Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 402 So-called Marriage!

Chapter 402 So-called Marriage! (2)
Mu Liunian fed her another walnut, and then put a small copper pot on the table on the small charcoal stove to warm it up, and then took a wooden spoon to stir it gently.

Soon, the room smelled of milk again.

Since Qian Xia returned to Liangcheng, she has been using milk every day, so she is no stranger to this taste.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, although this cow's milk is good, if it is used every day, will it be like medicine, and it will become poisonous after a long time?"

Mu Liunian burst out laughing, "Qianqian, if there is one thing in this world that you don't know, it must be medical skills. Haha, although you are extremely yin, if you suffer a little more, Maybe you can practice some boxing skills, but this medical skill?" Then he shook his head regretfully, "You really are not very good at it."

Qian Xia was slightly embarrassed, what about it?Didn't I just say something wrong?Isn't that what the ancients said?Saying that medicine is three-point poison, why did it become a joke when it came to her?
"Qianqian, you can drink this milk from now until you are a hundred years old. This thing is very good. It can not only nourish your body, but also enhance your resistance to some diseases. If you use it for a long time, There is only good and no harm to your body."

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, did Princess Changping also use this?"

"Her? At first, she refused to use it, saying that it smelled bad, and she always thought it was a baby's drink. Later, she fell ill and had to lie in bed for more than a month. Get up. Later, I was yelling at you again, and I couldn't help it, so I started drinking too."

"Oh." Qian Xia nodded, she couldn't see anything else, but she could still see the smooth and delicate face of Princess Changping. In this way, it can beautify the face, at least it is true , if I use it now, maybe when I am 50 years old in the future, I will look like a 30-year-old person.

"If you feel a little tired of drinking, how about I add some sugar to you? Or you can add some fruit juice. Let's drink this fresh milk first, and when we get married later, I will make it for you with fruit juice The kind of juice, tastes good, has a good texture, and most importantly, the taste is changeable, so you won't get tired of drinking it."

Qian Xia only felt that there were two black lines hanging down on her forehead, why did these words sound so awkward?
"By the way, you haven't said how your plan has changed?" Mu Liunian casually stirred the milk while looking back at her.

"Well. I made another condition with him. The reason is that I am not satisfied with the news about you that I asked him to inquire about."

The corner of Mu Liunian grinned, "So, is it the same as what I told you before?"

Qian Xia nodded, "Well. There is very little news about you. There are only eight characters, and you live in a secluded place with unknown temperament. This answer should satisfy you, right?"

Mu Liunian's face was a little smug, the smug look in his eyebrows and eyes was as flamboyant as that cold plum blossom outside, for fear that others would not know his excellence!

"So? What conditions did you ask him? He agreed?"

"I asked him to deal with the He family. Although he was a little reluctant, he agreed."

Mu Liunian's hand trembled, "To deal with the He family? Hehe, you can come up with such an idea! However, most of the forces in his hands are based on news and information, and I'm afraid it's a bit inconvenient for other things to plot against people." Too good at it. Do you feel free to let him do it?"

"Why not? And I didn't ask him to target the entire He family, but I just asked him to target He Lanxiang first. If He Lanxiang can't deal with even one, then what use is my power in his hands? Why don't I do it myself? Woolen cloth."

Mu Liunian's eyes flickered, "Qianqian, do you really believe that he will hand over all the power in his hands?"

"I believe. There is no need for Mei Qianluo to lie, especially now that he really wants to wander the world with Sanqiu Feng, so I don't think he has the need to lie to me. Moreover, there is no need for him to lie to his grandfather. Who, for his biological father, he only has hatred in his heart, except for me, I believe no one is willing to help him."

"Will Sangqiu Feng beg Sangqiu Zirui?" Mu Liunian asked with a gloomy expression, suddenly changing the subject.

Qian Xia didn't expect him to ask such a question suddenly, she was stunned, and it took a while to react, "Maybe. However, Sang Qiufeng is a woman after all, and her courage may not make her go to Sang Qiufeng. In front of Qiu Zirui, say these words."

"Qianqian, if you really want to help the two of them, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Sangqiu Zirui."

"What?" Qian Xia took the milk he handed over, brought it to her lips, and sipped it lightly, the rich milk fragrance made her spirit relax a lot, the earlier tiredness The feeling has also faded a little.

"I have received news before that Sangqiu Zirui intends to marry the Fang family."

"So?" Qian Xia raised her eyebrows.

Mu Liu sighed young, took a handkerchief and wiped the milk stains from the corners of her lips, then raised her chin, signaling her to finish the milk first.

Qian Xia froze for a moment, and knew what he meant, if she didn't finish the bowl of milk, he would definitely not be able to say a word.

After Mu Liunian took the empty bowl in her hand, he stuffed a candied fruit into her mouth, lest she think her mouth would smell of milk.

"You also know the situation of Sanqiu's family in Anyang. There are only a few girls in Sanqiu's family. As for Sanqiu Tao, Mrs. Sanqiu will not be willing to marry her to Liangcheng. Earlier, the Empress intended to promise Sangqiu Tao to Xiao Yunfang, but Mrs. Sanqiu disagreed. Now the marriage with the Fang Mansion should not be Sangqiu Tao."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, blinked, and waited for his next words, obviously she didn't understand too well.

"The most outstanding member of the Fang family in this generation is Fang Hua, who is in the direct line. You have seen this person before. He is the eldest son of Fang Liang, the governor of Yunzhou. He is also the proudest member of the Fang family today. A grandson. However, there was news earlier that the emperor intends to betroth his daughter to him, so if he marries with the Fang family, he can only choose another son."

"Could it be that the Fang family doesn't have any other sons from the direct line?"

"Yes, there are! But there are no outstanding ones. In addition, there are a few good sons in the side line of the Fang family, but in this way, if the Sanqiu family marries with the Fang family, it is natural to choose the right family. Naturally, he can only be the young lady of the collateral line. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that the Sanqiu family has lowered their status?"

After saying this, Qian Xia understood.

(End of this chapter)

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