Chapter 478 Shocked! (4)
Aunt Qing nodded and said the matter slowly.

It turned out that the sound of fighting was heard in Mu Huanqing's yard last night. When the guards from the mansion arrived, Mu Huanqing's room was already in a mess, and Mu Huanqing himself seemed to have suffered some injuries. , but according to what he said, he also injured the other party, and the other party was not seriously injured.

After Qian Xia heard this, she woke up.

As expected, Mu Huanqing was not drunk at all last night, so his decadence these days is just pretending?

Is this trying to find out who attacked him yesterday?It seems that she really underestimated the Second Young Master Mu, he was clearly a wolf, and she forcibly looked at him like a dog!

"Aunt Qing, what do the father and mother mean?"

"According to Mr. Mu, the direction of the man's escape that day was towards the backyard. However, when the guards arrived later, they didn't find any problem in the backyard, so they didn't dare to speak up. They just strengthened it at night. Guard and patrol. The prince who only reported this morning."

Qian Xia nodded, so she probably guessed the other party's intention, was she trying to find Yaoyue?Otherwise, how could he bite the backyard on purpose?It was clearly during the fight between the man and Yaoyue that he learned that Yaoyue was a woman.

"What does King Father mean, is to let everyone in our backyard pass?"

"Returning to the concubine, the lord didn't mean that. He just ordered the slaves to invite the concubine to talk in the flower hall, and all the young masters and ladies in the house also went."

Qian Xia nodded and signaled Aunt Qing to wait outside first, and after washing and dressing herself, she immediately went to the flower hall.

Qian Xia thought for a while, "Yunying, you go to Yunfu right away, just say that I miss my aunt and brother."

"Yes, Miss." A shadow seemed to flash for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace.

Yun Ying is the best and most powerful of the Yun family's dark guards. Ever since Qian Xia mastered the Yun family's dark forces, she has never used Yun Ying. Of course he couldn't go at this time, and since Mu Liunian was not in the mansion, the only thing he could use was Yun Ying.

Yun Ying's identity is quite special, he was originally an orphan, and he became a member of the Yun family only after being rescued by Yun Cangli.

After Qian Xia was officially appointed as the next Patriarch of the Yun Family, Yun Ruoqi took over the news and intelligence category and was in charge of all the news and intelligence networks of the Yun Family, while Yun Ying was the one who was always dormant in the dark. A leader of dark forces.

He and Yun Ruoqi are equivalent to one light and one dark, supporting Yun Qianxia together.

Yunying is a man, there is no doubt about it, and it is precisely because of this that Qianxia seldom calls him.If Mu Liunian is here, I'm afraid it will be a treat again.

Accompanied by Sanqi and Aunt Qing, Qian Xia went to the flower hall together.Of course, by her side, there is also a 'Shizi Ye' with a slightly sick face.

Sure enough, apart from the prince and concubine, the two young masters, Mu Huanqing and Mu Huanran, were there, as were the other two concubines.

Qian Xia glanced at it, and several concubines from the palace came, but Concubine Liu Shu didn't seem to come, and Concubine Mei didn't come because she was banned for life.

"Greetings to my father, mother and concubine."

"Greetings to elder brother and sister-in-law." The two younger brothers and the two younger sisters also saluted.

"Okay, let's sit down first. The whole family doesn't have to stick to these vain rituals."

"Yes, concubine mother." Qian Xia responded obediently, and then sat on one side, and Mu Huanqing was diagonally opposite.

"I called all of you here today because there was a thief in Huanqing's yard last night, and Huanqing was also injured. Did you guys sleep soundly last night? Did you hear any unusual noises? "The majestic voice of King Changping sounded, and the atmosphere in the flower hall suddenly became tense.

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows slightly, shook her head, but didn't make a sound.

Qian Xia, who looked down at her toes, knew that at this moment, Mu Huanqing's eyes were staring at her. In fact, since she came in, his gaze had been cast on her intentionally or unintentionally. It seemed that He has become his first object of suspicion.

Qian Xia raised the corners of her lips slightly, it seemed that she was going to disappoint others, after all, she really didn't know martial arts.As for Sanqi, if they want to check it, they can check it. Only Sanqi's three-legged cat kung fu is really not enough to compete with real masters.Otherwise, it would really be a one-shot kill.

For today's situation, Qian Xia always regarded herself as an outsider.

After following Yun Cangli for so many years, he didn't learn anything else, but he learned a lot about being calm and composed in situations!What's more, Qian Xia, who is a mystic, understands better that no matter what happens, unless you can escape, you will never be able to see the real situation clearly.

Now in this flower hall, Qian Xia has long been out of the way, as if she is watching a game of chess or a play, in short, there is nothing about her here from the beginning.

Seeing Qian Xia's calmness, Mu Huanqing frowned slightly, thinking that from the moment she came in to the moment she was sitting like this, he could not detect the slightest breath of internal energy from her body.

Then, the person last night must not be her.

But last night, he clearly noticed that it was a woman. Moreover, although the woman escaped from the backyard, it was in the opposite direction from Yixin Garden. At that moment, he cast all his suspicions on Yixin Garden.

Because of the one-hearted concealment, deliberately going in the opposite direction is the normal reaction of every trained martial artist.

Now he is a little less sure.

Mu Huanqing knew what kind of skill Sanqi was next to Qianxia, ​​and this princess had never deliberately concealed it from the day she married into the Changping Palace. The two girls know how to fight.

Mu Huanqing glanced behind her, one was Aunt Qing and the other was Sanqi.

Thinking of that Yaoyue, I heard that her kung fu is not very good, but she often fights with Sanqi in Yixin Garden, and sometimes loses to Sanqi. It is even more impossible for such a person to be last night The one who hit him.

Just thinking about it, Mu Huanqing noticed a trace of displeased eyes on him, and turned his head to look, but it was 'Mu Liunian' who was looking at him displeasedly, the eyes clearly said, you Be careful, that's my wife!
Mu Huanqing quickly turned his gaze, and no longer dared to look in Yun Qianxia's direction.

Qian Xia is different from Mu Huanqing. From the beginning to the end, she just followed one principle, that is, she only listens and watches, but doesn't think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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