Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 449 Conflict

Chapter 449 Conflict

"Why does the wave cannon fail?"

Mitsuko Ikegami lost control of her emotions in an instant.She came here for revenge. Her only son died at the feet of Gulardo during the previous turmoil. She thought that she would seize the opportunity to severely damage Gulardo in one fell swoop, but she didn't expect the situation to reverse instantly.

Three full-strength wave cannons went down, and the original Gulardo was not only unscathed, but also killed the champion-level water arrow turtle and the element-level three gophers successively.

It doesn't make sense at all! ! !
Among them, Zhongdu can be said to be the most experienced person, and he said directly when he saw this: "As a rock and ground elf, it is impossible for Gulardo to be immune to water-type tricks, even after its original return, it is also impossible. Because there is no attribute that is immune to water attacks."

"In the previous alliance records, Gulardo in a normal state can be damaged by water-type moves, and this is reflected all the time in the battle with Kyoka."

"Then the only possibility should be the new feature that appeared after the return of the original, the land of the end!"

"This feature that can form a domain can make Gulardo immune to water-type tricks!"

"No, if that's the case, then you don't need to fight Kyoka, just surrender. It's more likely that unless you have a water-type trick that exceeds the upper limit of the end land, such as Kioka's root wave, otherwise other The water-type trick, the moment it enters the Land of Ending, its energy structure will be destroyed, causing no damage!"

"How do you fight?" Dawu said in shock.

His Metagrosses are good at melee combat, but steel-type elves and Gulardon, who represent the earth, fire and sun?

It's too long!

Originally, Mikri's Menus was a good main attacker, but once the effect of the land of the end came out, Menus was directly abolished.

There are three people left. The ultra-long-distance bombing that Shimada Taka's Sun Rock is good at has no effect. Ikegami Mitsuko's champion elf is dead, and only the Kuailong of Du and the elves of Miyamoto Ryutake are left.

Du shook his head and said: "One-on-one, my Kuailong is by no means an opponent of the original Gulardo."

Takashi Miyamoto shook his head as soon as he saw everyone watching, and said, "My curse doll is good at curse attacks, but without a medium, it really doesn't have much effect on the original Gulardo."

Curse attack is a very strange and powerful attack method, and it can work in extremely far places, and most of the tricks are difficult to defend, but the problem is that the stronger the target, the closer the medium is required.

Wanting to curse a mythical beast like the original Gulardo out of thin air is simply a dream.

The situation reached a stalemate in an instant.

At this moment, Mikri, who had been silent all this time, stood up.

"Let me try it," he said.

Facing Dawu's worried eyes, he shook his head without saying anything, led the crowd back, and then went around to the east out of Gulardo's sight.

That is the closest direction to the sea, and there is no city on the way.

"Beautiful and admirable, elegant and enviable, come on! Menus!"

Ribbon-like blue light strips were washed away from the white light emanating from the poke ball, and Mikri's favorite and most powerful partner, Menus, appeared with a burst of arias.


Even now that various new breeds of Pokémon are emerging in an endless stream, Menus can still sit firmly on the seat of the most beautiful Pokémon, and Mikri's Menus is undoubtedly the pinnacle of the pinnacles.

Mikri flicked his cloak, and a blue disc-shaped object flew towards Menus, and was caught by its fan-like tail.

"Meinas, use mimicry!"

Menus closed his eyes, a stream of light blue water passed through the blue 'disc' on the tail, and then the color changed to dark blue, covering the whole body and emitting an indigo light.

When the light dissipated, an elf with a whale-like head, two huge pectoral fins, and a ribbon-like tail was quietly lying on the grass.

The legendary Pokémon in the Hoenen area, the master of the sea-Kioka!

Of course, it's a scaled down version.

"Is this the mimicry of Menus?" Du exclaimed.Mimicry is Mikri's unique secret technique, which claims to be able to pretend to be any kind of Pokémon in the world, no matter in terms of appearance, voice, and breath.In addition to being unable to use the corresponding trick, other aspects of the effect are outrageous than Ditto, infinitely close to the legendary dreamy transformation.

Regardless of whether it is the man-made elf Ditto, or the dream that is the source of all Pokémon in the legend, the source is the Kanto area, so Mikri in the Hoenn area can develop such a unique move, which really amazes Du.

"That's right." Mikri nodded, and said, "With the power of Gaioka's scales, Menus' mimicry can be said to be impeccable. As two mythical beasts that have been hostile since ancient times, Gaioka's breath should be able to control Gulardo attracts."

Since you can't defeat Gulardo, let's lure him away to reduce losses.I believe that after a long time, Gulardo himself will fall into a deep sleep, and the crisis will naturally be solved by then.

