Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 427 Marriage Advance?

Chapter 427 Marriage Advance? (3)
After hearing this, Qian Xia glared at him again, and said angrily, "Okay! Don't help him speak. I don't know, I really think I bullied him."

Although the two of them intended to tease her here more, but now that Mu Liunian was around, they still couldn't save face.

Seeing the two walking away with a smile on their face, Qian Xia sighed softly, "I clearly agreed to play tricks on you, but I didn't expect that when I saw you in person, I would protect you wholeheartedly."

Mu Liunian, on the other hand, smiled lowly, his body straightened, his expression was quite different from the gentle and elegant one just now, his chin was slightly closed, and he looked at Qian Xia on the bed with a smile in his eyes, but he didn't see any movement. In the blink of an eye, she was at Qian Xia's side.

Just as Qian Xia was about to make a sound, her waist tightened, and she was immediately held in his arms. She tried to struggle again, but found that her body was lying down uncontrollably.

"Mu Liunian, what are you going to do?" There was a bit of coquettishness in the voice, a little fear, and a little bit of heartbeat.

For such a shallow summer, Mu Liunian smiled slightly, expressing that she was very satisfied with her reaction, "Qianqian, we haven't seen each other for a long time, so you don't miss me at all?"

"How long? Didn't you come here yesterday?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, "Yes, isn't it a long time since yesterday?"

Qian Xia is speechless, so the word "long time" can be explained in this way?Is this too far-fetched?If those literati hear about it, I'm afraid they will be ruined.

"You come to Yunfu every day, don't you think it's too eye-catching? If someone talks about it, isn't it going to hurt my boudoir reputation?"

"That's the way it is." Not only did Mu Liunian show no worry, but he also looked proud, "In this way, besides me, who else would dare to marry you?"

Qian Xia glared at him, "You actually came up with such a good idea? Mu Liunian, it seems that I am too soft-hearted towards you. Don't you think that the hidden guards in my Yunfu are just decorations? As long as I give the order, Do you think you can enter and leave Yunfu so easily?"

Seeing her sweetheart seemed to be really annoyed, Mu Liunian accompanied her carefully, and helped her smooth her hair with one hand, "Okay, okay. Am I doing this for you? You think, I go to Even though Yun Mansion ran to make people gossip, in the end it was I who came to you, not you to my Changping Palace! This is just to dissuade that man. Now everyone in Liangcheng knows I have a deep love for you, who would be so boring and bump into you again?"

Qian Xia was suddenly dumbfounded, and understood that he did have such an intention in doing so.

In fact, ever since she felt the probing eyes of the emperor looking at her at the palace banquet that day, she knew that the emperor was extremely worried about her.Regardless of whether he is a mystic or not, the emperor would probably want to imprison him in the royal family, or simply destroy him, so that he can have peace of mind for the rest of his life.

"You get up first, if you have anything to say, let's go outside and talk. It's just a matter of time to see the plum blossoms you gave me." Qian Xia pushed him.

Mu Liunian grabbed her little hand and put it directly on his chin, "Don't make trouble, lie down with me for a while. I'm tired."

After hearing the words, Qian Xia looked at him carefully, and then noticed that there was a faint blue shadow under his eyes, obviously he hadn't rested well.However, after thinking about it, he went back early yesterday. Could it be that he didn't go back to the Changping Palace and went to do other things?
Qian Xia wanted to ask, but Mu Liunian, who closed his eyes, seemed to be able to guess her thoughts, and said a little tiredly, "Don't ask, this is a long story, let me sleep for a while. Your body has been a little bit lately. Weak, sleep with me for a while too. I'll tell you when I wake up."

Qian Xia was stunned for a moment, seeing the deep weariness between his brows and eyes, she frowned slightly, opened her mouth, and lay down slowly again without making a sound.

Mu Liunian's brow twitched slightly, turned around, and hugged her in his arms. Qian Xia struggled a bit, but was held down by him. Then he put one arm around her shoulder and the other around her waist. After a long time, there was an even sound of breathing.

Qian Xia felt that he seemed to be really tired, otherwise it would be impossible for him to fall asleep so quickly. She moved her body a little, took a deep breath, and thought that it would be better to close her eyes and rest her mind first. After raising it, she also fell asleep.

The two of them fell asleep, so naturally they missed their lunch, and they didn't wake up until the sun was setting in the west.

Qian Xia woke up first, her brows and eyes were a little dazed, she glanced at the sky outside, and was stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't expect that she could sleep like this.Although he was a little tired these days, he had never slept so deeply as he did today.

He moved two lightly, and suddenly felt the strength of the big palm around his waist was a little bit stronger. When he tilted his head, he saw Mu Liunian looking at him with a smile in his eyes. The contented expression on his face made Qian Xia I stared blankly for a while.

Mu Liunian was born to be good-looking, the kind of man who is handsome, handsome and elegant, and always gives people the feeling of a son like jade.Right now, I saw that his eyes were still a little hazy, the corners of his lips were curved, his thick black eyebrows seemed to be a bit happy, and there was still a light yellow layer on his fair face, which was warm and soft. soft light.

This kind of Mu Liunian makes people even more obsessed. Between the completely relaxed eyebrows and eyes, there is a kind of elegance that can charm the world. !

In fact, Qian Xia herself didn't realize that she actually said this sentence for real.

Mu Liunian laughed softly, "It turns out that I still have such a special status in Qianqian's heart. I'm really flattered."

Qian Xia gave him an annoyed look, "Come on less! What's different? Get up soon! I'm going down."

Seeing Qian Xia's slightly flushed face, Mu Liunian didn't make things difficult for her this time, and stood up tactfully, then helped her put on her shoes, and brought her a robe to wear. superior.

Qian Xia's face was flushed, she didn't even give him a look, and walked out of the room quickly.

About a quarter of an hour later, both of them arrived in the main room.Sanqi was very discerning, he quickly put out a few small dishes for the two of them, and then served a meal for the two of them.

"Miss, my uncle specially ordered the dining room to make it for you. It has been warming in our small kitchen just now."

"En." Qian Xia took the soup bowl, drank it in small sips, lowered her eyebrows slightly, and did not look at Mu Liunian.

"Miss, the two Miss Lius met the second and third young masters as soon as they were married."

(End of this chapter)

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