Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 461 How to Calculate?

Chapter 461 How to Calculate? (2)
Mu Liunian shook his head, "This is not a good idea. At most, it will give us peace and quiet for a month or two. Besides, don't forget that he is the emperor and I am the heir of Changping Palace. We cannot enter the palace, no It means that he will not come to my Yixin Garden."

Qian Xia was slightly taken aback, this, she really hadn't thought of it.

Just as the two were thinking about it, King Changping and his concubine came in.

Since Qian Xia married into Changping Prince's Mansion, she met this Changping King, that is, her father-in-law, very few times.Because of Mu Liunian's poor health to the outside world, the husband and wife have been eating in this Yixin Garden and rarely go out.And King Changping is different from the concubine, with his daughter-in-law, he can no longer freely enter and leave the Yixin Garden, lest he see something he shouldn't see.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the worried expressions of the two men, and his mind tightened, and he said anxiously, "But what trick did he use?"

He didn't point it out, but they all naturally understood who he was talking about.

"Father, don't worry, this time, it was intentional at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid it would be difficult for the two of us to come back today."

"What's going on?" Princess Changping said with a solemn face, sweeping away her previous amiable look.

Mu Liunian simply explained the ins and outs of the matter, and finally, he looked at Qian Xia again, "Concubine Mu, do you believe that the maids in the Queen's Palace would be so clumsy as to spill the soup on the master?"

Princess Changping frowned, "Qian Xia hasn't changed back yet?"

Qian Xia shook her head, "Concubine Mu, does this fabric look familiar?"

Princess Changping took a closer look, and took her sleeves in her hands. After rubbing them lightly a few times, her complexion suddenly changed, "This, isn't this a tribute?"

"That's right. This is not an ordinary tribute." Qian Xia said, not caring about the presence of King Changping, but took off the robe, lifted the cuff and put it directly into the copper basin in the corner inside.

After Qianxia added some things to it, she quickly fished it out, and when she showed it to the three of them, they saw that it was still a very ordinary piece of clothing, but at this time, there was actually a bird on the sleeve. The golden phoenix is ​​flying high!

That's all right, but the problem is, that phoenix actually has nine tails, and the ends of each feather seem to be shining brightly, obviously as if foreshadowing something.

Mu Liunian's eyes narrowed suddenly, and his right hand rested directly on the armrest, blue and white, with five fingers tightly clasping the end of the armrest.

"This? Is this a phoenix robe? And it's a phoenix robe that only queens can wear?" Princess Changping couldn't calm down anymore. Why did this suddenly appear on the sleeve?If it is used by someone with a heart, I'm afraid?
Princess Changping's face turned pale, she swayed, put one hand on her chest, and said with some fear, "My lord!"

At this time, King Changping's complexion was also blue, and his beard was not considered long, so he trembled a few times.

If someone found something wrong with the robe on Qian Xia's body in public, it would be a serious crime of usurpation!

As a minister's wife, how could she be qualified to wear a phoenix robe?That is a capital crime, and it may be a serious crime that will kill the nine clans!

Compared with the three of them, Qian Xia's performance can already be said to be very calm.In fact, she naturally didn't know much about these things.If it wasn't for the tricks she used when she was led down to change clothes, she wouldn't have known the secret on the clothes.

"Mother Concubine, you just said that this is a tribute. Besides, we should have some satin like this in Changping Palace, right?"

Princess Changping nodded, her breathing was still not smooth, "That's right. In order for the emperor to praise our Changping Palace in the public eye, such things will naturally be rewarded without hesitation. .”

Qian Xia nodded, "If that's the case, then things will be easy to handle. Although I don't know why Concubine Xu cooperates with the emperor so much in this play, but I am sure of one thing, although the emperor killed me Heart, but what I really want to get rid of is the entire Changping Palace! If something happens this time, even if the entire Palace cannot be involved, the position of the son at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty will definitely be lost."

The words have been said so clearly, if King Changping doesn't speak again, he is too stupid!

"Don't worry. We are the only masters of the Changping palace. As for the side concubine Mei, this king has never acknowledged her status in the palace. But it's just a person forced in by the superiors. When you are in a coma, go and trust someone who only wants to destroy my Changping Palace!"

Qian Xia's brows moved slightly, which was considered an attitude!
Mu Liunian suddenly said at the right time, "Mother and Concubine, if my child remembers correctly, it will be your birthday in ten days or so. Your birthday is celebrated every year, regardless of its size. Yes, it just so happens that you have another daughter-in-law this year, so this birthday banquet will naturally be a big one."

Princess Changping's eyes tightened slightly, her face condensed a lot, and she snorted disdainfully, "Okay! If that's the case, then let me see what else they can do? My son can't be poisoned, Just thinking about taking my daughter-in-law? Then we will try and see."

Time flew by, and soon, it was the birthday of Princess Changping.

When Qian Xia woke up, there was nothing beside her.

After the two of them came back from the palace that day, Yaoyue directly became the guard and girl on the bright side.Although she really can't do the work of serving people, at least she is still a very qualified guard.

He came in with hot water, "Concubine Shizi, it's time for you to wash up. I'm going to greet the concubine for her birthday in a while."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, she was really uncomfortable with Mu Liunian turning this Yaoyue into the light.

Every time she just woke up and made a slight movement, Yaoyue would appear in front of her very soon.Obviously, Yaoyue's skill is much higher than Sanqi's by a large margin!

If it was Sanqi before, it would not be so keen at all.

Although Qian Xia is lazy and doesn't want to move, but thinking that today is the princess' birthday, it is indeed not appropriate to get up too late.

Reluctantly got up, after washing up, before he had time to change his clothes, he saw Mu Liunian coming in with a sword in his hand.

Looking at the thin layer of sweat on his forehead, he knew that he must have danced a sword like a poem just now.

"Do you want to take a shower and change?"

Mu Liunian nodded, "What about you? But together?"

(End of this chapter)

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