Although Mikri didn't know that Gulardo and Kyoka had already secretly reached an offensive and defensive alliance, and the superficial hostility was just to attract Rayquaza to appear, but this did not hinder the success of his plan.

At the moment when the mimicry was completed, although he didn't know why Gaioka's breath suddenly appeared at such a close distance, Gulardo didn't become suspicious, but directly adjusted his direction and headed towards Menus.

This discovery was also quickly passed on to the ears of the six champions through communication equipment.

"Very well, control the speed and head for the beach."

Everything was going well, but suddenly, Du suddenly felt something at a certain moment, and his pupils suddenly turned into vertical dragon eyes, commanding the fire-breathing dragon under him to attack suddenly.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use jet flame!"

Relying on the power of Yulong, Du can communicate with any Pokémon with dragon blood, so although the order was not clear, the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame hit exactly where he expected.

"Troublesome humans."

A wall of light appeared out of thin air, blocking the fire-breathing dragon's jet flames.

Ji Laqi, who came over by teleportation, glanced at the five humans in the sky, muttered, and used his mind to bounce the jet flame back, scaring Du and the others to quickly command the elves to get out of the way.


"Chairman Chishang said that Gulardo was recruited by Ji Laqi, so in turn, as long as it is controlled, Gulardo can also be sent back!"

"Not only that, using Ji Laqi's wish, you can even restore everything to the way it was before!"

At this moment, Watari, Dago, Mikri, Taka Shimada, Mitsuko Ikegami, and Takao Miyamoto also felt the same move, and looked at the two wishing stickers on Jiraki's head.

Especially the latter two, one has just died of his son and champion spirit, and the other wants to restore the old glory of his family, both of them have extremely urgent grievances that need to be fulfilled.


I don't know who was the first to speak out, the five spirits of Cursed Doll, Sun Rock, Metagross, Kuailong, and Flame Dragon appeared at the same time, except for Mikoli who didn't summon the spirits and Mitsuko Ikegami's Flame Dragon was only a king-level spirit Besides, the other four are all champion elves!

"Jirachi, restore everything back to before you summoned Gulardo, we can pretend nothing happened, and you can continue to be your fantasy Pokémon!"

Du loudly said.

Normally, as long as it is a wild Pokémon that has killed people, once it is discovered, it will definitely be killed by the alliance. However, Jiraki has a special status after all, and he is the only one in the world, so even Du is willing to let it go. As long as it makes up for the damage it has caused.

In comparison, Shimada Taka, Ikegami Mitsuko and Miyamoto Takao were not so easy to talk to, and they directly ordered the attack, intending to take down Kiraqi.

"Sun Rock, use the space to block!" Shimada Taka chose to block the field, so that Jiraki would not be able to escape in an instant.

"Curse the doll, use the shadow to sneak attack!" Takashi Miyamoto let the cursed doll transform into a shadow to launch an attack from Jirachi's shadow. While attacking, he intends to see if he can grab a little hair or body tissue. As long as there is a medium, Even if Ji Laqi runs away, his curse doll can track it, and can curse the other party remotely.

Mitsuko Ikegami was the most direct, letting the Flame Dragon use the lava cannon to attack.

Fire beats steel, even the magic Pokémon can't change the restraint relationship under the laws of the world.

Dawu's flashing golden monster is responsible for protecting him and Mikoli.

"Let me give up? How many years have I waited for a perfect body, how can I give up!"

Ji Laqi moved in an instant to avoid the lava cannon of the duck-billed flame dragon, then turned around abruptly, facing the cursed doll emerging from the shadow, and the dark blue superpower competed in the most direct energy.

Spiritual strength!

The Millennium Comet flashed in the sky, and the cursed doll screamed, feeling like it was on fire, and immediately gave up the attack and fled into the shadows.

A square energy shield of 20 meters in length, width and height completely enveloped the surrounding area, completely sealing off this space.

Cheats - space blockade!

"I am the embodiment of a comet! The ends of the earth are covered by the sky, how can you block me!"

Ji Laqi yelled childishly, clenched his small palm into a fist, and after an instant movement, his right fist slammed down fiercely with a meteor-like brilliance.

The ultimate move - Comet Punch!

The millennium comet in the sky flashed again, the power of the Comet Punch was guaranteed, and the space was sealed off with a punch, like pieces of glass shattered, and Sun Rock was so painful that his eyes narrowed.

Jiraki's exclusive feature Comet Incarnation!Under the shroud of the Millennium Comet, any of its tricks related to the universe, stars, and wishes will get a huge boost in power!
But after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands. At this moment, Du, Dawu and Mikoli haven't participated in the battle yet, and it can't bear the three champions.

So as soon as the space blockade was broken, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he contacted the three reincarnations along the back door of the main god's space.

"Come to me, my servant!"

Swish, swish, and the three figures were moved over immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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