Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 384 Crane and Clam Fight!

Chapter 384 Crane and Clam Fight! (2)
Concubine Mei has been standing in the palace for many years, and the reason for it is naturally impossible to be just the emperor's favor.

In this harem, no woman could survive without the emperor's favorite woman.However, a woman who can stand in the palace for many years naturally relies on more than just the emperor's favor.

Concubine Mei's reaction was quite quick. Not only did she immediately arrange for people to quickly destroy the remaining candles, but she also quietly took back a few candles.

On the one hand, Concubine Mei obviously did not believe that the fire in Yongshou Palace was caused by those candles.But at the same time, she had to beware of the queen's people, who would take this opportunity to tamper with those candles.

Of course, Concubine Mei's quickest and most effective action was to kneel outside the gate of Chengqian Palace on her own initiative, taking off her hairpin, but she just knelt without saying a word, neither complaining nor crying , just knelt upright in front of the palace gate.

Concubine Mei's move is undoubtedly incomprehensible.

In the eyes of the queen, her move was indeed too brilliant.

Now that the Mei family has been involved and her head has been found out, no matter what she says, it will probably annoy the emperor. Now she is just kneeling, neither as an apology nor as an apology. Calling Qu, on the contrary, it can attract the emperor's attention, and he wants to see her.

The queen was in Kunning Palace, and heard the report from the palace staff, saying that several concubines deliberately made a detour to Chengqian Palace to make fun of Concubine Mei, obviously thinking that after this battle, Concubine Mei had completely fallen out of favor.After all, no matter what, the empress dowager lived in the palace that caught fire.

The queen sneered, "It's really stupid! I have been fighting with Concubine Mei for more than twenty years, and even I don't believe that Concubine Mei will be depressed and out of favor this time. These women are really short-sighted."

Aunt Xiangyun next to the queen smiled, "Isn't this just right? They offended Concubine Mei, and if Concubine Mei regains her favor in the future, then the only thing they can rely on is you, the empress. Besides, the empress is now in charge again." With the power of the Six Palaces, it is perfectly normal for them to be attached to the empress."

There was a smile on the queen's face, "Well, I have been patient for long enough, and it's time to let Concubine Mei know whether the mistress of the harem is named Mei or Sanqiu! Now the second prince It was very safe in the previous dynasty. Although there have been no outstanding achievements so far, this is what can reassure the emperor. Tea should be tasted one by one, and things should be done one by one. Haste If not."

The empress obviously meant something, Aunt Xiangyun twitched her brows slightly, her eyes lit up, "Your Majesty, what you mean is that the First Prince is too eager to make meritorious deeds, that's why he offended many important ministers at the same time. , and made the emperor feel dissatisfied?"

"The eldest prince has been making a lot of noise in the court these few years! The power in his hands is getting bigger and bigger. Back then in Anyang City, Zirui was attacked. Without my palace saying much, the emperor would naturally think of it. On him. In addition, the emperor sent someone secretly to investigate the matter secretly. Anyang Sanqiu's family, that is my natal family. He actually dared to do something to my natal family. You said, he is How many guts did you have?"

"Your Majesty, my servant is stupid, please enlighten me."

The queen leaned back lazily, with a light hook on the golden armor on her hand, the light flickered slightly, extremely dazzling.

"The Xu family in Huai'an, the Sangqiu family in Anyang, the Liu family in Luanhe, the Zhao family in Fuyang, and the Fang family in this capital, which one is not a century-old famous family? Is he a prince who can move at his word? Your Majesty, if you really want to strike at someone, you have to think over and over again, and then avoid it, and discuss countermeasures. Especially, there is also a Yun family in the capital. These big families, are he Xiao Yunsong able to move?"

Xiangyun was not surprised when she heard the word "Yun" from the empress's mouth. After all, she is an old man who has followed the empress for many years. Even if she doesn't say anything about some things, her heart is like a bright mirror. of.

"Your Majesty, although the Eldest Prince has committed a mistake, the Emperor may not be willing to punish him. According to my servants, the Emperor's love for Concubine Mei and the Eldest Prince these years is not fake. In this way, The eldest prince is the emperor's first son, so it is understandable that the emperor values ​​it. However, the servants heard that this and Princess Ning Chang are also biased towards the Mei family. As long as they enter the palace, they will definitely be in the ear of the emperor. Say good things about the eldest prince."

The queen's face was a bit cold, and on the delicate makeup, there was only a layer of disgust, and the hatred in the bottom of her eyes was not even half concealed.

"Isn't He Ning relying on the fact that she is the emperor's own younger sister? Oh, just wait and see, with her arrogant temperament, sooner or later, she will wear away the emperor's affection for her. How did the people from the branch of the Mei family insult Princess He Yun's daughter? She moved closer to the Mei family and made it clear that she would have trouble with Princess He Yun."

"Your Majesty, look, where is Chengqian Palace?"

The queen closed her eyes lightly, took a deep breath, and seemed to be falling asleep.

Without the queen's explicit instructions, Xiangyun didn't dare to make any further movements, but just took a step back and guarded quietly.

After about half a stick of incense, the queen raised her eyelids lightly, and said weakly, "Let's go, since Concubine Mei is going to sing this play, I will sing with her. At least, the emperor can't be allowed to sing." My heart is too biased."

"Yes, ma'am."

When she got to the corridor, the queen noticed that at some point, the sky was gloomy and gloomy. The gray sky looked like an old man who wanted to get angry, which made people feel a little depressed and depressed.

The cool wind blew across the face. Although it didn't hurt too much, it also made the pampered queen frowned slightly. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

After riding on the phoenix, he arrived at Chengqian Palace soon.

The queen was supported by Xiangyun to the palace gate, stretched out her hand and gently tugged on her cloak, then raised her right hand gracefully and gently, and helped the nine-tailed phoenix hairpin on her head, as if it was on her fingertips. As soon as her son touched that end, she could feel a kind of peace of mind and solidity.

Lianbu moved lightly, and after more than ten steps, she had already reached Concubine Mei's side. She stopped and looked straight at the palace gate. It was as red as blood, and the queen's eyes seemed to be A lot of white bones appeared.

"Sister, I'm afraid it's useless to plead guilty here. This is outside the palace gate. If you want to be forgiven by the emperor, you should go inside and kneel."

The queen's voice is gentle and pleasant, which is quite different from when she was in Kunning Palace.The sound is as low as a gurgling stream and as clear as spring rain.

A layer of sarcasm floated on the corners of Concubine Mei's lips, she knew that the queen's coming here was definitely not so simple.I have been fighting her for so many years, although there are often small victories, but in the face of major events, she seems to have never been able to win the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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