Chapter 450

At the same time, the three people were moved by Ji Laqi from all over the world by using the back door of the main god's space, and guarded in front of it.

Different from Long Yi's system, Ji Laqi has higher authority over the main god's space in the early years, and the back door it opened has not been erased, so for the three reincarnators who use the main god's space to quickly improve their strength, they have Absolute right to life and death.

Among these three people, the one on the far left is the holder of the A certificate, a middle-aged man in his 50s and [-]s, with gray hair, wearing overalls like a flower farmer and a gray bottoming shirt, with a straw hat on his head, and Also holds a squirrel watering can.

The one in the middle is the holder of the B certificate, a sexy woman in a pink lace pajamas, but her eyes are as majestic as a queen, and the first time she appeared, she summoned a king Nabo to guard her.

The holder of the C certificate on the right looks the youngest, but his figure is also the strongest. He is naked from the upper body and only wears a pair of big pants, exposing his strong muscles and hideous scars. What comes to mind is definitely a warrior who has experienced many battles.

His reaction was as fast as that of the woman in the middle. A Bankylas was awakened from a deep sleep, opened its eyes and let out a deafening roar.

A violent sandstorm arose because of this, and it could be seen from the scale alone that this was at least an element-level Bankiras.

Element-level characteristics - blowing sand!
"I knew it, you really didn't die." Athena, who was wearing pajamas, looked at the face of Yagyu Ktoo, who could vaguely see her previous appearance, but her figure was completely different, and realized that what she was most worried about had finally become a reality.

Ares is not dead!

"You and Miyazaki Ryuichi didn't die, how could I die." Yagyu Koto... No, it was Ares, the former god of war, said coldly.

In fact, he was indeed dead back then, and the resurrection plan was destroyed by Athena, so logically speaking, he would undoubtedly die.

But fortunately, he still has the last unique prop to save his life. As long as there are enough people in the world who think he is still alive, then during that period he can be resurrected as a living dead for a short time until he is killed again or everyone They all thought he was dead.

The irony is that after a few years, Ares, who has been lurking and silently recovering his strength, dare not reveal his identity, and the one who least believes that he is dead is the current God of War and Goddess of Wisdom, Athena herself!
"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'll give you all the money!"

At this time, the holder of the A certificate threw down the Jenny Turtle kettle and squatted down in panic and shouted. He looked like an ordinary middle-aged farmer, who was overwhelmed by the sudden battle.

However, just as he squatted down, a voice sounded in his mind.

Ding Dong!

Trigger a new S-level mission, which is a mandatory faction mission and has been automatically accepted.

Mission Name: Protect Jirachi and help it defeat its enemies.

Task rewards: Points are calculated according to the degree of contribution, and those with the highest points can realize any wish.

Task penalty: If the task fails, or Jiraki dies, it will be wiped out.

If the host is detected to be passively avoiding war, the first warning will be given, the second will be directly punished, and the third will be directly judged as a mission failure.

Fu Chuanzhi cursed inwardly, glanced at Athena, who had been recognized by Du and fighting together, and Ares, who was fighting with Sun Rock from a distance, had no choice but to lose his disguise, and released a Geng Gui to face Miyamoto Longgang's cursed doll.

Six to three, the remaining three Zhongmenas must maintain their mimicry to confuse Gulardo, and the duck-billed flame dragon's nirvana has not been mastered. The threat is not big, and only Dawu's silver shining giant gold monster is left as a strong opponent.

Jiraki, as Fengyuan's fantasy Pokémon second only to the three gods, naturally won't give up his millennium plan just because of a mere golden monster. There is a flash of light in his eyes, and a star suddenly lights up in the dark sky. Another star, a mysterious force penetrated the ozone layer and blessed Jiraki.

The ultimate move - cosmic power!
Suo Ri!

As a Pokémon that came to Earth from the universe, Sun Rock immediately sensed Jiraki's surge in power.

Shimada Taka hurriedly said: "Stop it quickly! It is using the power of the universe to strengthen itself. These days, the Millennium Comet is approaching, which happens to be the time when the power of the universe is strongest!"

Dawu nodded, glanced at Mikoli, and ordered: "Giant metal monster, use the Comet Fist!"

The power of the surrounding universe skyrocketed, and the comet punch of the Metagross could also get a corresponding increase in power. Colorful energy stars emerged from the right front paw, and punched Ji Laqi, who was suspended and immobile.

At the same time, Mitsuko Ikegami also ordered her duck-billed flame dragon to attack.

Fire secret skill, lava cannon!
Facing the front and back attacks, Ji Laqi didn't change his face, and opened his eyes at the last moment before the giant golden monster approached. With a cute smile, he swung his right hand instantly, and there was also a large amount of star-shaped energy splashing.

The ultimate move - Comet Punch!

As the darling of the stars, with the blessing of cosmic power, it doesn't even need to store power!
The steel-like giant claws of the metal monster collided with Jiraki's cute little fist, but they formed an evenly matched effect. The huge difference in size formed a strong visual contrast.

At this time, the lava cannon of the duck-billed flame dragon has come behind Ji Laqi.

The difference between the element level and the champion level is only whether you have mastered the nirvana, or a similar level of power, and the battle changes rapidly, and most of the time it is not even necessary or suitable to use the nirvana.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Jiraki or the giant gold monster, it is impossible to ignore the lava cannon fired by the elemental duck-billed flame dragon.

The fists of the two sides were still fighting for energy, Jiraki suddenly twitched, the eyes in his abdomen opened slightly, and suddenly moved in an instant, causing the golden monster to lose its balance.

Meta! ?
The lava cannon hit accurately, and the giant golden monster flew back in the smoke, with obvious burn marks on its face, and even its body made of steel was about to melt.

"Can you still move instantly in this situation?" Dawu's expression changed.

You must know that the golden monster is also an elf with super powers. However, in the case of confronting Ji Laqi, let alone teleportation, even if you want to use mental interference to assist the attack, you can't do it, but Ji Laqi did it.

This time, the result was that the giant metal monster took a hard hit from the duck-billed flame dragon.

dong dong dong~
The sound of Gulardo's footsteps has gradually faded away. After all, the Gioka transformed by Menus is moving towards the sea at the speed of Gulardo, but Jirachi appeared in an instant and came in front of it.


Another punch, the shining stars represent its identity, Comet Punch!

Dawu quickly released a Nianli clay puppet to control Ji Laqi, but Ji Laqi's eyes were bright white, and he forcibly broke through the Nianli clay puppet's Nianli, and punched it down.

A giant pincer blocked Jiraki's comet punch.

Giant claw crab!
Mikri's giant claw crab used the exchange site one second before the comet fist fell, and switched positions with Menus!

"Giant Claw Crab, use Crab Punch to punch back!"

The huge right claw of the giant claw crab sank slightly, and water droplets formed by a large amount of water system energy condensed around the right claw. The element-level characteristic strange force claw was activated, and Jiraki's fist was instantly pressed back.


Ji Laqi left for an instant, glanced at Menus who had returned to Dawu and Mikoli, and was a little angry.

These human beings are really endless!
However, the giant claw crab's attack was not over yet. The moment Jiraki retreated, the huge pincers fell to the ground, and a dark blue energy ball the size of an ostrich egg flew out of the pincers. The lawn soil along the way fell apart and went straight to the ground. Gila prayed and left.

The characteristic of strange power pincers, the secret skill of strange power, and the unique attack of Crab Punch!
This is the beauty of power!
At the same time, the mind power of the giant gold monster and the Nianli clay puppet fell at the same time, blocking Jirachi's actions.

There was an explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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