Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 460 How to Calculate?

Chapter 460 How to Calculate? (1)
The Queen's eyebrows twitched when she heard this, and she clearly noticed that this seems to be the main purpose of the Emperor for calling them into the palace, right?Eyes narrowed slightly, red lips parted slightly, "But why?"

The imperial doctor only felt that his back was cold. In front of the emperor and the queen, he naturally had to carefully consider, "Go back to your mother, there is still poison in Mu Shizi's body, if you don't clean up the poison, you will have children prematurely. I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the children."

Although the words were cryptic, everyone understood what the imperial doctor meant, that is, if they were in a hurry to have a child now, they were afraid that the child would be born with a natural disease or some deficiencies. Or will be a freak!

Qian Xia's eyebrows twitched slightly, she simply dismissed such a statement, what the imperial physician said was clearly a fallacy, in all likelihood, it was inseparable from the emperor.

However, why did the emperor do this?Is it just that I simply don't want the direct line of the Mu family to have a descendant early?Or is this to create opportunities for Mu Huanqing?
"Your Majesty, the son is not feeling well now, please allow the minister's wife to accompany the son back to the mansion first. Wait until the son's health is better, and then go to the palace to thank you."

The emperor's eyebrows frowned slightly, "I'm afraid it's not suitable for him to move in his current situation, otherwise, he should rest in the palace for a while."

The Queen's heart skipped a beat, but she hadn't forgotten that this is Kunning Palace!

It's not been a day or two since the emperor has any thoughts on the Mu family, how could she, the queen, not see it?However, if something happened to Mu Liunian here, how could he make it clear in the future?

Even if King Changping believes that this matter has nothing to do with her, it is absolutely impossible to continue to cooperate with her and support the second prince.

Who would believe that in her majestic queen's Kunning Palace, she, the master, has no room to speak?
"Your Majesty, it's indeed a bit inappropriate for my concubine to look at him like this. However, this is the harem, isn't it a bit out of order?"

What the queen said is right, the emperor's harem, how can anyone rest here?
Concubine Xu seems to be a little anxious, her beautiful eyes are almost dripping water, "Your Majesty, it's really inappropriate for my concubine to look at my cousin. Although the rules are important, my cousin only escaped death not long ago." , do you see?"

The meaning is self-evident, it means that Mu Liunian is going to stay here.

Qian Xia glanced at Concubine Xu indiscriminately. It seemed that this Concubine Xu really did not shed tears when she saw the coffin. She really thought that this piece of meat in her stomach would not have to worry anymore when it was this month?What a fool!

"Thank you, Concubine Xu, for your concern. There is medicine in the palace, which was left by the genius doctor Yu Ion earlier. It is better for the minister to help him go back and take medicine."

As soon as Qian Xia's words came out, the emperor and Concubine Xu naturally couldn't find any reason to refute.

It wasn't until the two of them got into the carriage that Mu Liunian returned to normal. Although his complexion didn't look good, at least he wasn't listless anymore, which made people worry.

"What do you think of today's matter?" Mu Liunian narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed, as if through the wooden board, he could kill all the evil people in the palace.

"What else can I think? Concubine Xu, she has been in the palace for many years, so it is obviously impossible for her to be a woman who can easily trust the emperor. If the emperor really has her in his heart, how could he allow her to have so many things happen back and forth?" ?”


Qian Xia raised her eyebrows slightly, "At the beginning, I was hit by the blood curse, that expert was taken away by your people, and finally died in your hands. But the emperor remained calm, and even the secret guard They have never been sent out to look for them, so what does that mean?"

Mu Liunian was silent for a moment, and the worry on his brows seemed to deepen, "Are you sure he didn't send out any secret guards to look for it?"

"In the beginning, he might have sent it, but later on, he obviously didn't care about the disappearance of the mysterious master. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, perhaps, our emperor was not what he appeared to be. Generally speaking, they are just good at calculating and conspiring."

After Qian Xia finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to pinch the center of her brow, a sarcasm appeared on the corner of her lips, and then looked at him, "Don't you think I am different today?"

Mu Liunian was slightly startled, and quickly looked her up and down, and after a while, he met his eyes again, "The hairdo hasn't changed, it's just a change of clothes. And, it's just the outer one, right? "

"That's right. However, this dress is unusual. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, after today's incident, I am sure that the emperor has the intention of killing me. If I don't die, he will not feel at ease. "

After Qian Xia's words fell, a layer of sarcasm and sarcasm appeared in her clear eyes. As a generation of emperors, he couldn't even accommodate a woman. The emperor's heart is really extraordinary. Shan Pass!

Mu Liunian's eyes flickered, and he put his hand on her shoulder, "You mean, the emperor probably already knows your secret?"

Qian Xia nodded, but it looked very plain, without any anxiety.

"There must be a lot of strange people around the emperor. How many of them are mystics, wizards, or others, I'm afraid only he knows."

Mu Liunian thought for a while after hearing the words, then slowly leaned on the back cushion, then stretched out his hand, directly pulled Qian Xia into his arms, and murmured, "It seems that as long as it is him One day in the world, it is absolutely impossible for us to live in peace and stability."

Qian Xia's eyebrows twitched, something flashed in her mind quickly, but it was too fast, before she fully figured out what it was, she couldn't even catch a shadow.

After returning to Changping Prince's Mansion, Mu Liunian was naturally supported by Qian Xia and others to return to Yixin Garden, and it was not until they entered Chuyunxuan that Mu Liunian stopped pretending to be sick.

"Okay, let's sit down first. After a while, the father and the mother will naturally rush over, I'm afraid they will have been holding on to their hearts since we left the palace this time."

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there is no way to go on like this. It seems that we should think of a solution once and for all."

"Huh?" Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows to look at her, "Qianqian, don't tell me what you want to do to the emperor?"

Qian Xiabai glanced at him, "I'm telling you something serious. Do I seem to be such a brainless person? This time, since even the imperial physician said that you have residual poison in your body, isn't that also a good reason? As for me, it is nothing more than going out as little as possible, just staying in this Yixin Garden, so I am serving you, a seriously ill person."

(End of this chapter)

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