Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 96 VS Ichiro Yamamoto

Chapter 96 VS Ichiro Yamamoto ([-])

Korakola covered his nose in pain as soon as he came on the stage. The smell of stinky mud is one of its weapons, which can completely act as a gas bomb.

Must fight fast!

"Use the bone boomerang!" Long Yi didn't let Kola Kola attach electricity energy to the bone stick. Facing the poisonous mud, the pure ground attack is more effective.

hula hula~
Under the strange force of Kola Kola, the bone stick spun and screamed terrifyingly.

That represents powerful destructive power!
"Small tricks, hit it flying!"

The stinky mud raised its body, and one of the mud, which looked like an arm, swung it violently at the right time.

The bone stick flies high in the sky.

Its power may be a little weaker than that of Kela Kela, but it is also very objective, and it is more than enough to forcibly change the flying trajectory of the bone rod.

Ke pulled and stretched his hand, and the bone rod flew back to its hand.

"Rush forward, stabbing with bone sticks in succession!" Long Yi's order came out just in time, Korakola cheered up, resisted the indescribably terrifying stench and rushed towards the stinky mud.

Ichiro Yamamoto just watched with a sneer.

Closer, closer.

Korakola stabbed out the bone stick violently, a bit of khaki-yellow energy shone at the tip of the bone stick, which represented the rich ground-type energy!


The bone stick penetrated the body of the smelly mud, and then the latter just smiled in terror, as if the whole body had changed from mud to thin mud, and flowed limply on the ground, with minimal damage.

Korakola had never fought against such an opponent before, and was suddenly at a loss.

At this moment, the smelly mud gathered behind Kola Kola again.

"Be careful behind you!"

"Give it a shot at the top of Mount Tai!"


Korakola struggled to withstand the attack of the stinky mud, but the latter spit out a mouthful of poisonous gas, and the stronger smell made Kolakola unable to hold back his breath. Once he vented his breath in his chest, his strength became weaker.

The smelly mud took advantage of the opportunity to slap Kola Kola into a piece, and the bone stick came out of his hand and flew into the air.

Ichiro Yamamoto's eyes lit up, he let his stinky mud catch the bone stick, and then a part of his body became hardened, and he grabbed the bone stick and smashed it hard on a nearby rock.

Rock smash!The bone rod is intact.

"Still solid."


Kola Kola, who had lost the bone stick, was anxious, and rushed to grab the weapon back, but was easily patted aside by the smelly mud.

"Stop!" Long Yi roared angrily.

"If you tell me to stop, I will stop? I don't want to." Yamamoto Ichiro was not in a hurry to let the smelly mud defeat Korakola at this time. After thinking about it, he let his elf take Korakola's bone stick Swallowed stomach.

"Use Melt!"

The stinky mud turned into a puddle of liquid again. Under the action of strong stomach acid and the special energy of melting, the bone stick was digested by the stinky mud without a trace.

Korakola stopped, sat down on the ground, and cried loudly.

"I told you to stop!" Long Yi roared angrily, looking at Korakola who was crying, his heart was about to break.

"Mud Bomb."

puff puff~
The continuous mud bombs directly knocked Kola Kola unconscious, until Ichiro Yamamoto raised his head and said with a grinning grin, "What are you?"

A poke ball at Long Yi's waist opened spontaneously, and Hui Yuan jumped out, baring his teeth at Ichiro Yamamoto and Smelly Mud, roaring ferociously.

"Hui Yuan, are you willing to play?" Long Yi was already a little dizzy from the hangover, but when he got on top now, he didn't care about anything.


Haibara nodded, and jumped into the field on his own initiative.

"Use one hundred thousand volts!"

The golden [-] volts erupted with stronger power than before, and the stinky mud responded with mud bombs. The dirty mud bombs broke the current and hit Huiyuan.

"Don't think that you are strong just by defeating a few weaklings. With this kind of trash elf, who do you think you can beat the real strong among the students?"

Long Yi gritted his teeth and asked Huiyuan to use Blizzard to fight back.

This time, the smelly mud responded more directly, setting off a wave of mud like a sea wave, blocking the entire blizzard head-on, submerging Hui Yuan's body.


