Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 240 The Prince is in Danger

Chapter 240 The Prince is in Danger (3)
"Master Hou should discuss this matter with my grandfather!" Du Wanyu's face blushed, and her heart was sweet. Mo Qinghan actually directly discussed the matter of getting married with herself, and lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Naturally, I have to discuss this matter with the Duke of the State. At the beginning, it was my grandmother's intention to get engaged to the Duke of Cheng's mansion. You also know that I have no right or position to speak. My mother is not favored, and I can't speak in front of my grandmother." , so this marriage has been settled like this..." Mo Qinghan thought about the words, trying to make Du Wanyu understand what he meant, and offered to withdraw the engagement.

Du Wanyu looked at Mo Qinghan in astonishment, obviously she might have made a mistake, clenched the handkerchief tightly in her hand, her complexion turned pale, she raised her heart and asked softly, " are not satisfied with this marriage!" Mo Qinghan would say something that she couldn't accept.

"Marrying me hurts you!" Mo Qinghan gave an affirmative answer without nodding.

"Yes... Is there anything about me that dissatisfies you? It's because you think our families are..." Du Wanyu thought that Mo Qinghan fell in love with a lady from another family, but she couldn't figure out why Mo Qinghan would say marry her. Giving it to Mo Qinghan is harming her!She really likes Mo Qinghan, marrying him, she will only be happy, how could it harm her!

"You're fine, it's my problem!" What Mo Qinghan said was not against her will. Du Wanyu really wanted to look good, to have a good family background, to be talented and talented. In such a feudal society, Du Wanyu could say that she was not Second, everyone is a lady.

Hearing this, Du Wanyu was really anxious. She had always known that Mo Qinghan was excellent, and she felt a little scared in her heart. Such a good person would be her future husband-in-law. Even her grandfather said that Mo Qinghan was rare There are not many talents in Nanfeng that can be compared in ancient and modern times. Given time, he will surely be able to achieve great things in the future!Even the grandfather said he was good, how could others not see his goodness, if it wasn't for the fact that the two of them had already engaged, the threshold of the Huguohou's mansion would have been broken through.

Now the problem she has been worrying about has finally appeared!Mo Qinghan fell in love with someone else, and wanted to fight for the position of wife for that woman, so today she came here not to explain to herself, but to divorce the engagement!Thinking of retiring, Du Wanyu opened her eyes wide and looked at Mo Qinghan, her face full of disbelief, tears welling in her eyes, but she tried not to let them fall, "You... want to resign!"

"The purpose of retiring is to not harm you!" Mo Qinghan knew that it would be cruel for a woman to accept her resignation, and it might cause Du Wanyu to commit suicide, so she wanted Du Wanyu to propose resignation.

"Why? Who do you like? I can tolerate her existence!" Du Wanyu said, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"I don't like anyone! My identity... doesn't allow me to like women!" Mo Qinghan lowered her head, thought about it, and decided to take the risk of confessing the secret of her identity to Du Wanyu. She believed that Du Wanyu would not casually reveal this matter. Just like when she was assassinated on the back mountain of Ciyuan Temple, if Du Wanyu had been hiding in the dark, she must have seen her martial arts skills, but she didn't tell anyone.

Du Wanyu froze in place, Mo Qinghan's words echoed in her mind, his status does not allow him to like women!Not allowed to like women!Could it be...

Mo Qinghan looked at Du Wanyu's sluggish look, frowned, hesitated and reached out to hold Du Wanyu's hand on her chest, "I'm just like you!"

But Du Wanyu hurriedly withdrew her hand as if wanting to get an electric shock, kept shaking her head and backed away, "No! No! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"So I will say that marrying me is harming you! I believe that with the status of Duke Cheng's government in the court, even if you retire, you can still find a suitable marriage!" Mo Qinghan looked at Du Wanyu who was on the verge of collapse. Backing away, there was a peach tree behind her, so she hurriedly stopped to finish reading, so that Du Wanyu could face up to the problem in front of her.Now about the matter of retiring the engagement, Du Wanyu can only talk about it. It is not acceptable for her to ask the Duke and Youniang to the Chengguo Palace. The Chengguo Palace has recognized her as the grandson-in-law!If Du Wanyu disagreed with this marriage, she would suggest that this matter might still be possible.

"You..." Du Wanyu's sluggish eyes seemed to be out of focus, looking at Mo Qinghan who only said "you" and then couldn't continue.She thought about all kinds of possibilities, including the possibility that Mo Qinghan was short-sleeved, but she never thought that Mo Qinghan was a woman!It's a woman!
"You also know that there was a concubine's eldest son in the Marquis of Huguo at that time, my mother gave birth to me and my elder sister, and my aunt and servant girls were eyeing her, just waiting to pick on my mother's faults to suppress my mother, if not, I wouldn't be born with insufficiency! My mother lost a lot of money after giving birth to me, and she has never been pregnant since. My grandfather was murdered and imprisoned, and my mother was framed and punished and sent to the family temple. My eldest sister and I have been living in the family temple. Fan then beat and scolded casually. Before the second aunt, the current Mrs. Chen, had arranged a marriage for the elder sister. In Xuanzhou, south of Si, she was a famous cruel dude. The second aunt was the abbot of Zhongji, and threatened the elder sister to agree. He said he would treat me and my mother kindly, and when I found out, I begged my father not to let my eldest sister marry that man, but my father beat me up and fell into a coma on the bed for three days and three nights." Seeing Du Wanyu's excited expression, Mo Qinghan Afraid of what Du Wanyu would do, he began to talk about the war in the inner mansion of the Marquis Huguo in order to divert Du Wanyu's attention.

Du Wanyu didn't want to hear anything, but Mo Qinghan's cold and sad voice seemed to have penetrating power, piercing her ears and entering her mind, listening to Mo Qinghan's unhurried narration, gradually Calm down your emotions.

Mo Qinghan was still talking about what happened to her predecessor when she was a child, Du Wanyu kept silent, but tears kept streaming.

"At the beginning, I also had no choice but to get engaged. I always wanted to make it clear that maybe because my mother and I left the Huguohou Mansion, you would ask you to propose annulling the engagement, but I didn't want me to fall into the eyes of the Duke, so I insisted on identifying me!" Mo Qinghan looked at Du Wanyu's tears gushing like a fountain, hesitated for a moment, and reached out to wipe them away.

"You still have a bright future, but I can only live like this for the rest of my life. If not, my mother and I will be guilty of deceiving the emperor!"

"That's why you left the Huguohou Mansion!" Du Wanyu opened her mouth and asked, with sobs in her voice.

"I left the Huguohou's Mansion because I don't want my mother to be bullied and persecuted by them again." Seeing Du Wanyu's endless tears, Mo Qinghan put down her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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