Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 433 The Queen's Probe!

Chapter 433 The Queen's Probe! (4)
Mu Liunian gave her an evil smile, "Secret!"

Qian Xia was suddenly depressed, and turned her head to ignore him. Following the swaying of the carriage, she felt a little sleepy, and fell asleep after a while.

Seeing that she was asleep, Mu Liunian helped her tighten the cloak on her body, raised her eyebrows slightly, and whispered, "Qianqian, no matter what, I can't let someone snatch you away. The emperor will not succeed, that Sangqiu Zirui, It's even more impossible!"

The journey was fairly safe, because it was the Lantern Festival, and although it was lively outside, it was not night after all, so there weren't too many people.If it was night, it would be impossible for a carriage to pass through several streets in the capital.

Because Qian Xia was fast asleep, Mu Liunian ordered the outside to walk slowly, it doesn't matter, and he must not push her any longer.

In this way, it took almost an hour to arrive at the place that was supposed to be reached in two quarters of an hour.

Just in time, it was almost time to reach the gate of the other courtyard, and Qian Xia finally woke up.

Eye-catching and misty, with a unique style, "Haven't you arrived yet?"

It took Mu Liunian a lot of effort to divert his gaze away, and then cleared his throat, "Here we are. Seeing that you slept soundly, I slowed down the carriage. It just so happens that we have just arrived. "

The two of them didn't get off the car at the door, and the other courtyard directly opened the middle door, because it was outside the city, the outermost door didn't have any steps, and it looked extremely simple.

The carriage passed directly through the middle door, and then bypassed a huge screen wall before arriving at a magnificent door.

Compared with the previous door, this one is more like the door of a noble family.

The vermilion lacquer surface, palm-sized nails, and a huge plaque in the middle, neatly and neatly, with four gleaming golden characters, 'Linlang Bieyuan'!
"Your place is actually called Linlang Bieyuan? Is the name too big? Are you afraid that others will not know how rich you are? Or are you worried that others will not know that you have hidden many treasures here?"

"You're thinking too much. This garden was first rewarded by the late emperor, and it was my grandfather who was conferred at that time. It was called Linlang Garden at that time. Do you know why?"

Qian Xia shook her head, but looked at him expectantly, obviously waiting for his explanation.

"This name is named after one of my aunts. I heard that my aunt was a heroine! She has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and she is familiar with the art of war. Later, she finally grew up, but she has not had time to make an appointment I heard that during the Huachao Festival that year, the first emperor had just issued a decree to call my aunt into the palace as a concubine. It is a pity that my aunt passed away due to illness before she entered the palace. gone."

"Your aunt's name is Linlang?"

Mu Liunian nodded, although he didn't see much sadness on his face, but after all, it was his relatives, and when he recounted it, it was inevitable that he felt a little bit sad.

"I heard that when the first emperor heard about this, he cried loudly on his back, and then, not long after, he ordered that this royal garden be awarded directly to the Changping Prince's Mansion, and the royal pen inscribed it himself, changing the garden into Linlang Garden. , to be honest, it’s mainly to commemorate my aunt.”

"Being able to reward the Royal Palace directly to your Changping Palace, it can be seen how prosperous your Changping Palace was at that time?"

"That's right. Looking at the genealogy and chronicles of my Mu family for hundreds of years, the Mu family has ups and downs. For hundreds of years, it has never been far away from the word power! Not only that, but also with Zi Ye's royal family. , are inextricably involved. My Mu family has also produced a general, a queen, and a noble concubine. But so what? After all, it is an old story. The current Mu family is probably in the eyes of the emperor. , no credit, no use, only ambition."

"Okay, since it's an old thing, don't mention it. Let's go in and have a look."

When the two of them entered the gate, there was already a soft sedan chair ready and waiting, "Greetings to the prince, and greetings to the concubine."

"Well, let's get up." It was obvious that Mu Liunian was pleased by the servant's words of concubine. "Are the two sons of the Yun family here?"

"Hui Shizi, here we come. Right now, I'm drinking in the garden and looking at the flowers."

"Okay, let's go directly." Mu Liunian said, and glanced at Qian Xia again, "Is it okay? Do you want to take a rest first?"

"No need. Didn't I sleep in the carriage before I came?" Qian Xia herself felt a little embarrassed, and smiled while talking.

After walking for a while, Qianxia sat on the sedan chair, and looked at the two sides from time to time. There are a lot of holly planted in the garden, and it is still emerald green at the moment, which adds a bit of vitality to the garden. .

After passing through another door, Qian Xia suddenly whispered, "My God! What kind of flower is that?"

Mu Liunian followed her gaze and said with a smile, "That's a tiger thorn plum. I heard that my aunt liked this flower the most when she was alive, so the emperor planted it here before he awarded this garden. A lot of tiger thorn plums have brought my aunt here, and they have always been very popular with her."

Qian Xia nodded, and there was a bit of melancholy between her eyebrows.If that Mu Linlang hadn't died back then, but had married the first emperor alive, I'm afraid things would be very different, right?As for the current situation of the Mu family, I'm afraid it will change to a certain extent.

However, there are not so many ifs in this world, are there?

Qian Xia sighed softly, and laughed secretly that she was a little sentimental today, then adjusted her mood, and continued to ask, "The name of this flower is somewhat weird, tiger thorn plum? Combining tiger thorn and plum, it seems It's quite interesting. It seems to say that this flower has the might of a tiger, the sharp thorns, and the charm of a plum. Interesting!"

"That's not bad. This flower often blooms all year round, and in winter, this flower is even more precious. If you look at the tiger thorn plum, its sparse flowers and the fragrance that overflows from far away will make people fascinated .I think this may be an important reason why my aunt has always loved it."

Qian Xia asked people to stop the sedan chair, and walked down with the support of Sanqi, along the corridor paved with fine stones, her eyes were always looking at the patches of tiger thorn plums, slowly approaching.

"This tiger thorn plum really doesn't live up to its name. Just judging from the flowers, it's not fierce and strong at all. However, it's not as brilliant as the rhododendron, but it's still alive and well. There are still small flower buds blooming on the top, pink and lovely, not as cold as plum blossoms, but a bit playful. In the winter when the flowers and trees are withered, the tiger thorn plum is unbeaten in the cold, and a few bright red flowers bloom in it, making it more and more graceful graceful."

(End of this chapter)

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