Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 90 VS Akino Dream

Chapter 90 VS Akino Dream ([-])

Akino Meng, a second-year class B student, was born in Fengyuan Continent like Long Yi.

Qiu Yemeng's hometown is Luyin Town in the inland, and it is separated by thousands of miles from Guchen Town where Long Yi is located. It is a famous town known as Fengyuan health resort.

Night, Grass dormitory.

Long Yi was studying the video of Akino Yume's last game. The video was filmed by an audience member. It was not very clear. It had a lot of noise and often jittered, and the price was very expensive.

But Long Yi still gritted his teeth and bought it.

In the video, Akino Meng is wearing a white casual dress, which is a very old-fashioned style, and she has a sense of being out of the picture when she wears it.

Her opponent in the last game was one of the other two first-year freshmen. The venue was the rock field, and Akino Yume won the game using only two elves.

The first Kirulian, according to the commentary, seems to be her initial elf, with strong superpowers, it can be regarded as a trump card.

The other is the water-type elf Prince Bo of the Sinnoh area, the evolution of Bogaman. Because Kirulian almost finished the game with one wear and three fights, the strength of this Prince Bo is still unknown.

"Qilulian, it's hard to handle." Long Yi was a little distressed, he didn't have any elves who were good at dealing with super powers, and tomorrow's battle was not optimistic.

Mali on the side looked distressed, stretched out his hand to smooth his frowning brows, and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, I can't help you in battle."

Long Yi hurriedly hugged her: "Fool, if you help, what do you want me to do?"

Looking at the screen, Kirulian's mental impact just knocked out the opponent's stinky mud, so Long Yi simply covered Mali's laptop.

"Go to sleep, let nature take its course, if you lose, you lose."

Long Yi turned off the bedside lamp, he estimated that his chance of losing was more than 9%.

The next day...

The match between the top 32 and the top 16 is more intense than before, so all the players have already fought on the platform. Except for those whose strength is far beyond the crowd, most of the players' trump cards are already known.

Because the main force of the battle is injured, change the team for the opponent's elves.

Game after game began and ended, one player advanced brilliantly, and another player exited sadly.

Long Yi sat down in the player's lounge, his hair was wet and covered with a towel.

As the game progressed, he kept thinking about the battle with Yume Akino in his heart, but the more he simulated, the more he was hit.

Can't beat it!
Can't beat it! !

Can't beat it! ! !

He said let nature take its course, and if he loses, he loses, but there is always a lingering resentment in his heart, but reason is still telling him to stop struggling, you have no hope of winning!

Unwilling, angry, depressed!
Long Yi is like a dormant volcano that is about to wake up, a lot of negative emotions are squeezed and shrunk in his heart, waiting for the day when it expands and erupts.

at last……

"Guaili loses the ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins! So the winner is Chiba Zhou Zhuo from class C of the third grade!" On the screen, Weili's strong body collapsed, and the mighty fire-breathing dragon was still standing on the field panting.

"A beautiful battle. The last dragon claw of the fire-breathing dragon is definitely a stroke of genius. Its injury and exhaustion paralyzed the strange power, causing it to be hit by the fire-breathing dragon's attack, and lost the trophy that was always guaranteed!" Hiroshi Kamiya is still so passionate, but maybe It was because of the high-intensity commentary for several days that his voice was already a little hoarse.

"Drink some water." Kikuko Horita gently handed him a glass of pear rock sugar water, and then said, "Okay, let's bid farewell to the two players who brought us a wonderful game, and welcome 32 to the tenth place in the top 16. There are two sides in the battle, Yume Akino from class B of the second grade and Ryuichi Miyazaki from class C of the first grade!"

The winner greets with cheers, the loser leaves sadly, repeating again and again, different roles.

Long Yi tore off the towel, stood up and walked towards his comrades, his eyes were a little red.

"Senior Miyazaki." An ethereal female voice came from the other side.

Following the reputation, what imprinted in my eyes was a slender girl in white casual clothes. She had long green hair and green eyes. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her smile was like the warm sunlight in the forest.

"I look forward to having a wonderful battle with you, come on!"

As he said that, he raised his delicate little fist, showing a little more playfulness in the tranquility.

Long Yi was stunned.

In a trance, he seemed to hear a vague bell sound, and then his whole body felt relaxed, as if a person who had been walking with a heavy burden suddenly unloaded all the burdens and took a comfortable hot spring bath.

Long Yi came back to his senses, and found that Qiu Yemeng was a little embarrassed because he didn't respond to the smile, and Long Yi, who noticed the impoliteness, quickly said: "You too, come on."

"Hmm." Like a flower blooming and a smile blooming again, Akino Meng walked into the aisle with brisk steps.

"What's going on just now, it seems like something happened." Long Yi felt very strange, like having a nightmare, and suddenly woke up and couldn't remember what he dreamed about.

And that bell...

Subconsciously checked the system, there was no change, Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that he must be too nervous to be suspicious and have auditory hallucinations.

No more hesitation, strode into the passage, and came to the battle platform after a while.

"Okay, the players on both sides are already in place, so let's not gossip, let's immediately start to draw the front and rear players and the battle venue!"

Today, Long Yi's luck was relatively good, he got the second hand, and then the battle venue was randomly a water venue.

The earth trembled, and a water field with a depth of more than 3 meters rose from the ground, with five white wooden boards floating on it.

"Since it's the place of water, it's you, Prince Bo!"

Prince Bo, who resembled a big blue penguin, entered the arena, with the arrogance inherent in this family of elves.

"Water field, I'm in trouble." This field has relatively large restrictions on some elves, Long Yi thought about it, and took advantage of the opponent's Kirulian not playing, and started Geng Gui first.


The dark purple Geng Ghost floated in the air, letting out a truly bleak laugh.

"Oh! It appeared! The legendary Geng Ghost!" Kamiya Hiroshi stood up with his hands on the table, wishing he could stick it on the glass to observe the Geng Ghost below.

"Is this the Geng Ghost?" Kikuko Horita was also looking carefully.

Not only them, but also the audience, all the players, including Akino Yume on the opposite side.

After receiving the move from the two commentators on the first day, everyone knew that Long Yi had a Geng Gui with super strength and mysterious origin in his hands, and now that he finally appeared on the stage, they couldn't help but pay attention to it.

"Prince Bo vs. Geng Gui, the match...begins!"

================================================== ====
It's over, I don't go home until after 9 o'clock. I have some personal matters these days, and I have to come back at this time every day. I will try my best to post today's two changes, and tomorrow morning will be postponed again.

(End of this chapter)

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