Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 432 The Queen's Probe!

Chapter 432 The Queen's Probe! (3)
Qian Xia walked halfway, and heard that Mu Liunian and Cheng Shi went to the old lady's place to say hello, so she turned around and went to the old lady's yard.

"Greetings to my grandmother, my aunt, and my son Mu."

As soon as Qian Xia appeared in the room, she attracted everyone's amazement, especially Mu Liunian. After knowing her for so long, it was the first time she saw her wearing red clothes, and she was dressed in fiery red. Liang, the dazzling brilliance emanating from his whole body almost made his eyes hurt!

How could there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

How can there be a woman who can wear this red color so gorgeously and gracefully?
Wearing the flamboyant bright red on her body, not only does it not look tacky, but it also wraps her whole body in a dazzling brilliance, making it difficult for people to open their eyes and regain their senses.

"Look, this is the first time Qianxia wears such gorgeous clothes! This fiery red cloak really looks festive! It's a bit like a bride is about to get married."

"Grandmother!" Qian Xia yelled coquettishly, lowered her eyebrows, her face was as red as a peach blossom, which made her look even brighter.

Mrs. Cheng also laughed, "Our Qianxia is shy! It just so happens that you are here too, so there is no need to hide it from you. Your marriage is scheduled for the sixth day of the next month, and Princess Changping invited Qin The people from the Tianjian have seen it, and your uncle has also done a fortune-telling, and it is a good day."

Qian Xia's head lowered a little, and Mu Liunian recovered from the astonishment in front of him when he heard Cheng's talk about the sixth day.

The eyeballs moved, the eyebrows raised, and the corners of the lips curled up. The woman he liked was indeed unusual!
The previous white color made her wear a very dusty temperament, as clear as a fairy, but now the fiery red color makes her wear a bit more bright, lively and magnificent!

Originally thought that Qianxia was like a white lotus in the mountains, quiet and clear, but now it seems that he still doesn't know her well enough!
After five years, she had been tempered to the point of desertion, but deep down in her heart, there was still a kind of enthusiasm that belonged exclusively to young people.It's just that she has always covered it up so well that people never even dare to think that she, Yun Qianxia, ​​will have such a side.

"Grandmother, aunt, since she is ready, then the younger generation will not bother you much. If it is too late at night, I will not come back. Please rest assured, aunt, there are also Chang'an and Ruogu who will not let you Qian Xia was bullied a little bit."

At first, when the old lady heard that she would not come back, she was naturally a little anxious, but when she heard that Chang'an and Ruogu were also going with her, she felt relieved a lot. "Well, my old lady is getting old, but she can't worry about it anymore. Mu Shizi, I will leave my Qianxia family to you. Don't make any mistakes, otherwise, my old lady will not spare you!"

"Yes, grandma. Don't worry, this junior will definitely send someone back to you with as little as a hair."

As soon as the two of them left the old lady's courtyard, Mu Liunian directly held Qian Xia's small hand in his big palm, and then gently twisted it, "How is it? Is it cold?"

"It's not cold. Didn't you just come out of the house? Besides, I still have a hand stove."

"The hand stove is too heavy, wouldn't it be better for me to warm your hands like this?" Mu Liunian said, and then handed the hand stove in her other hand to Sanqi's.

Qian Xia hurriedly stopped her and said, "Shut up, there are so many people watching."

Mu Liunian knew that she was thin-skinned, so he didn't insist anymore, he just took her hand, and the two walked out of the mansion side by side, and got into the carriage of Changping Palace.

It was extremely warm in the carriage, Qian Xia noticed that there was a charcoal stove on the carriage!I have to say, this Mu Liunian is really courageous!Aren't you afraid that the carriage is unstable and the charcoal stove is on again?
"Don't worry, nothing will happen. There are several floors below. I've always been a life-saving person. Now that you're here again, I naturally have to be extra careful."

Qian Xia ignored him, but just looked at the carriage, which seemed to be different from the one she had been in before.This carriage looks big and luxurious on the outside, but it seems a little small inside, but the furnishings inside are all exquisite.

"What can you see?"

Qian Xia turned her head to look at him, with some doubts in her eyes, Mu Liunian smiled lightly, "This carriage uses two layers of wood in total, and there are three purposes in total. Do you want to know?"

Qian Xia didn't speak, but just blinked at him. When Mu Liunian saw this, he felt his throat tighten, and subconsciously lowered his head, but unexpectedly, Qian Xia's body shrank back, and then turned his face, eyes He stared at the charcoal stove in front again.

Mu Liunian curled his lips. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he was not stupid enough to show it. If he made her unhappy again, his thoughts would be in vain.

"The four walls of this carriage are made hollow, which has three advantages in total. First, it is naturally safe. Even if someone pierces the wooden board with a sword, it may not be able to hurt me. Second, The four walls of the carriage are made hollow, which can effectively insulate the sound, so what we say here will naturally be more secure."

As Mu Liunian said, he looked up at the top, "By the way, I forgot to tell you, this roof is also double-layered. As for the third use of this carriage, it can be used to keep warm in winter and cool in summer. In other words, it can effectively keep warm in winter, but in summer, it may not be so easy to let the sunlight outside shine through here. At that time, there will be an ice altar here, and you will not be able to sit in the carriage. It would be too hot."

"There are really so many benefits?"

"Naturally! What's the benefit of me lying to you? Besides, you are about to become my wife, Mu Liunian, so I naturally have to think about you wholeheartedly."

As Mu Liunian said, he took another look at the fiery red cloak on her body, and said greedily in his eyes, "I never thought that you would be so beautiful in red clothes! I'm afraid I won't see you again from now on." People wearing red clothes will only think that it is Dong Shi's imitation, and it will be unsightly."

Qian Xia's body paused, how was this similar to the previous life?

"By the way, didn't you say that the two elder brothers would also go? Why didn't you see them?" Qian Xia deliberately changed the subject.

"Oh, they went to the other courtyard first. First, they were worried about my arrangement. Second, I created an opportunity for Yun Ruogu and Miss Liu's family, so that they could meet by chance or something."

Qian Xia immediately raised her eyebrows to look at him, "How did you know that my second brother is interested in Miss Liu's family?"

(End of this chapter)

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