Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 426 Marriage Advance?

Chapter 426 Marriage Advance? (2)
Because he had been reminded by Sangqiu Zirui before that no matter what happened, he should not get close to the two of them, so even if Mu Liunian was worried, he could only grit his teeth and not let himself lean in, so as not to disturb the two of them again. , any uncontrollable situation would be bad.

Mu Liunian looked at the two of them like this, one lying down and the other sitting.One frowns from time to time, while the other is full of pain.Such a scene, it is hard not to make him cranky.

Not only did it take a while, but Mu Liunian was still standing stiffly beside the bed, motionless.

Until he noticed that Qian Xia's eyelashes seemed to be trembling slightly, and his dry lips moved slightly, Mu Liunian was overjoyed, and his footsteps moved slightly. In an instant, a tingling sensation quickly spread throughout his body. legs.

Standing for too long, my legs and feet are numb.

Sangqiu Zirui opened his eyes, looked down at Qian Xia's somewhat pale face, moved the corners of his lips, and before he could make a sound, he saw Qian Xia moved his neck slightly, calling out somewhat unclearly. , "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

Although the voice was extremely low, Mu Liunian still heard her voice, especially when he was sure that the person she called was him, he was overjoyed!

"Qianqian, wake up, I'm here, I'm always here!"

Sangqiu Zirui's hand had to be withdrawn when Mu Liunian approached the bed.

Looking at the two people in front of him, one is affectionate and the other has not yet opened his eyes, such a scene can't be more dazzling!
Finally, Qian Xia slowly opened her eyes, and after blinking several times in succession, the scene in front of her eyes gradually became clear.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"It's me! I'm here!"

"Well, that's great. I thought I'd never see you again." Qian Xia's voice was a little hoarse and a little astringent.When Sangqiu Zirui heard her words, his whole body was shocked, then he looked down at her meaningfully, turned around and walked out.

It was only then that Qian Xia noticed that there was another person in the room, and it was a person she did not want to see very much.

"It's you?"

Sangqiu Zirui's footsteps came to a halt, with his back turned to her, but he could clearly hear Mu Liunian moving slowly, helping Qian Xia to sit up.

Qian Xia looked at him with complicated eyes, bit her lip lightly, "Sangqiu Zirui, thank you very much."

Sangqiu Zirui's back was a little stiff, but at this moment, it slowly relaxed.The corners of the lips slowly turned up, this feeling seems to be not bad!At least, for him, Qianxia is no longer that kind of alienated, indifferent, or even hating him.

"Have a good rest, I'm leaving first." Sangqiu Zirui didn't turn around, but suppressed the urge to look at her one more time, forcing himself to leave here quickly.He knew that although Qian Xia had slightly changed his mood towards him, such a change was almost negligible.Compared to the hatred for him in the previous life, this is nothing at all.

If I continue to stay here, it is inevitable that she will not be bored, and I may not be able to control my feelings for her, maybe I will beat up Mu Liunian who took care of her up.

The news of Qian Xia's waking up was quickly sent to Duke Ding's mansion to reassure Yun's first. However, regarding how she woke up, the Yun's family only said that it was because she was too weak and suffered a lot. The wind and cold, now that he has recovered, he will naturally be fine.

As for the emperor who was in the palace, the news he got was that Yun Cangli had almost exhausted his energy, so he reluctantly woke up Qian Xia.Regarding such news, the emperor did not have much doubt, because on the day Qian Xia woke up, Yun Cangli fell into a deep sleep, and only said to the outside world that she was tired.But in the eyes of the emperor, it was to save Qian Xia and hurt his own body, so he needed a good rest.

As soon as Qianxia recovered, Liu Wanting and Liu Ruyu came to visit her together. The three girls stayed in the house for most of the day, until Sanqi came in to report that it was Mu Shizi who came. The three people who made a mess finally survived.

"Mu Shizi is here?" Liu Ruyu covered her lips and smiled, "Sister Yun, speaking of it, you are younger than me. I heard that you are going to get married in the spring of next year. At this moment, do you want to formally marry me?" Tell us about this brother-in-law-to-be?"

Liu Wanting smiled lowly, this cousin is so courageous, she dared to say that Mu Shizi is her brother-in-law?
"Two sisters, sit down for a while. When someone comes later, you can ask yourself. I am still recovering from a serious illness and my body is weak. How can I have the energy to talk to him?" Qian Xia blushed slightly. , What he said was heard by Mu Liunian outside the door, and he was a little unhappy.

No time to talk to yourself?It seems that I have to think of a way to marry her in as soon as possible.When the time comes, I will lock her up in Yixin Garden, and no one will allow her to see her. Let's see if she has the energy to talk to him when the time comes?
"Mu Shizi please."

Going back to Nao, when they heard the sound of greetings from outside, the two sisters still stood up gracefully. When they saw Mu Liunian entering the room, they turned around again, picked out the beaded curtain and came in, and quickly performed a ladylike ceremony, "To Mu Liunian." Your Majesty, please be safe."

"Excuse me."

"Thank you, Prince Mu." Liu Ruyu could only lower her head at this moment, how dare she really ask him a few words?She didn't even have the guts to look up at him!
Qian Xia's face turned cold, "What? It's too hot in my room? Why did you put on such a cold face? Who are you showing the chill all over your body?"

Mu Liunian was taken aback, and then said helplessly, "How can I? You are overthinking. Maybe I have been standing outside for a long time, and it is inevitable that I have some cold air on my body. In this way, I will stay away from you Just warm it up here in the stove before going over to talk to you."

As Mu Liunian said that, he really took two steps back and arrived near the small stove.

Qian Xia glared at him angrily, and pretended to be here with her again!What kind of person he is, what kind of skill, don't you know?It is clear that it was deliberately done for the two sisters to see.

Sure enough, Liu Ruyu and Liu Wanting immediately had a good impression of Mu Shizi. They gave Qian Xia a glance at the same time, and then whispered, "What are you doing? You are such a good-tempered Mu Shizi. You can't always bully him."

"That is, if you bully too much, I'm afraid you will push him to others. Now that Mu Shizi's body has recovered and he is so handsome, aren't you sick and confused? This attitude towards him is not afraid of the truth. Annoyed him?"

The voices of the two of them were extremely low, thinking that the Mu Shizi had been sick for many years, so he couldn't hear the two of them talking in such a low voice.Have you ever seen the slightly raised corners of Mu Liunian's lips?
(End of this chapter)

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