Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 488 Master of Layout?

Chapter 488 Master of Layout? (1)
Without hesitation, Xiao Yunsong stretched out his right hand, and attacked the old man in a throat-locking posture.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, he saw the old man dodge extremely nimbly, then looked at him with a smile and said, "You young man, it makes no sense. If I hadn't saved you along the way, how could you have saved me?" Could it be so safe? An ungrateful person like you really shouldn't be living in this world anymore."

After Xiao Yunsong saw his agility, he regretted being too impulsive.

Along the way, he didn't realize that this old man knew martial arts, but now, it was obvious that not only could he, but his skills were far superior to his own.

The old man snorted coldly again, and immediately made the ultimate move right.

Xiao Yunsong was already injured, and his internal strength had not fully recovered, so it was naturally a bit difficult to deal with it.

Xiao Yunsong had no choice but to beg for mercy while beating, "Senior, forgive me! Just now this junior just thought you were with them, so he became murderous. Now that I know I was wrong, please calm down, senior."

"Hehe, should I say you are stupid, or should I say you are stupid?"

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Yunsong's entire expression changed, not for anything else, because the voice of the old man in front of him was completely different from before. With such a young voice, Xiao Yunsong dared to bet that he would not be more than 20 years old.

Early in the morning, Qian Xia had just woken up, when she heard someone whispering outside, she frowned slightly, Sanqi saw it, and raised the curtain to go out, "Who is whispering?"

"Miss forgive me, the servants are really a little scared, so they couldn't help but say a few words, not wanting to disturb the concubine, the servants dare not."

"Okay, let's all go down." Sanqi glanced at Aunt Qing's figure, immediately waved at the servants, and then greeted them, "Aunt Qing, can I ask clearly?"

"Ask clearly. Both the prince and the prince have been announced into the palace now, and the eldest prince has indeed been found, but I heard that he is gone. At this moment, I guess they are discussing how to arrange the funeral of the eldest prince." .”

Sanqi nodded, and looked back at the dormitory, "The servant girl is going to report to the concubine first. It's just that the concubine died early, so the concubine shouldn't have to wear filial piety, right?"

"Shouldn't be used. According to regulations, the eldest prince has never been married, and the concubine is not a royal relative, so she doesn't have to attend. However, the prince is going. However, some plain clothes should be prepared. In addition, the golden concubine Silver jewelry, if you can not wear it, don’t wear it. In case someone picks something out.”

"Yes, Aunt Qing. The servant girl will go to prepare breakfast for the Crown Princess first."

Aunt Qing entered the room, and roughly explained the murder of the eldest prince. Qian Xia was slightly taken aback. Although she had been there before, there would be such a possibility, but now she suddenly heard that someone had found her. , but what I found was a cold corpse, and I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Anyway, that is also the blood of the royal family, and now he was found dead outside, and he was killed by a knife, and he was still in a mess. How can this not make people feel depressed?

Especially the emperor, he must have been stunned by anger right now?
Although the emperor dotes on the eldest prince, the premise of all this is based on a special balance.And now that there is no Concubine Mei, and the eldest prince has repeatedly made mistakes, his affection with the emperor has long since faded a lot.

However, will the death of the first prince make the emperor cast suspicious eyes on the second prince?

"Aunt Qing, where was this corpse found?"

"Returning to the concubine, the servant girl heard that it was found in a village outside the city. When the people sent by the emperor were searching secretly, they saw the Huajin clothes worn by the eldest prince not far away. Follow those traces to find the past."

"A Zhuangzi?"

Qian Xia was a little suspicious, and she was still outside the city, so close to the capital and the palace, how could she be killed?This eldest prince also practiced martial arts since he was a child. He is by no means a fool. What kind of person is he who is so powerful that he can kill him with one move?
Aunt Qing glanced at Shi Zifei, lowered her voice, and took a step forward, "Back to Shi Zifei, the first prince was found in the Mei family's own Zhuangzi. Now, I heard that the Mei family has been sent by the emperor to It is under siege. Except for Mei Xiang who is still in the palace, everyone else can't get in or get out."

Mei's manor?The answer was even more surprising.

The Mei family is the eldest prince's ancestral family, and Mei Xiang is his biological uncle. Naturally, he has no motive or necessity to kill the eldest prince.Not only won't kill him, but should protect him everywhere, but now?

"The prince also entered the palace? Is it because of this?"

"Returning to the princess, it should be. The prince has also entered the palace. I heard that at this moment, the atmosphere in the palace is very dull. The second prince leads a group of princes and princesses, and is guarding the eldest prince's body in the palace. Where's the coffin?"

Second prince?snort!Qian Xia snorted coldly, now that the eldest prince is gone, he should be the happiest one, right?I just don't know, will the emperor count this matter on his head?
However, even if it is remembered in his head, it is useless.

After all, the emperor only has two older princes. As for the next few princes, they are too young now. Even if the emperor wants to rely on them, he will have to wait at least seven or eight years.

What if the emperor's physical condition does not allow him to wait any longer?

Qian Xia's heart skipped a beat, and a very bad premonition came to her heart. Is all this related to Sangqiu Zirui?After all, once the eldest prince dies, the person who will benefit the most is the second prince.

And now that the princes below are young, even if the emperor has the evidence that the second prince did it, it is impossible to do anything to the second prince.So, no matter whether the second prince did it or not, in the short term, he will not have any major crisis.

However, it is very likely that he will be ignored by the emperor for a period of time.

Being unable to deal with him does not mean that one must rely heavily on him.

The corners of Qian Xia's lips curled up slightly, the royal strife was far more intense than she expected.

However, what kind of role Sangqiu Zirui played in this game, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

Mu Liunian didn't come back until it was getting late.

"Are you the only one coming back? Where's the father?" Qian Xia glanced at the anxious princess beside her, and asked him hastily.

"The emperor's intention is to let all the rich and powerful children in the capital guard their spirits. Of course, I am also among them. It's just that my father said that I am weak, so I asked for an order to let me only guard there during the day. , and come back to rest at night."

(End of this chapter)

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