Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 403 In calculation?

Chapter 403 In calculation? (1)
Sanqiulie's daughter is perfect.

However, apart from Sanqiu Feng, is there no other lady in Sanqiu's house?She doesn't know anything else, at least, there should be Sancho Moon in the house, right?
Mu Liunian seemed to have seen through her mind, and said with a smile, "Sangqiuyue, it is said that she is going to marry Xu Zeyuan, the eldest son of the Marquis of Anping."

"What?" Qian Xia was taken aback, and the hand stove that Mu Liunian had just stuffed in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

For Qian Xia's strong reaction, Mu Liunian's eyes dimmed, but he quickly covered it up, bent over, and picked up the hand stove.

"Why are you so careless? How old are you? Fortunately, you are leaning on the couch now. If you were standing or sitting underneath, wouldn't you be burning yourself?"

Only then did Qian Xia realize her gaffe, and lowered her head uncomfortably, all she could think about was the marriage between Xu Zeyuan and Sang Qiuyue.

"Has the marriage been completed?"

Mu Liunian nodded lightly, "It's almost there. I heard that the Geng Tie has been exchanged, and maybe they will get married next year."

Qian Xia was so shocked by this news that she was speechless for a long time!

Xu Zeyuan and Sanqiu Yue?
How could the two people who couldn't hit each other in the previous life get together again in this life?Could it be that it was a series of chain reactions brought about by his own rebirth?Or, is it because I have been trying my best to avoid him since my rebirth, so everything has completely deviated from the original track?

In fact, Qian Xia always hoped that Xu Zeyuan could find someone who would treat him sincerely.At least, I can no longer be like myself, selfish and cruel, which almost killed him.

But now suddenly, someone told that Xu Zeyuan's fiancée is actually Sang Qiuyue!
Qian Xia never thought that she would be husband and wife with Xu Zeyuan again in this life.

This point, since the day she was reborn, she has thought very clearly. In this life, she must stay away from him no matter what, so that he will no longer have any intersection with herself. Perhaps in this way, he can have a perfect and happy life. In life, without a cruel woman like him by his side, his future may be happier.

Especially when she gradually got used to having Mu Liunian by her side, she would seldom think of Xu Zeyuan again!
For her, this name is really far away.

But at this moment, the three words Xu Zeyuan hit her mind again and again, and everything about the Anping Hou's Mansion invaded her brain again!

Of course, this time, what Qian Xia thought about the most was not how good Xu Zeyuan was, but that it was the Mei family who had calculated all of this in her previous life.Because Song Jianing, Yun Jingli, and even Lu Shaohua in the previous life were very close to the Mei family.

If Xu Zeyuan married Sangqiuyue in this life, then the Mei family would definitely regard the Anpinghou Mansion as a thorn in their side.

Looking at Qian Xia's frowning and enlightened expression, Mu Liunian felt a little unhappy in his heart.

His eyes were tightly locked on Qian Xia's body, and his emotions followed her emotional fluctuations very closely.

She frowned, and he frowned too!

It wasn't until Qian Xia sorted out all her thoughts clearly, and then slowly suppressed the shock in her heart, that she realized how out of control she had just been in front of Mu Liunian!
When she raised her eyes, she met Mu Liunian's obviously questioning eyes. She didn't know how to react for a moment, should she dodge?Or calm down?

For the first time, Qian Xia felt an extremely helpless sense of powerlessness in front of Mu Liunian's eyes.

She turned her head away uncomfortably, and then coughed, "Well, didn't Sanchi go to collect petals? Why hasn't it recovered for so long?"

Mu Liunian smiled lightly, but if he looked closely, he could still find the slight bitterness on the corner of his lips.His shallowness, after all, still hides his thoughts, and he refuses to reveal it in front of himself, why?Is it because she is not strong enough to give her confidence and support, or is it that she is simply not ready?
In any case, Mu Liunian was more willing to lean towards the last guess.

"I had someone stop her outside. Wen Mei's cooking wine is indeed an elegant thing, but it's not suitable for you now. You are still young, and besides, you have just used milk, so it is not suitable for wine. "

Qian Xia's heart is full of emotion!
He always does!It is always easy to make her emotions have extremely strong ups and downs, and it is always easy for her to feel happiness and a sense of satisfaction.For a mystic who can't easily reveal his emotions, this is really not a good thing!
However, in front of Mu Liunian, Qian Xia felt that all of this was indifferent!His biggest secret is not a secret in front of his eyes, so what else is there to worry about?

"Sorry, Yuan Chu, I just admitted that I overreacted. But I really didn't expect that the two of them would become husband and wife."

"Qianqian, this is Liangcheng, the core of Ziye's power. It is the place where the most famous nobles are stationed. The famous ladies and masters here are destined to fight for the benefit of the family from their birth. It is fate to make sacrifices. Since they were young, they have enjoyed the fine clothes and fine food that ordinary people cannot enjoy, and they are surrounded by slaves, so naturally they have to pay a certain price for such a life."

A look of sadness flashed across Qian Xia's face, "I understand that this price is the dominance of their entire life, which will be handed over to the elders or the head of the family. This kind of life, in the eyes of outsiders They are happy and enviable, but only they know how powerless and terrible they feel about the uncontrollable direction of their life."

Two days later, the plum blossom feast of the He family arrived as scheduled.

It's just that, as a family that can barely be called aristocratic at the bottom of the capital, although a lot of invitations have been sent out, there are not many real famous families who come here!
And among them, most of them are just some officials at the bottom, who came here for the sake of Prime Minister Mei.

But when the plum appreciation banquet was about to begin, it was learned that neither Mrs. Mei nor Mrs. Mei would come, only the third son of the Mei family was coming, which caused many guests to leave after a few perfunctory words .

However, even so, there are still quite a few guests who stayed in the He family, most of them are boudoir ladies.

He Lanxiang is the only daughter-in-law of the He family, and now she is offering a Mei banquet at her own mansion, so she is naturally more arrogant. After waiting for a long time, Mei Qianyin, the second lady of the Mei family she has been fawning on, did not come, but she waited until Mei Qianyin came. Shangshu's daughter, Mei Qianrong.

(End of this chapter)

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