Chapter 479 Shocked! (5)
Only in this way can she remain truly calm and sober.

At the end, King Changping sighed heavily, "Forget it. This king will send people to investigate this matter again, and you should all be careful. Huanqing, these days, you should not leave the mansion for the time being. To avoid further Someone is following you. Such a strict defense of the Changping Palace cannot keep you from being injured, and if you leave the palace, it will be even more dangerous."

"Yes, Father."

At this moment, someone from outside came to spread the word that Mrs. Yun and the eldest son of the Yun family came to visit the eldest concubine.

Princess Changping went to Yixin Garden together with Qianxia, ​​and asked 'Mu Liunian' to personally invite her to Chuyunxuan.

"Mother Concubine, you must have been very worried when you went out before Yuanchu?"

Princess Changping nodded, "It's natural. My son is my mother's darling, why don't you worry about it? However, as time goes by and the number of times is too high, you will get used to it. I see you have been doing it for the past few days. clothes, you know that you miss him in your heart. As a mother, I am really happy for him. "

Qian Xia's complexion was reddish, and she really felt a little guilty after being told what was on her mind.

When Yun Changan and Cheng Shi came in, they saw their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law sitting together and talking, the atmosphere was warm and friendly, which made people feel at ease.

After Qianxia and Cheng Shi got bored for a while, she excused that there were a few things she wanted to invite Yun Changan to have a look at, and then took him out of the main room, to the porch, led by Sanqi, and went all the way to Yaoyue's house. residence.

After checking the pulse and prescribing a prescription, Yun Changan frowned, "Who is so ruthless? I really don't know how to pity and cherish jade at all."

Qian Xia chuckled lightly, and teased him, "Brother said this, as if you would feel sorry for the jade. I just don't know, where is the piece of jade waiting for you to cherish now?"

Yun Changan glared at her fiercely, "You little heartless person, who sent someone to the house to upload the message? If I wasn't worried about you, do you think I came here in such a hurry?"

"Brother, how do you think her injury is?"

"Fortunately, martial arts are avoided these days. In addition, this medicine is taken twice a day. After five or six days, most of the recovery will be recovered. If it takes ten days and a half a month, it will be fine."

The siblings talked for a while, and then turned back to Chu Yunxuan again.

"The residence of Princess He Ningchang has been getting more and more outrageous recently. The princess doesn't go out these days, so I don't know. I heard that another maid was beaten to death last night. I heard that the death was miserable. He was whipped to death alive with a leather whip."


As soon as Qian Xia heard this word, she felt goose bumps all over her body. She heard that Princess Ning Chang was gentle and dignified on the surface, but she was vicious in private, especially for those who dared to disobey her. People have always been relentless.

This long whip has always been her favorite.At this moment, a girl was actually beaten to death. Thinking about it, I feel chills in my heart.However, since even my aunt can know about such a thing, it must have been spread by the noble ladies in Beijing, right?

The corners of Qian Xia's lips curled slightly, "He Ning, He Ning, if you live in peace, or if you show a crying and regretful look in the house, the emperor will still see it." For the sake of being his own sister, if he treats you lightly, even if he can't restore his status as the eldest princess, at least he won't put you under house arrest, and won't make your life too bad.But now?
It is true that you are dissatisfied with the emperor's treatment of you because you are small in personnel and dissatisfied with the emperor's treatment of you.

God's sins are still forgiven.Self-inflicted sin, not to live.

Qian Xia sighed softly in her heart, but she began to ponder in her heart, how can she avoid the emperor's eyes and ears, and meet this eldest princess?
He Ning colluded with others, judging from the information collected from the Seven Stars Gate, it is already very certain.

It's just that it is still impossible to determine who is the person who colluded with her?
Two days later, the emperor really issued an edict to reprimand He Ning again, and in the edict, he pointed out very clearly that as a princess of the royal family, what she did had seriously affected the reputation of the royal family.If he didn't know how to restrain himself, he was afraid that he would face Thunder's wrath again.

It was heard that He Ning, who had received the imperial edict at that time, had a face as dead ashes, and his whole body was shaking like chaff, and he didn't look like a princess at all.

That night, there was another extremely stern scream in Princess He Ning's mansion, which disturbed all the neighbors, and the guards outside the door just looked at each other, frowned slightly, and paid no attention to it. .

It was an hour later that someone noticed that there was a fire in He Ning's dormitory. By the time the guards arrived and put out the fire, most of Princess He Ning's mansion had been destroyed.

And the emperor in the palace was also in the front court, and saw a red light soaring into the sky. After careful questioning, he found out that it was He Ning's mansion.

After all, blood is thicker than water, my dear sister, the emperor immediately ordered someone to check it, and after a while, the report was that she and Princess Ning Chang had died.

The next day, the emperor ordered He Ning to be buried in the imperial mausoleum with the title of princess.

When Princess He Yun learned that He Ning had been burnt beyond recognition, she fainted.

Qianxia and 'Mu Liunian' went to Linlang Bieyuan to enjoy the flowers together, and stayed in the Bieyuan that night.

Mr. Jin Hua glanced at Qian Xia, and said with a smile, "The imperial concubine is really courageous, so you don't worry that the imperial concubine will ask you to settle accounts after she comes back?"

Qian Xia smiled and understood what he was referring to. It was the matter of the two of them riding in the same car along the way, "Mr. Jinhua is worrying too much. You seem to have forgotten that there were Sanqi and the demon in the carriage at that time." Yue Er is here."

The smile on Jin Hua's face froze. Originally, he wanted to see what it would be like for the always calm Princess Concubine to panic, but now it seems that it is impossible.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. However, in order to avoid trouble with me when that guy comes back, it shouldn't be difficult to trouble you to prove it, right?"

Qian Xia nodded cooperatively, and said sincerely, "Don't worry, Mr. Jinhua, this time, it's thanks to you."

Jinhua was very satisfied with this answer, and it was not in vain for him to pretend to be Mu Liunian for so long.

The next day, Liu Wanting was also invited to Linlang Bieyuan, and not long after, Yun Ruogu also came.

The marriage of the two has been finalized, Yun Ruogu is now assigned by the emperor to the Ministry of Industry for training, Yun Ruogu just raised his eyebrows, knowing that the emperor does not want to see him, otherwise, he would not let a scholar run away The Ministry of Industry, the place with the most craftsmen, went to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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