Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 91 VS Akino Dream

Chapter 91 VS Akino Dream ([-])
"Gengar, stealth."

Following Long Yi's words, Geng Gui handed Prince Bo a terrifying smile, and then his figure gradually became transparent and disappeared.

"It's appeared! The most unpredictable ability of ghost elves - invisibility! What will Akino Yume do? Should they continue to fight with Prince Wave, or replace the trump card Kirulian?"

There are two easiest ways to break the invisibility. One is naturally the super power elf scans in all directions with the power of mind, so that Geng Gui who is hiding can be found naturally.

The other is suitable for ordinary and fighting elves. If you can learn one of the two unique skills of smell and mind, you will not be confused by invisibility.

But Prince Bo obviously didn't have both.

Long Yi didn't attack recklessly, Prince Bo in front of him was shaking his head nervously looking around, the pressure on it would increase every minute, he wasn't in a hurry.

Long Yi was waiting, waiting for the moment when Qiu Yemeng took out the poke ball to change the pokemon, Prince Bo's spirit at that moment was definitely the most relaxed, and that was a good opportunity for a sneak attack!
But Akino Meng didn't seem to have this plan: "Prince Bo, jump into the water."

Prince Bo jumped into the water, and the familiar current gave him a sense of security.

"Aren't you going to change the spirit?" Long Yi asked.

Qiu Yemeng smiled at him, shook his head: "No, Prince Bo can do it."

Raising his eyebrows, Long Yi decided to let Geng Gui try to attack, but just as he had this idea, Qiu Yemeng on the opposite side suddenly gave an order first: "Prince Bo use Tide Spin now!"


The eyes of Prince Bo emitted a conspicuous blue light. Under the control of its water system energy, the pool water in the entire water field began to slowly rotate, forming a huge vortex!

wow wow wow~
The water waves are rushing, and the speed of the vortex is not very fast, but it is very powerful.

A touch of black and purple suddenly appeared in the vortex, very eye-catching.

It's Geng Gui!

Ghost elves can be invisible, but that doesn't mean they can't be harmed by other tricks!

"Okay, we found Geng Gui!" Qiu Yemeng clenched her small fist playfully, and ordered Prince Bo to increase his strength: "Shoot foam light into the vortex!"

Puff pop ~
Round blue bubbles were drawn into the vortex, driven by the vortex to draw beautiful blue silk threads, and hit Geng Gui one by one.

"A clever plan, Akino Meng used his own wisdom to help Prince Bo capture Geng Gui!"

"But this Geng Ghost doesn't seem to be as strong as the legend says." Kikuko Horita frowned.

Long Yi ordered: "Fly up, get out of the vortex."

The water system energy in the vortex produced a suction force to absorb Geng Gui. It tried twice, and finally broke out of the strong ghost energy all over its body before successfully breaking away from the vortex.

"Stealth and dodge!"

A series of frothy lights streaked across the sky, and Geng Gui disappeared again.

Qiu Yemeng pursed her lips: "It's a pity." She asked Prince Bo to stop the tide, which was quite exhausting.

But this time Long Yi quickly launched an attack: "Use the shadow ball to attack!"

Because it was a sneak attack, Prince Bo was blasted in the face by the shadow ball, causing a small explosion.

No matter how negligently training Long Yi's Geng Gui before, he is still an elf who has evolved to the ultimate form, and the power of the shadow ball is not much worse.

After the attack, Geng Gui became invisible again, and then fired another shadow ball from another angle.

Prince Bo was hit continuously, but there was nothing he could do.

"Come back, Prince Bo!"

Akino Meng finally took out the poke ball, but in front of the red ray emitted by the poke ball, the figure of Geng Gui suddenly appeared.

Rays are blocked!Recovery failed!
"Use Night Shadow!"


A larger and terrifying black shadow appeared behind Geng Gui. This black shadow jumped and got into Prince Bo's eyes.

Night Shadow, a trick similar to the big snake's stare, can create terrifying illusions to intimidate the enemy.

