Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 434 Confession of love!

Chapter 434 Confession of love! (1)
As Qian Xia said, she wanted to reach out to caress the delicate petals, but Mu Liunian grabbed her.

"Be careful, the sharp needles are all over the branches, if you are not careful, you will hurt your heart. Moreover, this flower is poisonous, try to only reward it."

Qian Xia was slightly taken aback, the little flower that looks so delicate, is actually poisonous?
Seeing that she didn't believe it, Mu Liunian continued, "The whole plant of this flower is poisonous, and the white milk is highly toxic. If it is swallowed by mistake, it will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, it is true that it can only be seen from a distance and not played with."

Qian Xia couldn't help being a little disappointed, but fortunately, there were other flowers in the garden besides tiger thorn plums. After walking for a while, I saw a large plum forest, red plums and white plums, which complement each other, so beautiful!
"It's the two elder brothers! They are in a good mood and started drinking."

With a smile on his face, Mu Liunian wrapped Qian Xia's little hands, and the two entered the pavilion lightly and cheerfully.

"What's the matter? Why is it so difficult? But my sister has been dressing up for too long?" Yun Changan looked at Qian Xia before he finished speaking, and then looked a little stunned, but it caused Qian Xia to chuckle.

"Oh my god! Today, my sister? I never knew that my sister's temperament can be used to wear this red body in such a style! It really is a person who can't be judged by his appearance!"

Yun Ruogu was also shocked by Qian Xia's outfit today, he had never seen Qian Xia wearing a red dress before, the shock he received in his eyes and brain was no less than that of Yun Chang'an.

"Okay, you'd better enjoy the flowers peacefully! Otherwise, I'll take Qian Xia inside."

"Don't even think about it!" After the two roared in unison, they looked at each other, and then stopped talking in a very tacit understanding.

It was still early, and it was said that he came to pick her up to watch the lanterns, so naturally it would not be at this time. Anyway, I said that she was going to stay here tonight, and Qian Xia was not in a hurry.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you took me over, it was not just as simple as watching the lanterns, right?"

In the end, it was Qian Xia who broke the silence first, and this first sentence made Mu Liunian feel a little bit of pressure.

"Qianqian, the emperor really felt guilty towards the eldest prince because of the death of Concubine Mei. This time, the eldest prince not only entered the official department for training, but also directly assigned the household department to his name. Responsible. Now, on the contrary, he is even better."

As Mu Liunian said, he poured a cup of hot tea for Qianxia. Today's weather is fine, there is no wind, and the sun is just right, shining warmly on her body, so he doesn't mind basking in the sun with her for a while.

"This is only temporary, isn't it? Concubine Mei's death is destined to find nothing, but it is also destined to make the emperor suspect something. In any case, Concubine Mei was buried with the ceremony of a noble concubine. It is enough to make the Mei family feel relieved."

After Qian Xia finished speaking, Yun Ruogu also nodded in agreement, "My sister is right. It is true. A woman who was originally accused of being unfavorable to the stars can return to her original identity after death. This point, It's really surprising."

A strange gleam flashed across Mu Liunian's smiling eyes, "As Qianqian said, all of this is only temporary! I'm afraid that no matter how favored or reused the First Prince is now, he won't lasted too long."

"Why?" This time, it was Yun Chang'an who was always looking down at the wine glass.

"Sangqiu's family won't agree, and the queen won't even agree. So, this time, it's just a temptation from them." Mu Liunian's voice was a little refreshing, and he felt a little nervous when he heard it in the ears of several people. A feeling of indifference.

Qian Xia and him glanced at each other, and both of them obviously guessed something, "The Queen knew that her position in the Emperor's heart was not high, and she knew that she would marry her back then, most likely, she was also coveting the Sancho family Afterwards, the emperor successfully ascended the throne, and saw the Yun family and the Changping palace retreating step by step, can the queen not understand?"

Putting the cup in the palms of both hands, she felt the warm breath passing through the thin cup wall to her palm, and then continued to spread to her arms. Taking a sip, she also felt a breath in her heart. A warm flow, this feeling seems to be very good!
The coldness outside and the warm sunshine are obviously a bit of a contrast, but in this season, it is so reasonable and refreshing.

"Sister, do you think this is the queen's temptation? Could it be that she deliberately let the emperor reuse the eldest prince? Isn't it impossible? How cruel and ruthless is the struggle for imperial power? And where is the Ministry of Household? Although the second prince is in charge of the Ministry of War now , but without the support of the Ministry of Household Affairs, everything would be useless."

"That's right! The queen knew that the emperor's thoughts were not on the second prince. Even with the Mei family's notoriety, she was willing to support the first prince. It can be seen how biased the emperor's heart is! The queen You have been married to the emperor for many years, how can you not understand the emperor's temperament?"

Mu Liunian took over the conversation, "The queen's temptation, to put it bluntly, is not only to make myself give up, but also to give myself and the Sancho family a reason to fight hard!"

Yun Changan's thinking seemed to jump a little too fast this time, and he said in surprise, "You mean that the second prince will force the palace?"

The three of them froze immediately, and their eyes were all directed at Yun Changan, which made him feel a little scared.

"Brother, the second prince will not force the palace. I heard that some refugees in the south of the Yangtze River have started to make troubles. It seems that the relief food allocated by the emperor has not been delivered. It is only a small symptom now. I believe it will not take long. There will be big troubles. At that time, I am afraid that the first one to be pointed out by thousands of people will be the First Prince!"

After Qian Xia finished speaking, she couldn't help saying sadly, "The struggle for imperial power, in the end, is still betting on the lives of innocent people."

Yun Ruogu quickly figured out the twists and turns, and frowned slightly. The layout of this game is really big enough!
After Mu Liunian and Qian Xia explained the ins and outs of the matter in detail again, Yun Chang'an finally understood, since the beginning, this was a game!And it's an unsolvable chain game!

No matter what decision the emperor makes, he will definitely fall into this puzzle.

If the emperor severely punishes Concubine Mei, then the first prince will definitely not be reused, and the household department will definitely fall into the pocket of the second prince.In this way, the queen and the Sancho family may no longer be in a hurry, but will calm down and slowly ponder how to completely defeat the Mei family.

And if the emperor did not severely punish Concubine Mei, then the empress would not say much.It's like now that Concubine Mei is dead, but she can get a grand burial, and let the emperor reuse the eldest prince.

(End of this chapter)

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