Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 97 VS Ichiro Yamamoto

Chapter 97 VS Ichiro Yamamoto ([-])
The island of trainers, the battle dome arena.

When Long Yi's on-the-spot evolution of Huiyuan was forcibly interrupted by Ichiro Yamamoto's stinky mud, and after being injured and unconscious, he suddenly turned his head to look at the referee and asked a seemingly insignificant question: "If I remember correctly, This game should be unstoppable, right?"

There are two types of formal trainer battles. One is to prohibit the use of any props and fight purely with the strength of elves and trainers themselves.

There is also a possibility to allow some energy attribute props to participate in the battle. Of course, tree fruits, medicines, machinery, medicines, etc. are naturally not allowed to be used.

The scope of this energy attribute props includes the natural attribute props in nature, and the attribute props formed by some man-made tools by chance.

For example, breath turbans, crowns of kings, smoke balls, electric beads, etc. are all allowed, but auspicious punches, electric blessings, protective gear, and wide-angle lenses are not allowed.

The competition mode of the College Cup this time is the second one.

The referee didn't know what Long Yi wanted to do, but he still nodded and said, "That's right."

"That's good." Long Yi rubbed the smooth thing inside with his hand in his left pocket, touched a poke ball at his waist with his right hand, and took it off the suction cup.

"Before I met you, I thought that the villains in TV dramas were bad enough, but I didn't know until now that the reality is often more unbelievable than the stories." Long Yi said this in a creepy tone. A paragraph, very slowly, very slowly.

Ichiro Yamamoto was covered in hairs: "What the hell are you doing, I know you have a lobster soldier who is quite strong, but do you think it can beat my stinky mud?"

"I can't beat it." Long Yi shook his head, "Even if we manage to win, it won't be your other two elves' opponents."

"But the spirit I will play next is not it!" Long Yi suddenly shouted, "Go, Geng Gui!"

Geng Gui appeared on the stage, suspended in mid-air.

"Ha...ha?" Yamamoto Ichiro was taken aback, but he calmed down and observed carefully, and found that it was still the Geng Ghost from yesterday, "Are you crazy? Just relying on this guy, you still want to win me?"

"Hahahaha~ Do you want to laugh at me to death? Just this Geng Ghost?" Yamamoto Ichiro laughed exaggeratedly, but for some reason his face was sweating.

Geng Gui's psychological shadow on him at the beginning was too great, even though he knew in his heart that this Geng Gui had lost that terrifying ability, Ichiro Yamamoto still couldn't help but have suspicions.

The three people in the commentary room carefully observed Long Yi's Geng Gui, but they didn't find any difference from yesterday.

"Professor Dade Temple, do you think this Geng Gui is the one in the legend?"

Dade Temple Wood shook his head and said: "The shape and color are similar to the Geng Ghost who was 'subdued' by the students before, but since it is rumored that it has lost that power, some key conditions may have been destroyed."

"For example, some kind of special terrain, or some mutated special elves, or... some kind of magical attribute props."

Speaking of the last one, the other two commentators thought about Long Yi's question just now, and their eyes lit up: "You mean..."

"I'm just guessing. After all, there are too many mysteries of the elves, and there are too many mysteries of this world."

At this moment, Long Yi stretched out his left hand in his pocket, holding a delicate golden bell in his left hand.

Professor Dade Temple actually guessed right, Geng Gui's change is indeed related to the Golden Bell, an attribute item, and Long Yi is about to use it.

"This is..." Mei Miyamoto stood up suddenly in the player's lounge, closed her eyes for a moment, and opened them suspiciously: "No, the bell has indeed lost its power."

A boy in the auditorium couldn't help getting up the moment he saw the bell, his expression excited.

"Unblock it." Long Yi closed his eyes.

Call ~
Even though it was a closed arena, a gust of wind blew up around him out of thin air, blowing the hem of Long Yi's clothes.

After silently magnifying the system interface, Long Yi selected the golden bell and performed system operations.

Instill 1000 points of super power energy!
"Play tricks, stinky mud, use mud wave to attack!"

A crisp bell sounded.

It should be a very slight bell sound, but for some reason, all the audience felt that the sound was close to their ears when they heard it.

