Chapter 176
"The floor is slippery, be more filial!" Mo Qinghan hurriedly let go of his hands after a word of instruction, men and women are inseparable, and now there may be people from Cheng Guogong's mansion watching from the dark.

Watching from the dark were the servants of Duke Cheng's mansion, and Sikong Jingyan who was dragged by the queen to accompany Huainan Wang's family for dinner.

Sikong Jingyan looked at the handsome man and the pretty woman below, feeling jealous, and Mo Qinghan actually came to see Du Wanyu!He was dragged by his mother to eat with his uncle, and he was displeased when his mother told his cousin Jingyao to be with him intentionally or unintentionally, and Zuo Jingyao's dark eyes also displeased him.

Hearing the news that Mo Qinghan and Du Changsheng went to Duke Cheng's mansion together, he couldn't sit still. Mo Qinghan may meet Du Wanyu when he goes to Duke Cheng's mansion!He couldn't let Mo Qinghan really fall in love with Du Wanyu, Mo Qinghan was the person he liked, and impatiently used up the meal, he hurried out of the palace and came to Duke Cheng's mansion under the pretext of something urgent in the mansion. Unexpectedly, I saw Mo Qinghan take off her fox fur cloak and put it on Du Wanyu gently!

He knew that Du Wanyu liked Mo Qinghan, so he probably did it on purpose when he fell down. Seeing Mo Qinghan holding Du Wanyu in his arms, he was burning with jealousy, narrowing his peach eyes dangerously.

When Du Wanyu sent Mo Qinghan back to the front yard, she was about to say a few words to Mo Qinghan, but she saw that Mo Qinghan had already stepped into the flower hall. She was wearing Mo Qinghan's cloak and it was not easy to appear in front of everyone. The little girl who was going to get the cloak also rushed over, and was supported by the little girl back to the inner courtyard.

"Miss! Let's go quickly! It's such a cold day, what if you catch a cold!" The little maid worriedly urged Du Wanyu, who was walking slowly.

"I'm wearing thick clothes, how can I catch a cold! The ground is so slippery, it's easy to fall if you walk too fast!" Du Wanyu was recalling the atmosphere of walking with Mo Qinghan just now.

Seeing that Du Wanyu was wearing Mo Qinghan's fox fur cloak, the little maid smiled and stopped answering.

It was dark and the road was slippery and it was easy to fall. Just when Du Wanyu walked to the place where Mo Qinghan caught her, she accidentally stepped on a stone and fell to the ground again.

It's just that there is no hero to save the beauty this time, Du Wanyu kicked hard.

Sikong Jingyan watched everyone rush out to help Du Wanyu into the house, snorted coldly, and flew away.Since you are willing to fall, then fall one more time!Wrestling is healthier!He's going to clean up that heartless one!
When Sikong Jingyan arrived at the front yard, Mo Qinghan and the others had finished talking and were about to return home.Mo Qinghan got into Fang Yuliang's carriage and sent Fang Yuliang directly back to the Zhongyibo Mansion, and then back to the Huguohou Mansion.Fang Zixi was naturally escorted back home.

In Shenglong Court, Su'er and Ziyun knew that Mo Qinghan had gone to Duke Cheng's mansion and was afraid that he would come back after drinking again, so they prepared hangover soup early in the morning and prepared hot water for bathing.

Before Mo Qinghan sat down, she listened to the message from the little maid outside, asking Mo Qinghan to go to Mrs. Tai's Shou'an Hall.Mo Qinghan frowned slightly, changed her clothes and went to Shou'an Hall.

Everyone in the Shou'an Hall was present, Mrs. Tai's face was calm and no joy or sorrow could be seen, while Mo Zhenghong had a serious face and deep eyes.Mrs. Hou sat calmly on a chair beside her, while Madam Shi was protecting her tightly.Mrs. Ping sat on the brocade bench resentfully, with red and swollen five finger marks on her face, she gave Mrs. Hou a hard look from time to time, and when she saw Mo Qinghan coming in, she immediately shot her eyes like knives, wishing she could swallow Mo Qinghan alive.

