Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 472 Prepare to leave!

Chapter 472 Prepare to leave! (1)
"Yes, I was really surprised. If you hadn't helped Mei Qianluo this time, I wouldn't have known that my second younger brother didn't have the surname Mu at all. However, as a member of the royal family, he It's really sad to have fallen into this situation. You said, if he himself knew his true identity one day, would he go to the palace and ask the emperor to find a way to help him?"

Qian Xia paused, then took another bite of the orange he handed over, and after chewing and swallowing, she said softly, "No."

"Why?" Mu Liunian was a little curious about Qian Xia's affirmative attitude.He has always known that Qian Xia has a very calm and clear mind in addition to her special abilities.

"Life goes from high to low, with ups and downs. Although Mu Huanqing was not as good as you are now, he is not much worse than you. He lived a smooth life for more than ten years, and he was flattered and flattered wherever he went. In one night, falling heavily from the clouds, he is no longer as dazzling as before, but like a humble speck of dust, do you think that such a person will not change his mind?"

"So?" Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows. It seemed that his shallowness seemed to be getting smarter.

Qian Xia glanced at him, "You obviously thought of it a long time ago. But you came to ask me."

"I'm wronged! If I hadn't heard you say this, I wouldn't have thought of it. Be good, continue." Mu Liunian said, and put another petal of oranges in her mouth, and then waited for her conclusion with a smile .

"Mu Huanqing's marriage with the Liu family may have made him feel that there is still hope for him. But now? I'm afraid the whole person has fallen into an extremely depressed situation. I believe that the emperor is in his There are also people around him, and even some power is given to him. However, how capable he is depends on himself."

Mu Liu smiled young, "After all, you didn't say what would happen to him if he learned the truth."

"It will go crazy and completely collapse. The ups and downs, true and false, are enough to completely destroy a person's will. Especially a person like Mu Huanqing who is not a strong-willed person."

"It makes sense." Mu Liunian smiled, "As a reward, I will personally feed you some oranges."

After saying that, Qian Xia felt her eyes darkened, and a magnified handsome face was looking at her with a smile, with a piece of orange in her mouth.

Qian Xia's expression froze slightly, and she tried to move, only to find that her waist and arms were trapped by this guy, and she could hardly move at all. In desperation, she could only compromise, closed her eyes, Look at his smug eyes, his mouth is slightly opened, waiting for him to feed.

A piece of soft and sweet orange fell into her mouth, Qian Xia was surprised, did he just let her go?After getting along for so long, this seems to be a bit inconsistent with his temper.

Before the big marriage, Qian Xia thought that Mu Liunian was a man with deep scheming, cleverness, and both civil and military skills, but after the big wedding, Qian Xia found that she had made a mistake in judgment, and it was a serious mistake. There are too many shameless people with unimaginably thick skins.

Especially when thinking of the night, Qian Xia's face couldn't help but turn a little red, this is simply a monster who is too good at torturing people.

When Qian Xia just made a swallowing movement, she felt her lips soften.

Sanqi and the others have already retreated far away with great interest. Yaoyue's expressionless face, at this moment, has a bit of twitching. When you look closely, there seems to be some sympathy in her eyes. I know who this sympathy of hers is for.

After giving up the kiss, Qian Xia's breathing also became rapid, her little face was flushed, and she gave him a look, "Deng Tuzi!"

Unexpectedly, this scolding actually elicited a burst of laughter from Mu Liunian, "Haha, Qianqian, can you use this word every time? Do you want to change it? For example, hooligan? Nasty? Despicable?"

It was the first time I saw someone who was so happy to be scolded, and who also offered to provide alternative scolding words.

At such a moment, Yaoyue, who had eyes and ears, sighed in her heart, God, this is not our master, please don't tell me that our master is such a thick-skinned person.

In the early morning of the next day, the Household Department found all the official documents signed by the eldest prince about opening warehouses and releasing grain, and presented them to the emperor.

I saw that what was written in the official document was indeed [-] shi of grain, but why when we arrived in Yunzhou, there were only [-] shi left?The emperor's brows were tightly knit together. Obviously, he thought that there was a moth in the court making trouble.

Before the amount of relief food was clarified, another person wrote a letter, stating that the huge piece of Huanglongyu found in Princess Hening's mansion was produced in Luanhe.And the most famous aristocratic family in Luanhe is the Liu family.

In this way, the emperor naturally wanted to find out whether the piece of Huanglong jade was donated by the Liu family of Luanhe, or did he and Princess Ning Chang figure out a way to get it?
As for why those people are so sure that this Huanglongyu comes from Luanhe, it is because Luanhe has produced Huanglongyu since ancient times, and its color is extremely good, and it is famous all over the world.But the fineness of this piece of Huanglong jade is not bad at all compared to the ornaments that the emperor usually uses. After being appraised by a professional jade craftsman, he gave such an answer.

Liu Xiang came from Luan and the Liu family, so it seemed that he had something to do with it.

However, soon, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Household Affairs stated that the mining rights of Huanglongyu belonged to the state, and no matter how rich the big families below were, it was impossible to mine Huanglongyu. Only the emperor can use it. Even if others get it, they can only keep it privately and dare not use it. They also have to bear the risk of being discovered and punished. It is really not worth it.

The emperor was annoyed in his heart, and he also understood that there are priorities. The most important thing right now is how to appease the refugees in Yunzhou, whether to suppress them or adopt a soft policy. For a while, the court was divided into two factions again.

The reason why the First Prince was in charge of the shock was very simple. Since there was a riot, these untouchables naturally had wrong thoughts in their minds. If these people are not eliminated, they are afraid that there will be troubles in the future.

The second prince, on the other hand, advocated Huairou, advocating sending people first and then sending food, and then gathering a large number of doctors in the local area to avoid the occurrence of a situation similar to the plague.

The two sides insist on their own opinions, and can't tell right from wrong for a while.The emperor was also advocated by the two factions below, which gave him a headache.

In the end, the emperor still adopted the second prince's suggestion, and ordered people to quickly escort the food to Yunzhou. At the same time, he sent people to Yunzhou to convey his will to appease the people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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