combat power of legendary Pokémon is obviously very different. In addition to the relationship between the types of elements, whether the powerful beasts headed by the Phoenix King and Giratina are in the same position as the ordinary three holy birds and three holy pillars? What about at a higher level?

Based on this concept, human beings started research and named this higher realm as the head of the elves!

This is also the ultimate state that human trainers can achieve!

This notebook seems to be a summary of a certain ancestor of the Miyamoto family himself. Basically, he has listed all the paths of the head of the world in it. Even if it is a little secret and the details are not known, at least he knows the general idea.

For example, the third stage of the samurai's boldness and Shinto, such as the deeper awakening of the waveguide brave, such as the god-making based on the research of Fengwang and Rogia's path, such as the natural power of Fengyuan Sanshen, such as Sinnoh-san The world created by the gods also includes the prophetic knowledge of the Mijina Temple and the super nirvana created by humans in the Kanto area, which is a combination of several nirvana.

These were all Long Yi had heard before, and he even saw the associations of the Lost Hezhong region based on super evolution, which was named the research theory of ultimate evolution!
Among them, the ancestor of the Miyamoto family refuted the ultimate evolution as a fantasy, and listed the super nirvana as an ingenious obscene skill, and scolded that knowing the way before destroys human nature, and artificial gods do not know how to repent.

Only the powerful path based on human beings, the natural power of the three gods of Fengyuan, and the creation of the world by the three gods of Sinnoh are appreciated by him.

Leaving aside the roads of warriors and others, after all, talents, resources, luck are indispensable, and basically cannot be copied. Let's just talk about the cultivation of elves.

The power of nature is the unique energy of the Hoenen region, but this energy has been divided up by Rikuza, Kyoka and Gulardo since the super ancient times.

Kyoka occupies the power of the sea; Gulardon occupies the power of the earth, and Rikza enjoys the power of the sky.

The force of nature is not desirable, so in the view of the ancestor of the Miyamoto family, the only remaining and most reasonable way to enter the head of the world is Sinnoh's self-created world.

He believed that Sinnoh was the center of the world created by the creation god Arceus at that time, so the rules were the most stable and rich, and it was the best place to understand the self-created world.

But also because it is too perfect, the power of the world is not obvious, so the best way is to go to the end of the world to understand the superficial power of rules, and then lead out the Sinnoh space-time twin dragons to cause space-time turmoil, so that the power of rules of Sinnoh will be revealed, so that Only in order to perfect a better world.

And in the stage of enlightenment elements, the enlightenment element is the most suitable choice. In the case of abandoning the magical ability, the enlightenment element can amplify the elves' perception of the energy of the world and improve the elves' understanding.

It's a pity that his theory is too shocking and difficult. So far, no one has succeeded, and there are not even a few Miyamoto family members who have seen this notebook and tried it.

Miyamoto Mei is one of them, but she is still stuck on the one of understanding the world, and she is far away from success.

"Sense the rules and create your own world?" Long Yi closed the book and murmured.

This is indeed the most reasonable path among all the paths at present, but even though the prototype of the world has been obtained by relying on the system bestowed by Jiraki, it does not mean that Long Yi's elves have gone very far on this path.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of the existence of the system that Huiyuan and the others have never been exposed to attempts in this area. Although it is possible to learn quickly from a high-level view, who can say that understanding is accurate.

On the contrary, it's the anatomy of the city's god-making plan, which faintly agrees with Long Yi's own momentum, and there are many things that can be learned from and benefited a lot.

I read a few more books, basically they are the supplements of that notebook or the source of the original materials, the content is similar, and it doesn't help Long Yi any more.

"It's really impossible and there is no other way. I can only go to Shenao to try my luck. It hasn't been long since the last out-of-control shock. Maybe the power of the rules hasn't calmed down yet."

"Furthermore, with so many learning methods of secret skills and nirvana, they can learn several of them. As long as they can learn one or two, they will be able to fight back against Ji Laqi."

Long Yi can't help it either, after all, the head of the elves is the highest level of trainer, and the elements of enlightenment are already beyond ordinary people's imagination, and it will be even more difficult to go further.

He didn't even know if there were any master-level trainers alive in the world.

It is also because of the existence of various powerful beasts that human beings have not developed and exploited elves unscrupulously. What they are afraid of is the recurrence of the incident where King Feng burned the Bell Tower.

You must know that a single Phoenix King can almost make the alliance of an entire region unstoppable. If Fengyuan Sanfo, Space-time Shuanglong and so on come together, it will not be the end of the world?

"Huh? What is this?"

Long Yi opened a new leaf, with an illustration of a bead drawn on it, and next to it was written: The gem of life, the treasure that Arceus bestowed to the sage Damos in the legend, with five pieces of lightning, water, grass, earth, and dragon The genesis stone is fused together, and it is the highest sacred object of the Mijina Temple.

Each slab of creation symbolizes a law of creation. If you can get the gem of life, maybe it will make it easier for the elves to create their own world!

But it is a pity that the Life Treasure Jade is the most precious treasure of the Mijina Temple, and it is the cornerstone to ensure the prosperity of Mijina. Let alone borrowing it, even the chairman of the alliance will not be allowed to take a look at this treasure.

As the world's super power, the Mijina Temple of the country in the alliance is obviously not a role that can be manipulated at will.

Especially when there was a temple crisis in history, the event that the great sage summoned the two dragons of time and space to quell the crisis was even more dreadful.

"The Genesis Tablet?"

Long Yi suddenly remembered something, quickly picked up a book he had read before, and flipped through it.

"found it!"

"If you get this, it's not hopeless..."


Long Yi spent a full week nestled in the library of Miyamoto's family, using the system to copy all the books in, and personally looking through some notes he was interested in before walking out full of satisfaction.

The cooperation with Miyamoto's family has ended, and Long Yi, who got what he wanted, naturally wouldn't stay here to be an eyesore, after saying goodbye to Miyamoto Treasure, he rode the flame bird and left the old house of Miyamoto's family.


Ten days later, Desert City issued an emergency warning to arrest the prisoner, but they didn't even know the prisoner's face.

Three days later, the stolen treasure, the legendary Pot of Punishment that sealed the ancient demon god, was quietly returned to the Creation Valley, but there were three hideous cracks on the surface of the pot that was originally intact.

(End of this chapter)

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