Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 473 Prepare to leave!

Chapter 473 Prepare to leave! (2)
At the same time, the people from the first prince's group naturally wanted to start an investigation immediately, how did the one hundred thousand shi grains turn into [-] shi?

It's just a pity that their talents were informed directly by the people of Dali Temple just after they had a clue. At this time, the emperor had handed it over to Dali Temple for strict interrogation, and no one else was allowed to intervene.

And Dali Siqing is a member of the Fuyang Zhao family, but the Zhao family is loyal to the emperor, and it may not be easy for others to infiltrate.

"Things are really getting more and more interesting. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, this time, the people of Yunzhou rioted. As you expected, the emperor did not take the method of forcible suppression. You said, it was because the emperor also felt that it was too violent. Yes, or is there another reason?"

Qian Xia lowered her hand gently, and asked calmly.

Mu Liunian just hooked his lips into a smile, "He still has a lot to worry about. Now Ziye's national power is the weakest among the four countries. Although Qianxue has no intention of going to war, don't forget that there is another Cangming. Qianxue and Cangming is on the north side of my Ziye, once they both reach a consensus, then only our Ziye will be unlucky."

A slight smile flashed across Qian Xia's face, "So, we should be thankful that Qian Xuehuang is not a belligerent person?"

"That's right! Qian Xuehuang really isn't a person who likes to beg everywhere. However, Cang Ming is not necessarily so. I heard that Cang Ming has been increasing his own military strength in the past few years. It is not yet known what his intentions are. "

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not speak, Mu Liunian had already made it very clear, perhaps the emperor was worried that Cang Ming would take advantage of the situation, so he chose the strategy of appeasing the inside and waiting for the outside world.

The situation at the border seems to be tense now. If there is another mob riot in the country at this time, it can be said to be internal and external troubles, which is not good for Ziye's overall situation.Coupled with the fact that the battle between the two princes for the crown prince has reached a fever pitch, the emperor is probably the most troublesome one right now.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. Even if only one heir can be chosen, then the other sons can't all be killed, right?In this way, wouldn't the direct line of Ziye's royal family gradually wither and fade away?

Qian Xia's eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking of a very interesting person, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, that Prince Li was quite interesting. I heard that he was at odds with Princess He Ning, but this time when He Ning had an accident, I didn't see him getting into trouble. , it’s really rare.”

"He? Hehe, you'll know later."

Mu Liunian obviously didn't want to say much about Prince Li, and Qian Xia didn't bother to ask.Anyway, in her mind, as long as no one came to disturb their peaceful life, then she felt that nothing was important.But once someone touches her bottom line, then she doesn't care about high or low, rich or poor, let's talk about people first!
Just like Princess He Ningchang this time, if it wasn't for her being against him everywhere, I wouldn't have let Mu Liunian attack her.

In fact, after Qian Xia learned that her clothes had been tampered with, she knew that those who wanted to frame her would definitely not have such a simple plan. Sure enough, they had colluded with Concubine Mei , bought the maid around him, and changed his clothes.

However, since Qian Xia had expected that the emperor would attack her, it is naturally impossible for her to be unprepared, so her counterattack is naturally to let the emperor watch his sister commit the crime of usurpation with his own eyes!

Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is impossible for the emperor to forgive He Ning, what's more, when people are extremely angry and disappointed, they often make some extremely irrational judgments and decisions.For example, the emperor demoted He Ning to common people, for example, the emperor asked General He Ning to besiege the mansion of Princess Chang and so on.

At this moment, I'm afraid that the emperor himself probably guessed something, but so what?

It is true that there are dragon-shaped dark patterns woven on the brocade in Hening Mansion, and it is also true that she herself is wearing such clothes!It is true that similar clothes were found in her house.Even the emperor might not be able to cover her up.What's more, in her house, there is this top-quality top-grade Huanglongyu?

Mu Liunian glanced at Qian Xia, who was watching the chess with downcast eyes, and was really convinced by the game she set up this time!

As expected of the woman he fancied, she was indeed different.

If the emperor dared to frame her with clothes with the pattern of a nine-tailed phoenix, she would naturally fight back with all her strength without hesitation.

First of all, counting Princess Ningchang, didn't the emperor use the Nine-tailed Phoenix?Then she directly used the five-clawed golden dragon to see which one would make the emperor more afraid and angry?

And using the pretext of trespassing with Princess Ning Chang, the emperor would naturally order a house search in his rage. So, with so much evidence presented, what can the emperor do?What he said, the water that was thrown out, at least, in a short period of time, it is impossible for him to restore He Ning's identity.

And what they want is to take a good look at He Ningchang Princess's mansion during this period of time, and see what kind of secrets this arrogant and reckless princess has.
This time the Luanhe Liu family was also involved, just to remind Liu Xiang not to be in the wrong team.

Of course, the first, the second, is to upset the emperor, bad things happen one after another, and all of them are people who are close to him, so that he can't eat and sleep at night. This is the clever way to really torture people.

Now, Concubine Xu, who was finally managed by him to win over, is gone, his own mother and queen have also passed away, and his own sister is now under house arrest in the mansion by him, and her title has been cut. I am afraid that he is sitting alone on the dragon chair in the imperial study room, wondering whether the riot in Yunzhou has something to do with his eldest son, right?
As soon as Mu Liunian thought of this, the smile on his face couldn't be concealed, "Qianqian is really smart, if you buckle up the links one by one, I'm afraid the emperor is exhausted right now?"

"It's his own fault, no wonder others! If it wasn't for him to make things difficult for our two families by making the first move, why would we give him such a big gift? Besides, I have a hunch that this time, it might be the father who treats him His dissatisfaction has reached the extreme, otherwise, knowing that Mu Huanqing is his son, he would not give him face like this?"

Mu Liunian nodded, and glanced at the situation on the chessboard, "Qianqian, how about we draw this game?"

Qian Xia frowned slightly, and said displeasedly, "Why? This is the time of stalemate, and whoever has no patience will lose. Why do you propose a draw at this time? Could it be that you are afraid?"

Mu Liunian froze for a moment, then pointed at the chessboard, and said with a smile, "I'm really just talking about our game of chess, nothing else. I just feel a little hungry, and I don't need to eat, I'm afraid it's just a hug. I don’t even have the strength to lift you up.”

(End of this chapter)

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