Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 241 The Prince is in Danger

Chapter 241 The Prince is in Danger (4)
"You want to divorce, that's why that Cao Shulan has been living in Uncle Zhongyi's mansion! That's why that Zhao Biyou is serving in your house!" Du Wanyu couldn't express what she felt in her heart, she felt that she was being held tightly and couldn't breathe, His mind was in a mess, but his heart was clear about Mo Qinghan's actions.

"Yes!" Mo Qinghan nodded, as long as Du Wanyu can figure it out.

Du Wanyu didn't say a word after hearing this, she turned her head and walked out of the peach forest in a daze, she staggered and almost fell, Mo Qinghan hurriedly stepped forward to support her.If before, Du Wanyu would have blushed, but this time she stood firm and continued to walk aimlessly.

Just in time, a little maid came to look for Du Wanyu, and seeing Du Wanyu's pale face and dull eyes, she was startled, wanted to call Mo Qinghan, but was afraid that people would see her innocence when she came out of Taolin, so she hurriedly helped Du Wanyu back I entered the wing room of Xiangguo Temple.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong and his daughter-in-law were discussing the marriage between Du Wanyu and Mo Qinghan. Seeing Du Wanyu's dazed look, they were terrified. They thought that Mo Qinghan had done something to Du Wanyu, so they hurriedly asked Du Wanyu, but Du Wanyu shook her head, what? Don't say anything, but Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Du are terrified.When I asked the servant girl who was accompanying her, they also said that they didn't know what Mo Qinghan and Du Wanyu said.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, they both knew what Du Wanyu was thinking about Mo Qinghan, could it be that Mo Qinghan did something wrong to Yu'er!
The two of them guessed wildly, and they had no intention of praying to Buddha. They comforted Du Wanyu in a low voice, and only hoped that Du Wanyu would not take everything to heart.

Mo Qinghan stood in the peach forest and looked at Du Wanyu who was going away. She also knew that Du Wanyu needed time to think about this matter, so she couldn't push it too fast.Suddenly he heard footsteps coming from behind, turned around and saw Sikong Jingshao approaching slowly, wearing a white gauze robe and a white jade crown, with a gentle and drowning smile on his face, elegant and detached like an exile.But why is Sikong Jingshao here!
Mo Qinghan's heart skipped a beat, could it be that Sikong Jingshao listened to her conversation with Du Wanyu just now!But with her current martial arts, someone approaching her would definitely find out quickly, but she didn't find that Sikong Jingshao was here!Did Sikong Jingshao also pretend like a brother-in-law, or did he just come here!

"What a coincidence, I ran into Han'er here!" Sikong Jingshao looked at Mo Qinghan and smiled slightly. He didn't expect that today he came to fulfill the wish of his mother and concubine, and he would gain so much!Mo Qinghan is a woman!A woman with wisdom and talent unmatched by men!A woman who is enough to make people fall into it!After searching for so long, he failed to find out the identity of Mo Qinghan's daughter, but unexpectedly, he overheard it under such circumstances.

Mo Qinghan's phoenix eyes turned cold, Ling Lie was drawn like a sharp sword, Han'er!It seems that Sikong Jingshao is indeed as Sikong Jingyan said, a master who hides his secrets!

"This king has no malice towards you! Since this king knows your secret, and you know my secret, we should be regarded as friends sharing weal and woe now!" Sikong Jingshao didn't care about Mo Qinghan's eyes at all, but was gentle She walked into Mo Qinghan's side with a smile.

"We share weal and woe! I'm afraid the prince used the wrong words!" Mo Qinghan looked at Sikong Jingshao vigilantly. She has always been negligent about Sikong Jingshao, and the matter with Sikong Jingshao is only limited to those appearances, and now she can't figure it out. Knowing the details of the enemy, she can't act rashly.

"This king has some martial arts to protect his body, but his legs are really handicapped. Martial arts are just to protect his own safety! Isn't it the same for you! You are really born with shortcomings, but you have unique skills!" Sikong Jingshao He stopped five steps away from Mo Qinghan, and looked at Mo Qinghan tenderly and dotingly.If there is such a princess, I believe he will not regret it in this life.

"This Marquis has never met the lord, and the lord has never been to Xiangguo Temple. Let me say goodbye!" Mo Qinghan didn't want to deal with Sikong Jingshao. If he could endure for 20 years like Sikong Jingshao, he must have unknown strength and influence. , this kind of person usually likes to manipulate everything in the dark, and now that Sikong Jingshao has discovered her identity secret, she doesn't want to associate with such a person.

"Han'er, why should you be in such a hurry! The king buried two altars of peach blossom wine under this peach tree last year. Why don't Han'er taste it with me!" Sikong Jingshao blocked Mo Qinghan's way, but his heart was Guess whether Sikong Jingyan also knows Mo Qinghan's identity!
Mo Qinghan frowned, looking at Sikong Jingshao's leisurely, elegant and otherworldly look, she couldn't guess what Sikong Jingshao was thinking.

At this time, there were footsteps not far away, and Mo Qinghan knew that he was going to have a fast meal. Seeing that he hadn't gone back for a long time to find someone, Ah Bao took a deep look at Sikong Jingshao, then turned and left.

Sikong Jingshao looked at Mo Qinghan's back and smiled straight into his eyes, no wonder Yinxue got close to Han'er!He wants to confirm as soon as possible how many people still know about the identity of Han'er's daughter. The Xian Palace has been silent for so many years, and there should be a princess!It seems that he can no longer keep a low profile like this, otherwise this princess will become someone else's princess!
Mo Qinghan went back to the wing room, Fang Yurou, and Mrs. Fang had a fast meal together, but Cheng Guogong's mansion said that Du Wanyu was not feeling well, so he left and went back home first.

Mrs. Fang was surprised, but Fang Yurou was relieved, as long as Cheng Guogong's government didn't force her to marry a wife!After all, Han'er's status doesn't allow it, if she can, she should try her best to withdraw from the engagement.

As soon as Mo Qinghan returned to Siqin, Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion, news came that the stubborn old man had succeeded, but Mo Qinghao discovered the clue.

Mo Qinghan raised her eyebrows, and was discovered by Mo Qinghao!I'm afraid that the stubborn old man sees that he is too leisurely and finds something for himself to do.

The next day, Mo Qinghan was still taking a lunch break when a servant outside the door reported that the son of the protector of the country had arrived.

"Take the prince to the living room, Ben Hou will be here soon!" Mo Qinghan got up unhurriedly, after Su'er and Ziyun helped her wash and wash, she drank a cup of tea before getting up and walking slowly to the living room.

Mo Qinghao was sitting on the teacher's chair, drinking tea while looking at the furnishings in the room. There was no sign of eagerness or displeasure on his face, but the resentment was already hard to dissipate in his heart. He suppressed his emotions strongly and waited for Mo Qinghan's arrival.

"So it's the prince of the Huguohou! What a rare guest!" Mo Qinghan entered the door and exchanged greetings with Mo Qinghao.

"Marquis Fengyang is really busy! It's not easy to see you!" Mo Qinghao stood up and looked at Mo Qinghan coldly, his eyes had revealed his resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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