Prince Bo, who had been attacked continuously, heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Qiu Yemeng's call. Unexpectedly, his hope was shattered in an instant, and he was suddenly taken advantage of by the black shadow.

"This is too bad. Prince Bo has been hit by the night phantom. It doesn't look like he can get rid of it in a short time. Akino Meng is in trouble."

The thing is just like what Hiroshi Kamiya said, while Long Yi asked Geng Gui to block Akino Yume's elf ball ray, and at the same time let him prepare for a high-intensity shadow ball attack.

The shadow ball belongs to the condensed ghost energy attack, and its interior is very unstable, and the explosion damage is one of its main damages.

Geng Gui mobilized a considerable part of the ghost energy in his body to create a shadow ball the size of a human head, with traces of black lightning-like energy beating on it.

The terrible explosion was as powerful as a high-intensity grenade. Half of Prince Bo's body was burned black by the explosion, and he fell to the water on his back.

"Prince Bo lost his ability to fight, Geng Gui won!" The referee raised the red flag at the right time.

"Geng Gui, are you okay?" Long Yi asked.

My family knew their own affairs, and Geng Gui's abilities were limited after all, and I'm afraid he had consumed a lot of energy and stamina just now.

Geng Gui turned his head and nodded, but he could see that he was a little tired, obviously a little tired.

"Come back, Prince Bo, have a good rest." Qiu Yemeng retracted Prince Bo with a disappointed face, and comforted the poke ball twice.

Just when people thought that she was finally going to release the trump card Kirulian, she was surprised again.

"In your place, Owl!"

A huge owl, almost the size of a human being, spread its wings and flew. It had a dull expression and a V-shaped eyebrow-like thing on its head, which looked very interesting.

"Why don't you use Kirulian?" Long Yi couldn't help asking Akino Meng, who made a face for him: "I won't tell you, slightly~"

"Huh?" Long Yiyi was confused.

However, the battle will not be suspended because of his hesitation. After the referee announced the start, Akino Meng immediately gave an order: "Owl Nighthawk, use your mind power!"

Owl Nighthawk is also an elf that can use super powers. Although it is relatively weak, it is not a problem to rely on the power of mind to find the invisible Geng Gui.

The purple thought force knocked Geng Gui out of his invisibility, it looked very surprised and a little nervous.

"Don't let it escape, use it to see through!"

With a very fast move speed, a blue energy light shot out from the V-shaped eyebrows on the owl's head and landed on Geng Gui.

Seeing through is a unique move specially aimed at ghost-type elves. After being hit through seeing through, their invisibility ability will be temporarily sealed, and they will also be damaged by ordinary physics-type attacks.

"Okay, let's go, hammer with your mind!"

If this trick hits the damage, it will be very effective, maybe Geng Gui will be killed in seconds!

Long Yi hurriedly said: "Geng Ghost, attack with the shadow ball, then sink underwater!"

The owl circled in the air. It flew not as mighty as a vulture, not as vicious as a toucan, and not as fast as a king swallow, but with an indescribable calmness.

The right wing rose slightly, and the body turned sideways, dodging the shadow ball that Geng Gui hastily fired.

A thin layer of purple superpower condensed on the owl's head, then folded its wings, and followed Geng Gui and crashed into the water.

"What!" Long Yi was startled.

Some flying elves are indeed not afraid of water, but the owl is not one of them!
Once its full body of feathers enters the water, it may even become a problem for it to fly, and it will become a prey to be slaughtered!
"Come on, Owl Nighthawk, miss the head with all your strength!" Akino Meng cheered, with tears of emotion on his face, "I will never forget your efforts."

Geng Gui was hit!

Just as Long Yi expected, with just one blow, Geng Gui lost his fighting ability.

But the owl was not feeling well either. Drenched all over, it fluttered in embarrassment, and finally came to the surface of the water, lying on a floating board, panting.

Live up to expectations, fortunately it was completed in time, go to sleep, and ask for a wave of favorites and recommendations by the way~
(End of this chapter)

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