Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 487 Stupid, or stupid?

Chapter 487 Stupid, or stupid? (5)
The man's voice seemed to be somewhat demonic, and there was a trace of evil in the clarity, but it was too shallow, and if you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to detect it at all.

However, as he finished speaking, the servants who served him a few steps away turned paler, lowered their heads subconsciously, and leaned forward.

"My lord, is our plan still business as usual?"

"Naturally! Xiao Yunsong is just the first one. Emperor Ziye, it's time to repay what you owe me. This time, I will collect some interest first, so that you can feel the life and death of your most beloved son. Unexplained pain!"

After the man finished speaking, he sneered, got up and went to the railing, supported the railing with one hand, and put the other hand behind his back leisurely. The light breeze blew up his black hair, as if he was dancing, filling the air. A kind of magic.

Xiao Yunsong hangs out with beauties every day in order to dissuade the other party's vigilance, gets drunk every night, and spends time with beauties.

Until this day, Xiao Yunsong noticed that the acupoints on his body seemed to have been opened, and he was overjoyed.

Since he came here, when he woke up, he found that his internal force was locked and his acupoints were restricted.He couldn't use the slightest bit of internal force, otherwise, he would feel a kind of bone-piercing pain.

I don't know if it's because he has been cautious in the past few days, so the person who was supposed to perform acupressure on him every three days was missed.

Xiao Yunsong clearly realized that this was his only chance to escape from here.If it doesn't work, then I'm afraid I'm going to lose here.But that's good, at least, he still has one more chance, doesn't he?
Taking advantage of the darkness, Xiao Yunsong dealt with a servant first, then changed into his clothes, then lowered his head and quickly shuttled around the yard.Fortunately, it was not too late at this time, and many courtyards had not been keyed, and although Xiao Yunsong didn't know where this place was, he could probably tell where the dining room was after living here for so many days.

Generally speaking, wherever there is a dining room, there will be a back door for those who deliver food and those who handle the swill to pass through.

So, Xiao Yunsong followed his guess along the way, and soon found the dining room.

Xiao Yunsong was overjoyed, but he only took two steps when he was scolded, "Stop, who are you? You don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Yunsong's body froze immediately, and then he shook his hands again, almost pinching his throat to change his tone, "My lord, this servant is here to get some good wine for that young master. That master has been drinking like hell recently, You know it too."

The person who came was the guard in the yard, and he was on his night watch right now, so he naturally wanted to stop and question him.

"Moving wine to the wine cellar, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Yunsong was secretly annoyed that these people were troublesome, and also regretted why he didn't say he was hungry just now?Looking at it now, if you don't want to answer, it is naturally impossible to pass the test.Rolling his eyes, he quickly bowed his head and said, "Brother Guard, you also know how difficult it is for slaves. This master ordered wine, so naturally he also wanted to order wine and food. The slave can only go to the dining room to see if there are any. What can be taken out to deal with it."

"Yeah." The leading guard looked him up and down before saying impatiently, "Go, go. Remember to come back early and don't wander around."

"Yes, brother guard, let's go now, the younger one. Be sure to go and come back quickly."

Under the eyes of the guards behind him, Xiao Yunsong could only walk in the direction of the dining room. While walking, he felt a little anxious in his heart. It was dark at the moment, so they didn't see that he was not a slave here. If you arrive at the dining room in a while, there are lights and candles there, you will definitely be recognized by the cook inside.

Fortunately, he was only about a foot away from the door of the dining room, and when he stretched out his hand to knock on the door, he heard someone behind him calling the guards away. According to the meaning of the words, he went to have a drink.

Xiao Yunsong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, only then realized that his back was completely soaked, he quickly dodged to the right, felt the darkness, and started looking for the small door.

After he dodged past, the guards who had left turned back again, and looked at his back, but they sneered endlessly.

"The fish is about to come out of the tank. Go and reply to the young master. In addition, the staff we prepared outside should also be energetic."

"yes, Sir."

Xiao Yunsong groped his way in the dark, stumbling, as a member of the royal family, how could he have suffered such a crime?
After getting out of the yard, it was only after almost falling that I realized that this place seemed to be on a mountain.In other words, if he wanted to escape from the control of these people, he had to go down the mountain in the dark.And it is extremely dangerous to drive at night, and it is still a mountain road.

Jackals, tigers and leopards are naturally one of them. Most importantly, he is not familiar with the road. If he accidentally leaves any traces along the way, it will only make them find him faster.

However, after Xiao Yunsong looked back at the manor, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and could only fight.

He was sure that if he was captured by these people again, what he would enjoy would definitely not be such a life.

Xiao Yunsong stumbled along the way, until the sky turned pale, and finally saw the official road at the bottom of the mountain, secretly rejoicing in his heart, when he finally escaped from the sky, unexpectedly his foot slipped, and he rolled directly from here.

Fortunately, it was almost at the foot of the mountain here, and apart from some scratches on the hands and face, there were no other scars to be seen.It's just that the clothes are a little torn, and some branches have hung up his clothes, and he himself feels the pain of bones all over his body as if they are falling apart.

Xiao Yunsong endured the pain, got up quickly, and continued walking.He knew that at dawn, the other party would definitely notice the news of his disappearance.Once he catches up, I'm afraid he will suffer untold hardships.

I don't know if it was his good luck, but after walking for a short time, he met an old man driving a carriage, singing a little opera while walking.

Xiao Yunsong hurried forward to bow, begged the old man, and then got on a ride, getting farther and farther away from here.

No one noticed that a black shadow flashed past, and took off Xiao Yunsong's cloth strips hanging from the tree one by one, and even buried some blood stains on the ground with soil.

Finally, Xiao Yunsong thought he was safe, so he tidied up his clothes a little bit. Looking at the old man who gave him a ride, a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

Who is he?

He is the majestic first prince, the future emperor of Ziye!But now, the most embarrassing aspect of his life was met by this old man, so naturally he could no longer live in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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