Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 383 Crane and Clam Fight!

Chapter 383 Crane and Clam Fight! (1)
Mu Liunian nodded and smiled, only then remembered that this Sangqiu Yue grew up with her grandmother, and Sangqiu Feng was always brought up by Mrs. Sangqiu herself.And Mrs. Sancho is obsessed with Buddhism, which is also well known in the capital.

After Mu Liunian returned to his residence, the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong. How could it be such a coincidence?
But when Qian Xia arrived at Yongtai Building, he naturally met Sangqiu Zirui.

In Qian Xia's heart, 1 people don't want to see him again, but due to the situation, she has to rely on him for some things. Thinking of this, Qian Xia feels very depressed.

The meeting with Sangqiu Zirui was quite pleasant. At least, from Qianxia's point of view, she was in a good mood, because Sangqiu Zirui promised to intensify his efforts against the eldest prince Xiao Yunsong and Mei Xiang in the court at the same time as she made a move. .

Of course, he doesn't expect to bring down anyone, but with some necessary push, it is easy for the emperor to become suspicious of the Mei family and the eldest prince.

Both of them were smart enough not to get involved in any personal matters, but after discussing these cooperation matters, Qian Xia got up and said goodbye, the reason was very simple, now that Yun Cangli was unconscious, how could she have leisure time, Going out to eat, drink and have fun?

Surprisingly, this time, Sangqiu Zirui did not say anything to keep her, nor did he mention Mu Liunian from the beginning to the end!

Three days later, Mu Liunian accompanied Princess Changping back to the palace, and that night, he sneaked into Qianxia's courtyard.

"Why are you here at this time? Is there anything you can't say during the day?" Qian Xia frowned slightly, and the elegance and elegance of a lily in full bloom gradually gathered between her brows.

Mu Liunian pursed his lips, "Aren't I in a hurry? Besides, when I come here during the day, there will always be so many people watching. If I want to hug you, I have to look at the expressions of your three brothers. It’s not that I’m afraid of them, I just don’t want to embarrass you.”

Qian Xia gave him a hard look, "You'd better come here so late, you better have something important to do!"

Seeing the annoyed look on Qian Xia's face because she was disturbed, Mu Liunian was inexplicably in a good mood.

"I was in the Huguo Temple, and I saw Sangqiu Yue." Immediately afterwards, he told Qian Xia all the information he had found.

After hearing this, Qian Xia rested her chin with one hand, her mind was obviously not in this room.The candle flame flickered back and forth, and occasionally a spark sputtered out with a crackling sound, which made the atmosphere in the room quieter and more depressing.

"You mean, between Sangqiu Feng and Mei Qianluo?" Qian Xia obviously still can't accept such news. These two families are obviously deadly rivals. How can they become so in the blink of an eye? Got a pair of fateful mandarin ducks?

Mu Liunian saw that she was obviously a little unbelievable, and raised his eyebrows lightly, "Don't talk about you, when I first found out, I thought it was impossible! But the current situation is exactly like this. Besides, after listening to them a few times The meaning of the conversation seems to be that the two met for the first time in this Huguo Temple, and then settled their love in Huguo Temple."

Qian Xia pondered for a while, and then said, "From this point of view, Mei Qianluo has no interest in family affairs? He doesn't even care whether the eldest prince Xiao Yunsong can become the prince?"

"Looking at it like this, it seems to be. However, I'm still not sure whether Mei Qianluo and Sangqiu Feng are sincere, or is one of them plotting against the other from the very beginning?"

Qian Xia's thoughts moved, "You mean, one of them is very likely to be acting?"

Mu Liunian nodded, "This possibility is not ruled out. After all, it involves the future honor and disgrace of the two major families, and both of them are in the same line, so it is unlikely that they will use their own reputations for the sake of testing. After all, this kind of thing can be hidden for a while, but it cannot be hidden for a lifetime!"

"Then tell me, should we beat the mandarin ducks with sticks, or let them develop freely?"

"Let's see if they will react to your next actions? After all, for Mei Yuanyao now, he has high hopes for Mei Qianluo, especially the way Mei Qianfang looks now. But there’s really no hope.”

Qian Xia squinted her eyes, but didn't say anything after all.

In the early morning of the next day, the emperor was furious. It turned out that someone had sued the eldest prince Xiao Yunsong before the emperor with a memorial.Angrily denounced the eldest prince's various evil deeds, especially as a prince, he turned out to be a servant who was allowed to come out of the eldest prince's house, and used his relationship to amass money wantonly!

The eldest prince was shocked, and naturally denied it again and again, and then complained loudly.But I don't want to, before I finished complaining about my grievances, the emperor directly threw out a pile of evidence.In front of many courtiers, the emperor seemed really angry this time!

Otherwise, it is impossible not to leave him any room.

What Concubine Mei didn't expect was that this incident would affect her again, because those so-called people who used the name of the eldest prince to collect money outside were actually found out under the repeated investigation of the emperor. Several of them were from Hua'an Palace.

The emperor hadn't figured out how to deal with this matter yet, the Yongshou Palace where the Taihuang lived was unexpectedly on fire, if it hadn't been discovered in time, the Empress Dowager would have died in it.

The cause of the fire, after being jointly investigated by Gong Zhengsi, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Dali Temple, it was agreed that it was because of the candles used in Yongshou Palace.After further investigation, it was discovered that the batch of candles in the Yongshou Palace were actually entered by Concubine Mei when she was in charge of the Sixth Palace earlier.It came from the property under the name of the Mei family, and after the purchase in the palace, it flowed into the Yongshou Palace.

Once the news was verified, Concubine Mei's expression turned ashen!
The fire in the Yongshou Palace is more serious than the so-called money-gathering incidents outside.That was the queen mother's bedroom, if the emperor would not be furious, it would be strange.

And the result of the final investigation made the emperor find no reason to favor Concubine Mei no matter what.

When Concubine Mei heard about the fire in Yongshou Palace, she understood that this time, it was clear that someone was plotting against her!Reminiscent of the various troubles that the Mei family and herself have encountered these days, it is difficult for her not to suspect the queen.

Since the queen was suspected, how could she be unprepared?
Even if this happened suddenly, who is Concubine Mei?How could it be so depressed without any counterattack?You know, she has been relegated to the position of concubine now, and if she goes down, she will become a concubine.

The most important thing is, once you recognize this.Then the status of the Mei family in the court will be seriously affected, and the eldest prince Xiao Yunsong will face an even more severe crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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