Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 445 The New Year Comet Comes——The Wishing Star of Seven Nights!

Chapter 445 The Millennium Comet Comes——The Wishing Star of Seven Nights!
Three years later.

"The Millennium Comet, a comet with great power that is said to approach the elf world once every 1000 years, has an indescribable and wonderful connection with the legendary Pokemon Jirachi."

In the deep blue-black night sky, a huge comet dragged its long tail across the sky, bringing people great shock and visual impact.

"Even the remote footage via satellite is so beautiful, I don't know how fascinating it would be to see it in person in Farnes."

"And Jirachi, who is closely related to the Millennium Comet, should have awakened by now, right?"

Long Yi turned the chair, looked at the sky outside the study and muttered.

Ever since he knew that Ji Laqi was behind the system, he has been waiting for this day to come, whether it is life, death, success or failure.

The long wait and tremendous pressure were about to overwhelm him, which also directly led to his participation in the Miyamoto family's seizure of the throne, to gain more experience for himself to survive.

Fortunately, although Jirachi's cause is malicious, it can only fulfill wishes but cannot do whatever it wants. Therefore, the existence of the system is still very useful after getting rid of Jirachi's control, endowing Long Yi with many elves with superpowers. The unique learning ability and many special functions will not make the secret skills and nirvana at hand become waste paper.

And this day has finally arrived.

"Jiraqi, the game has begun, and it depends on who of us can have the last laugh."


At the same time, Farnese, a faraway land.

As the hometown of Jiraki, Farnes has been spreading the legend of Millennium Comet and Jiraki, and the incomparably rich stone forest is also a world-famous spectacular scenery.

This world is not as simple as in the theatrical version. Since there are elves like Jirachi and such legends, how can it be possible that they will not be coveted by humans?
Not to mention a mere elite member after the lava group shattered, even if the lava group and the water battle group went together in their heyday, they might not be able to take away Jiraki's sleeping crystal from Farnes.

Because this is the territory of the Chishang family, Fengyuan's three richest families among Fengyuan's three families and seven surnames!

Fengyuan's three masters each have their own artifacts. The Yin-Yang mirror of the Miyamoto family is the pinnacle of ancient Yin-Yang arts. Later, the trainers rose and Yin-Yang arts declined, and they never surpassed the glory of ancient times.

The Yaqianyunjian of the Shimada family is also the pinnacle product of the samurai in the Warring States Period. In that era, talented warriors and ninjas emerged in endlessly. Finally, in order to decide who is the best in the world, they gathered at Sendshen Mountain to start a struggle.

At that time, there were countless masters who died because of this. Finally, under the witness of countless vigor and vigor, the founder of the Shimada family won the title of the world's number one samurai. , created this legendary demon sword——Yaqianyunjian!
Compared with the above two, the ancestor of the Ikegami family is very lucky. He neither has the genius of the ancestors of the Miyamoto family, nor the invincible powerful force of the ancestors of the Shimada family. He just came to the right place at the right time. Picked up Jilaqi who was awakened after fusing the power of the Millennium Comet.

At that time, Jiraki fell into a deep sleep because of the huge power and will of the Millennium Comet. When it woke up after a thousand years, its mind almost degenerated into a child, and it accidentally exposed its ability to make wishes come true, so the ancestors of the Ikegami family got the ability Qiong Gouyu who contracted the world's elves.

If it weren't for Qiong Gouyu's power to not work against the Phantom Pokémon and the Legendary Pokémon, Jirachi would have been the elf of the Chishang family long ago.

Even so, Jirachi's sleeping crystals are also the forbidden property of the Ikegami family, waiting for the arrival of the second millennium.

However, what no one knows is that although the ancestors of the Chishang family got Qionggouyu at that time, it was the result of a deal with Ji Laqi. The content of the deal was that his third wish was that when Ji Laqi fell into a deep sleep next time, although his body Deep sleep, but the mind will remain awake.

Therefore, in the past 1000 years, Ji Laqi's IQ is no longer as simple as that of the newborn, and he has made several attempts in the middle of the way by using the Millennium Comet to approach the elf world a few times.

Long Yi's system, Ares' reincarnation space, etc., are all its masterpieces.

And all of this, the current head of the Ikegami family is still ignorant.

The purple crystals shone under the light of the Millennium Comet. Amidst the ripples, a very cute Pokémon appeared in midair. It was steel and super power attributes. It found a new way to reach the first level of God War The powerful fantasy Pokémon, Jiraqi!

"Oh!~ Appeared! The wishing star of Qiyue, the wishing Pokémon Ji Laqi!"

Witnessed by many core members of the Ikegami family, the current head of the family, Yoshiaki Ikegami, uttered a groaning call.

And then, Jirachi in mid-air also opened his eyes, and his innocent and flawless appearance instantly broke the hearts of most of the women present.

"Jirachi! Please fulfill my wish, I hope to get the Yin Yang mirror of the Miyamoto family and the eight thousand cloud sword of the Shimada family!" As soon as Ikegami Yoshiaki came up, he was ready to take away the roots of the Miyamoto family and the Shimada family!

At the same time, Butler, who was pretending to be in the crowd, also said silently without hope in his heart: "Jilaqi, let Gulardo be resurrected!"


A smile flashed in Jirachi's big eyes, and the first wish sign on the triangular head glowed white.


【Your wish has come true! 】

A violent white light shot out from the pattern of eyes that suddenly opened on Jiraki's abdomen, and hit the huge Millennium Comet in the sky, and then, under the boost of the Millennium Comet, reflected back to Jiraki's body, giving it almost omnipotent power. terrible ability.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a huge dark red figure curled up suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then fell to the buildings of Chishang's old house under the force of gravity, revealing its original appearance.

That is the ultra-ancient mythical beast that created the earth in Hoenen legend, Gulardo!

Of course Jirachi can't create a second Gulardo, but it can teleport Gulardo over.


"What's the situation, what is that!"

"Where's the Yin Yang mirror and Yaqianyun sword? Whose injustice did Ji Laqi realize!"

Everyone in Ikegami's family fell into a panic, and Yoshiaki Ikegami was furious with a trace of panic beyond the plan. Jirachi, who was only mentioned in the ancestor's notes, was obviously beyond his cognition.

"Gulardo! It's really Gulardo! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!!!"

Seeing Gulardo with his own eyes, Butler completely lost control of his emotions. He laughed like a maniac, and directly released his ace, the elf Storm Salamander, and rode to the sky above Gulardo.

A dark red, palm-sized scale armor was taken out from his arms by him, it belonged to Gulardo's scale armor!

"Wake up, Gulardo! In the name of Butler, the lava mass, I command you to respond to the call of the immigrant of fire, and wake up again!"

The shiny lines that belonged to Gulardo suddenly flashed on the scales.

"A lava mass?"

"Not good! Stop him now!"

"An organization that has already perished, there is no need to come out and make a fool of yourself!"

Immediately, Ikegami Yoshiaki released his champion-level ancient armor, and the secret technique of death light immediately shot from the middle of the two chelicerae to the storm salamander.

Seeing this, Butler quickly ordered the storm salamander to hide behind Gulardo.

In the violent explosion, the sleeping Gulardo was awakened by the pain.

A pair of terrifying yellow-orange eyes lit up in the smoke screen, followed by the special lines that belonged to Gulardo. The already huge Gulardo grew to hundreds of meters tall, and a large amount of lava flowed from under his feet to the surroundings. Spreads, melting and incinerating everything it encounters.

Groudon, the original return form!
Exclusive feature - Land of the End activated!
(End of this chapter)

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