"This is impossible!" Mei Miyamoto was shocked for the first time.In her induction, the originally ordinary golden bell suddenly possessed mysterious power, and this power is still growing rapidly, and the strength is increasing geometrically!

Long Yi also heard the sound of the bell, his evil energy had already been exhausted, he could not resist the hypnosis of the bell, and was likely to be reduced to a puppet again.

But Long Yi doesn't care!
First, Korakola's bone stick was destroyed, and then Huiyuan was forcibly interrupted during the evolution process. Ryuichi's anger towards Yamamoto Ichiro had reached the limit.

He wants revenge!at all costs!
Anger burned Long Yi's rationality, at this moment he no longer considered whether this decision was worth it or not, he just thought about it, and then he did it.

Geng Ghost dodged the mud wave, it was so excited that it was almost uncontrollable.

That feeling is back!

Under the boost of the golden bell, Geng Gui's hypnotism is unbelievably powerful!

It instantly hypnotized the scene, including everyone sitting in the players' lounge watching the game through the TV synopsis.

So far, Geng Gui is invincible.

Without the trainer's command, an elf like Smelly Mud, which has low IQ and has been tamed so that it can only obey orders, will be no threat at all. A simple illusion can make it turn around.

Sanction him!
Long Yi's order was recalled in Geng Gui's mind, it didn't waste any time, but directly created the illusion that he had defeated the smelly mud in the eyes of the referee and everyone.

"Smelly mud loses the ability to fight, Geng Gui wins!" The referee immediately issued a verdict.

Ichiro Yamamoto gritted his teeth to take back the stinky mud, and then released his big tongue, still losing quickly.Then he uses giant vines, which fails again.

Lose all three battles!

"All the spirits of Ichiro Yamamoto have lost their ability to fight, so the winner is Ryuichi Miyazaki from Class C of the first grade!"

There was an uproar.

Ichiro Yamamoto, who became a laughing stock, walked out of the arena like a stray dog, with Long Yi and Geng Gui following behind him.

After leaving Jin Lingdang for a long time, I came into contact with Geng Gui again and combined with the exercise during this period, it seems that I have a new understanding of hypnotism and mastered deeper skills.

It crept into the depths of Ichiro Yamamoto's consciousness, amplified the negative emotions in his mind, gradually created a terrible idea, and let it grow.

In reality, Ichiro Yamamoto walked to the edge of the forest silently, his face cloudy and uncertain.

Suddenly, at one point, he took out all his Poké Balls, reversed the switch on them, and threw them.

Giant vines, stinky mud, big tongue, stinky lip sister, stinky flowers!

The five elves looked blankly at Ichiro Yamamoto, who had just lifted the restrictions imposed on them by the elf ball.

That is, they were abandoned!Or rather, free!

"Get out, you trash, get out! What I, Yamamoto, need are more powerful elves, not you trash that can't even beat a Geng Gui!"

Yamamoto shifted all the responsibility for the failure to his elves, and the elves looked at each other in blank dismay. The most loyal and weakest Smelly Flower went into the forest first, followed by Miss Lips and Big Tongue.

Smelly mud and giant vines begged for a long time, but Ichiro Yamamoto still did not change his mind, and finally the two elves had no choice but to leave step by step.

So far, the 5 elf thugs who helped Ichiro Yamamoto to harm the academy were all abandoned by him!

Long Yi and Yamamoto Ichiro just stood motionless by the edge of the forest, both of them have been deeply controlled.

Geng Gui flew to Long Yi's side, touched the golden bell on his hand obsessively, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and interrupted the hypnosis.


Long Yi woke up suddenly, and the system automatically activated, absorbing all 1000 points of super energy from the golden bell.

"No! What have you done! You devil!" Yamamoto Ichiro rushed forward with a ferocious expression. What happened just now was just that he was hypnotized by Geng Gui, and it didn't mean that the two of them didn't know what happened.

He has no elves now!

Long Yi put away the golden bell, drew his saber out of its sheath.


Mo Yan's sharp blade lay across the tip of Ichiro Yamamoto's pen, and a drop of blood squeezed out and landed on the sword peak. His blood was also red.

"Of course I will give you the retribution you deserve! You scum!" Long Yijie laughed out of anger, his laughter was like a devil.

=========================================================== ===
Three shifts again, a total of 6 shifts are still owed!
(End of this chapter)

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