Mo Qingfu cried to death, sobbing on Mrs. Tai's lap, Mo Qinghao stood aside and comforted her in a low voice.

Mo Qinghan respectfully greeted Mrs. Mo Zhenghong and Mrs. Hou, "Han'er is back!" Mrs. Tai responded and ordered someone to move a brocade stool for Mo Qinghan to sit on.

"What's the matter!" Mo Qinghan looked puzzledly at Mrs. Tai and then at Mrs. Hou, and finally her eyes fell on Mrs. Ping's face.Mrs. Ping has always believed that she has Mo Zhenghong's backing and her eldest son by her side. Now that her daughter has been named princess, she is going to marry Beiman King as his concubine soon. How could she be slapped!

"Mrs. Ben is Mrs. Ping after all. The son didn't even ask for a courtesy when he saw Mrs. Ping!" Mrs. Ping looked at Mo Qinghan with unfriendly eyes.

"Could Madam Ping be ordered!" Mo Qinghan asked suspiciously.

Mrs. Ping choked, and said through her teeth, "This Mrs. is also Mrs. Hou's wife!"

"Could it be that father married two first-time wives!" Mo Qinghan was surprised, a concubine who was righting upright dared to ask her to pay his respects!In the past, my mother was the main wife. When she was a concubine, how often did she greet her like a mother!It's not that she doesn't care, she just wants to wait for the right time to deal with her properly, how can she be allowed to be arrogant for so long!
Mrs. Ping was stared at by Mo Zhenghong and dared not answer any more. The first wife that Ming Media is marrying will always be older than Ping's wife, and even the second wife is no better than the first wife.If Mo Zhenghong was said to have married two first-time wives, he would have to be punished with fifty rods and three years of hard labor.

"Han'er! I called you here to discuss the matter of seeing off your relatives! Your second elder sister married Beiman far away, the journey is far away, and time is tight. You are the eldest son of the Huguohou Mansion, so you can go see your second elder sister off!" Mrs. Tai and everyone stopped talking and instructed Mo Qinghan.

"Grandmother! This is going to be the elder brother. Since there is an older brother, the grandson will not be able to surpass him!" Mo Qinghan rolled his eyes at Mo Qinghao.

Mrs. Tai was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Mo Qinghan to refuse, and she refused so confidently and reasonably!
"Mother! Fu'er's dowry has been being prepared. Now that the princess has been named, the palace will naturally prepare a dowry for Fu'er. It can be prepared in a few days. My daughter-in-law sees that Mrs. Ping's request is not too much. As long as you don't overstep the serious princess, the princess will pay the money anyway." Mrs. Hou changed the subject with a virtuous smile, and wanted her son to go to Beiman to see off his relatives in Daxuetian, so as to support her daughter!Not to mention that her son doesn't want to go, even if her son is willing, she doesn't want to go either!
She knew that she would have to be tough in the future, and what her sister-in-law said was right, if no one supported her, she would have to be tough by herself in order to protect her son!protect yourself!Today, she used Mrs. Ping to make trouble, spoke ill of her and beat Mrs. Ping, and was taught a lesson to her. Suddenly, she felt that Mrs. Ping liked to beat and scold servants.
Mrs. Tai pursed her lips and did not speak. Mrs. Hou was very powerful today and beat Mrs. Ping angrily. With thunderous means, someone beat Mrs. Ping's maid on the board. After the beating, she calmly came to report to her.She knew that Mrs. Hou might be forced into a hurry, because Mrs. Ping had been promoted to a wife, and now her daughter was concubine again, she couldn't feel angry, and she was afraid that if Mrs. Hou's first-rank imperial order was placed there, she would be even worse. It's because my heart doesn't go my way, I moved out of Zhongyi Bo's mansion!

(End of this chapter)

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