The smelly mud absorbs the mud to restore its strength, and not far away is the scarred Huiyuan, struggling to get up.

"Come back, Huiyuan, you are not his opponent." Long Yi was a little more sober at the moment, he took out the elf ball and was about to take back Huiyuan.

But the latter stubbornly shook his head.

Sagu Sagu!

It stood up, panting heavily, and it didn't have much strength to fight.

But it is not reconciled!
It really wants to defeat that nasty enemy on the opposite side to avenge Korakola!It wants to have more powerful power!

A burst of white light enveloped Huiyuan.

"This is..." Long Yi was stunned for a moment, his expression changed drastically.

"It's evolution!" The commentator Kikuko Horita exclaimed in surprise for him, but Long Yi said: "Stop, now is not the time for you to evolve!"

Huiyuan's energy strength and physique haven't reached the limit yet, if he evolves now, his future will be limited!
Can't evolve!
But Huiyuan resisted Long Yi's order again, it didn't understand why it couldn't evolve now, but it knew that evolution could make it stronger, maybe it could gain the power to defeat the smelly mud!

The white light became more intense, and Huiyuan could no longer be seen clearly, only a silhouette could be seen.

"It actually evolved." Yamamoto Ichiro was also surprised.

Evolution is the most mysterious and the most powerful way for elves to leap in strength. It can be encountered but not sought, and it is very precious.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering such a situation, the trainer of the other side will wait for the evolution of the elves to end, and then continue the game. This is also the most basic quality of a regular trainer of the alliance.

But Ichiro Yamamoto is not a man of quality...

"Attack with the most powerful mud bomb!" He ordered cruelly.

"Stop!" Long's eyes were about to crack.

Smelly Mud only listened to Ichiro Yamamoto's words, and launched an attack without hesitation. The terrible mud bomb hit Huiyuan covered in white light. After a scream, the white light dissipated and Huiyuan fell into a coma.

Purification failed!
There was an uproar.

No one could have imagined that Ichiro Yamamoto's lower limit of character would be so low, even the person who hated him the most before.

Interrupting the evolution of an elf is almost second only to the hatred of robbing elves. Walking on the edge of the legal line can be called evil!
What Huiyuan lost is not only an opportunity to evolve, but also because of this incident, it may have a psychological shadow on evolution, which will lead to the inability to evolve for a lifetime!

This is a big revenge!

"Snake Bear loses the ability to fight, and Smelly Mud wins!"

Trembling, Long Yi took out the poke ball and took it back to Huiyuan.

Ichiro Yamamoto waved his hands frequently, even though there was no applause at the scene.

From the beginning to the end, what he was afraid of was Long Yi's Geng Gui with terrifying hypnotic ability. When Geng Gui lost his power, the remaining elves were nothing to fear.

Hiroshi Kamiya, who commented in Taichung, sighed: "Student Miyazaki seems to have stopped here. Although I don't agree with Ichiro Yamamoto's character, his strength is indeed outstanding."

The 4 major bullies of the trainer academy, Akasaka Ken's ruthlessness only targets his women and those who offend him, Asaoka Tomo is famous for his conspiracies, Ueda Hayato bullies the weak by force, these three people actually offend not many people , is not known for its strength.

Even Akasaka Sword, the strongest among them, is no more than the level of the first echelon of students. (excluding Mei Miyamoto)
Only Ichiro Yamamoto!
This person is a real scumbag. Although he dare not rape girls because of the existence of Mei Miyamoto and the school management, he has done a lot of things like eating tofu, peeping and collecting protection fees. It can be said that 4% of the students hate him. 9% of the students hate him, and the remaining 1% of the students have nothing to do with themselves.

The reason why Yamamoto Ichiro can live well despite the anger of man and god is because of his great strength.

In terms of elf combat power, he can even be ranked among the top three among the students!

Long Yi stood there, everyone could feel his pain and sorrow, but the more he was like this, the happier and wilder the smile of Ichiro Yamamoto on the opposite side was.

If the enemy offends us, repay it tenfold!
Long Yi suddenly turned his head to look at the referee, and asked a seemingly insignificant question: "If I remember correctly, this match should be unstoppable, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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