Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 401 So-called Marriage!

Chapter 401 So-called Marriage! (1)
Qian Xia sneered, "Young Master Mei kept saying that Mrs. Mei He's harmed your biological mother, and that He Lei has helped He's do a lot of wicked things over the years. Unexpectedly, you can still treat your mother." The daughter of my enemy is soft-hearted? Mr. Mei, should I say that you are too kind, or should I say that the things you Mei Qianluo said to me last time were just playing tricks on this girl? ?”

Mei Qianluo raised her eyes unconsciously, and then just felt a huge suction force in front of her eyes, guiding and tempting herself, and at some point, she was sucked into a huge vortex, and she could no longer Get out!

After Qianxia and Sanqi came out of the small house, they went directly to Yongtai Building.

This time, after they entered the lobby, they were invited to the back hall. They turned two more corners and arrived at a very secluded courtyard. The bustle and bustle of the restaurant in front was almost inaudible here.

Qian Xia smiled lightly, "Your master, you will enjoy it."

The shopkeeper laughed dryly, "I made Miss Yun laugh. The master said, you always like to be quiet, so you specially ordered the little one to buy this place again, and then opened it up, leaving only a hanging flower door."

Hearing what he said, Qian Xia seemed to have noticed that before they came in, there were two young men guarding the door. Was it because they were worried that someone was drunk and would break in by mistake?

However, this place is already so far away from the restaurant in front, is it necessary?

Qian Xia was walking in the verandah, when she heard a very familiar flute sound, she stopped, her head tilted slightly, and her eyes looked in the direction of the flute sound.

The shopkeeper said flatteringly, "Miss, the young master is waiting for you inside. Then, the younger ones won't go in."

Sanqi watched the shopkeeper retreat, wondering if it was his own illusion, why did he look at the shopkeeper's face with a very happy expression?Is it lucky that he doesn't have to go in, or is it lucky that he invited the lady here?

"Miss, let's go in first. Your body is weak, so don't be exposed to the wind."

Only then did Qian Xia turn her head back, shook her head with a smile, and continued walking forward.

After passing through a hallway, one enters a sea of ​​pink plum blossoms.

I saw that there were about a dozen plum blossoms planted in the small courtyard, which was not too big.And the color is also a uniform pink. From a distance, it really looks like a peach blossom.Of course, Qianxia knew that it was impossible for Liangcheng to have peach blossoms in this season.

"Plum blossoms are the first to bloom, and spring is the only one in the world. It is proud and clear, colorful but cold. Since ancient times, this plum blossom has been the object of admiration by many literati and celebrities. Now, this plum blossom blooms in the cold, but it is unique. How cool and beautiful."

Sanqi giggled and said, "Miss, I don't understand what you're talking about. I just think these plum blossoms are pretty. Miss, would you like me to help you pick some plum blossoms?"

"No need. In this case, you can go get a basket and pick some plum blossom petals. Warm the plum blossoms to make wine, which is a very elegant thing."

"Yes, miss. The servant will go later." Sanqi said, and helped Qian Xia to continue walking in. Seeing that she was about to reach the steps of the main house, she saw the porch on the east side, where Mu Liunian was blowing flute.Seeing them coming, he turned around and rushed towards Qian Xia.

"Why did it take so long?"

Qian Xia understood the nonsensical words. "Well, there are some things that I temporarily changed my mind."

Mu Liunian strode forward and took her little hand directly. Fortunately, his hand was not cold. Mu Liunian nodded, slightly increased the strength of his hand, and led her into the room.

Seeing that the young lady was so easily abducted by Mu Liunian, Sanqi stomped her feet angrily, and hurriedly followed.

"Didn't I ask you to pick the petals? Why don't you go?" Mu Liunian didn't turn his head back, and the jade flute in his right hand directly picked the table on the side, and with a wave of his arm, a small basket arrived at the door Sanchi's hands.

Sanqi stared blankly at the basket in his hand, and then saw that the young lady had been helped onto the couch by Mu Liunian, and even took off her shoes with his own hands, and put a Mrs. Tang at her feet.

Sanqi snickered, closed the door, and went to collect flower petals.

"It's not so exaggerated. It's not too cold today." Qian Xia watched him take out another blanket and wanted to cover herself, and said quickly.

"How about your own body, don't you know? Lu Shaohua kicked you back then, which hurt your internal organs. Just now you used the secret technique yourself? Your face is a little pale."

Hearing what he said, Qian Xia put her hand on her face almost subconsciously, and then said a little embarrassingly, "How can it be so exaggerated? I didn't really use the secret technique, but just spied on that Mei Qian Does Luo really hate the Mei family?"

"Then what's the result?" After Mu Liunian covered her, he conjured up a box of walnuts out of nowhere, sat next to her, and began to peel them.

"It's okay. Mei Qianluo's hatred for the Mei family should be true. Didn't you ask someone to inquire about the Mei Mansion back then? There should be news, right?"

"En." Mu Liunian responded, and stuffed the walnut kernels in his hand into Qian Xia's mouth, seeing her frown, "Hey, eat a few less."

Qian Xia saw that he cared so much about her, how could she be too ignorant?Nodding his head, he chewed the walnuts in his mouth lightly.

"Mei Yuanyao did have a concubine back then, and I heard that she was very favored. But then I heard that she gave birth to a stillborn child, and later, she went crazy. At first, Mei Yuanyao was good to her, but After a few months, his patience was exhausted. In addition, Mrs. May is a very smart woman. In addition to trying her best to coax him, she also personally selected two beautiful women for him. It seems that Mei Yuanyao never visited her again."

"So, at the very beginning, Mei Yuanyao didn't know that Mei Qianluo was the concubine's son?" Qian Xia always felt that something was wrong, Mei Qianluo's attitude at the beginning, coupled with his Words, but every sentence is accusing Mei Yuanyao.It seems to mean that he also knew the inside story, but he did not severely punish Mrs. Mei.

"It should be. I found a few old people in Mei's mansion to inquire. At first, Mrs. Mei loved Mei Qianluo very much. After all, Mrs. Mei had never had a child. Until later, Mrs. Mei was pregnant with a child, which is now The second son, Mei Qianfang, her attitude towards Mei Qianluo is getting colder day by day."

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Qian Xia's mouth, "I'm afraid that Mrs. Mei thought she was infertile, so she thought of raising Mei Qianluo as her own son. But she didn't expect that she would be happy again? So, No matter what, the children born by other women are not as good as my own! I'm afraid that at that time, she will have the desire to kill Mei Qianluo?"

(End of this chapter)

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