Chapter 175
The few people at the table also looked at Mo Qinghan, waiting for Mo Qinghan to speak, because they all knew that if Mo Qingfu married far away, the inner house of the Marquis Huguo's Mansion would never be peaceful.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger!" Mo Qinghan replied without humility, does Mrs. Ping want to be rich and famous?Pay as much as you want!There is no free lunch in this world!
"It's a good saying that wealth and wealth are sought in danger! The glory and wealth you have obtained are all obtained at the same price!" The old man was a little emotional.

Du Changsheng knew that the old man was thinking of his father who died in the battle, so he comforted him.

Everyone also knew that the old man with white hair gave away the man with black hair. The brothers and sisters of Du Changsheng lost their father when they were young. Hearing what the old man said, he hurriedly comforted him, "Good times are always to come! We These old fellows are waiting for the juniors below to pay their respects!"

"Hahaha... yes! This child... is not like his father! Not like his mother! And not like you!" The old man pointed to Mo Qinghan and said to Fang Yuliang. At a young age, Qing Han has a careful mind and a well-thought-out temperament. She is a person who can accomplish great things!He was very happy that he didn't stop the old woman's proposal to discuss this marriage with his eldest granddaughter.

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed, Mo Qinghan's appearance followed Mrs. Hou's, but his temperament was unlike anyone else's, and his whole body had no blood relatives like Mo Qinghan!
"Grandpa! Mrs. Tai said she wanted to see the prince, so I would like to ask you a few words!" The mother next to Mrs. Cheng Guogong was talking back and forth, looking at Mo Qinghan. Obviously, the prince she was talking about was Mo Qinghan.

The old man looked at his eyes and turned his eyes, afraid that the old woman wanted to see her grandson-in-law, so she would give Mo Qinghan a wink.

Mo Qinghan got up, and respectfully saluted several people, "This junior has been in the mansion for a long time and has not greeted Mrs. Tai and Mrs. Madam, this junior will come as soon as he goes!"

"Go, let's go!" Several people smiled knowingly, Du Wanyu and Mo Qinghan had already engaged in a marriage, as long as they met and said a few words in front of everyone, it didn't matter.

Mo Qinghan followed the mother all the way to the courtyard of Mrs. Cheng Guogong's wife in the inner courtyard. The food had already been removed and tea and cakes were placed in the room. Du Wanyu stood beside Mrs. Cheng Guogong with her head down.

Mo Qinghan walked in without squinting, and respectfully greeted Mrs. Cheng, "Get up, get up! Is it cold this way?" Mrs. Cheng was very happy to see Mo Qinghan. How could she dislike the excellent grandson-in-law she chose herself!

A maid over there brought a brocade stool for Mo Qinghan to sit on.Mo Qinghan nodded and thanked him as he sat on the brocade bench, "Mrs. Hui! I just had a glass of wine with the three elders, and walked for a while, and now I'm hot!" Mo Qinghan raised the corners of her lips slightly Watching Mrs. Cheng Guogong reply.

"That's good! You are still young, don't be coaxed by them to eat too much! Too much wine will hurt your health!" Mrs. Cheng Guogong nodded with a smile and told Mo Qinghan.

"Yes! This junior will save it!" Mo Qinghan replied with a smile.

"Your second sister is now the princess, and she will marry Beiman in a few days!" Mrs. Cheng Guogong asked again, and now the second aunt has been promoted to a concubine, and her daughter has become a princess again. I am worried that my granddaughter will marry and endure hardships.

"Since ancient times, the confidante has been so beautiful, and the second sister is a lucky person to be able to win the attention of the King of the North Man!" Mo Qinghan nodded in reply.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong pursed her lips and smiled. Mo Qinghan said that since ancient times, the confidante is too unlucky to be a confidante. This is implying to her that the confidante is unlucky, and Mo Qingfu may not live long!He asked Mo Qinghan a few more words, and then asked a few questions about Mrs. Tai's body, Mrs. Hou's body, and Mo Qinghua's children, and Mo Qinghan answered them one by one.

"Okay! I won't delay you to go back to eat, don't wait for those few words to pressure you and coax you to drink too much wine! Yu'er! Send the grandma to send the son off!" Mrs. Cheng Guogong smiled and sent guest.

Du Wanyu obediently greeted Mrs. Cheng Guogong a few times, then followed Mo Qinghan out the door and sent Mo Qinghan to the front yard.

Mo Qinghan saw that Du Wanyu was only wearing a lotus-blue double-breasted long jacket with hidden hibiscus patterns, and couldn't help frowning slightly, then turned her head and told the maid behind her, "Bring a cloak for your lady!"

The maid behind Du Wanyu responded with a smile, turned around and went back to the house to get the cloak.

"Let's go to the front yard! It's not that far away, it doesn't matter!" Seeing that Mo Qinghan cared about her, Du Wanyu couldn't help smiling.

The two stood on the porch and waited for a while, but they didn't wait for the maid with the cloak to come back. Mo Qinghan turned her phoenix eyes and saw that Du Wanyu's body was already trembling, frowning slightly, she took off her fox fur cloak and handed it to Du Wanyu .

"Hurry up and put it on first! It will be bad if you catch the wind and cold!"

Du Wanyu's eyes lit up, looking at the cloak handed over in front of her, hesitating whether to take it, thinking of Mo Qinghan's weak body since childhood, she pushed it back.

"I don't care! You should wear it! You..." Du Wanyu wanted to say "You are weak", but she stopped after thinking about it.

The corners of Mo Qinghan's mouth twitched slightly, her body was a little weaker, but it was almost the same after more than a year of recovery, plus she practiced kung fu diligently, she seldom got sick anymore.Seeing that Du Wanyu was still reserved, she frowned, this little girl could take a cup of tea even when she went to get a cloak, she was afraid that she deliberately created a chance for Du Wanyu to talk to her, so she stretched out her fox fur cloak and put it on Du Wanyu.

Du Wanyu was shivering from the cold, when suddenly a warm cloak came over, carrying the faint unknown fragrance unique to Mo Qinghan's body, which made her heart palpitate, she lowered her head and dared not look at Mo Qinghan who was so close, He couldn't help but glance up again, his cheeks blushing.

"Let's go!" A gust of cold wind came in, Mo Qinghan waved his clothes and walked forward.

The fox fur cloak was a bit long, and it fell on Du Wanyu's body until it reached her feet. Seeing Mo Qinghan walking away, Du Wanyu stepped on the cloak in a few quick steps and fell forward.

The beauty fell, and the hero naturally rescued her.Mo Qinghan, the pseudo-hero, hastily stretched out his hand to support Du Wanyu, catching Du Wanyu firmly so that she would not fall to the ground.

Du Wanyu held Mo Qinghan tightly, although she was shocked when she fell, but thinking of Mo Qinghan by her side, she definitely wouldn't let her fall!At this moment, she fell into Mo Qinghan's not spacious arms, her heart couldn't help beating wildly like a deer, thumping.

(End of this chapter)

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