Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 501: Wishful thinking

Chapter 501: Wishful thinking (5)
"Your Majesty, this matter has been made clear. It was planned by Mrs. Mei from the very beginning. Not to mention how the Mei family was able to replace them back then, but now that they have forced Mei to death, it proves that all of this, From the very beginning, it was a game laid out by Mrs. Mei, and its purpose, I believe the emperor can guess it, isn't it?"

The emperor pursed his lips tightly. He knew very well whether Mu Huanqing was his son or not, but at this moment, Mrs. Mei hanged herself and wrote such a bloody letter. What on earth was she trying to do?
King Changping and his concubine had already read the last blood letter left by Mrs. Mei, and then moved it to the queen.

"Your Majesty, this bloody letter and the previous one can be seen to be written by the same person at a glance. According to my concubine, this last word seems to be more credible. After all, my concubine also feels that there is no A biological mother would still be willing to see someone disturbing her son's peace after her son's death. Besides, the eldest prince is the most similar to the emperor, if it is said that he is not the emperor's biological son, the concubines will not believe it."

What was the idea of ​​the court envoy before, and the queen also guessed a little bit in her heart, what kind of blood confession?Do you really think you don't know the tricks?This method is not credible in the first place, and at this time, naturally, they should not be given the opportunity to tamper with it.

Mu Huanqing had always known his identity.

He knew that although his status was humble now, half of his actual background and the blood flowing in his veins came from the emperor.

His status was supposed to be extremely noble, he was supposed to stand in this palace and let Mu Liunian kneel and kowtow to him, but now?

I thought they had already planned everything, no matter what status I was returning to the royal family, in the final analysis, I was the son of the emperor.It's royal blood.

But why are all these developments so unexpected?

Mu Huanqing was full of expectations at first, thinking that this time, he would finally be able to follow his father in a fair and honest way, but he didn't expect that what he waited for was all in vain?

Mu Huanqing suddenly realized that since Mrs. Mei is dead, then whether he can successfully find his identity can only be seen this time tonight?

At this moment, Mu Huanqing suddenly hated the Mei family!
Why did she write such a last word?Doesn't she want to return herself to royalty?As for the real eldest prince, death is death.Why do he care so much?
Anyway, he is a dead person, so why do he care so much?
At this time, Mu Huanqing was full of disappointment and resignation. He didn't understand that he was about to succeed, and if he said something bad, was it bad?

After all, Mu Huanqing was still young and inexperienced in the world. Even if the emperor secretly sent an expert to teach him, it would still be difficult for him to take on the important task.

At this time, he didn't think about how to help his uncle clear the suspicion, but he only cared about his prince's identity not being confirmed.With such a narrow mind, there is simply no one who can become a great tool.

Qian Xia had been secretly observing Mu Huanqing, so she naturally understood his changing expression at this moment.

Seeing the prosperity and wealth in hand, but suddenly flew away again, this kind of feeling, I am afraid that no one can bear this feeling.

Dali Temple Qing said, "Your Majesty, it is not impossible to find out which of these two blood books is true and which is false. It's just that the eldest prince may be wronged."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, the eldest prince is already dead, so what's the point of Dali Temple Minister saying this now?
"My Majesty, I remember that there was an ancestor who wrote a record of family inspection. Naturally, this drop of blood is not advisable, but it is possible to take a piece of the eldest prince's bones. Please trouble the emperor to drip a few drops of dragon's blood, in this way, whether the eldest prince is the emperor's own blood, can be known at once."

The queen was a little surprised, this was the first time I heard of such a method.

"It's absolutely impossible. How can the emperor take such a risk with his golden body? If he hurts the emperor again, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?"

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows. Throughout the ages, the emperor has always been the representative of the supreme.

It's fine if it's an ordinary person, but it happened that the emperor was involved, which caused such trouble, but it's just a few drops of blood, how could there be any injury?However, it is understandable for the queen to say this, who made him the emperor?
The Minister of Dali Temple also hesitated and said, "If Concubine Mei is still alive, then things will be easier to handle. You only need to ask Concubine Mei to drip a few drops of blood to know whether she is the biological mother of the First Prince. .but now?"

King Changping glanced at Mei Yuanyao coldly, and snorted softly, "Your Majesty, according to Chen, I'm afraid this matter is unnecessary, right?"

Hearing these words in the ears of the emperor, the taste changed again.

To the emperor, it seems to be mocking him, you clearly know that the eldest prince is your own son, why bother?
As for whether Mu Huanqing is your son, didn't Mei himself say it?It was because she was forced by the Mei family to come up with such a despicable method to frame Changping Palace.

If the emperor insists on retesting, wouldn't it be tantamount to protecting the Mei family? What is his intention?

The emperor took a deep breath, thinking that tonight, no matter what, he would suffer the loss of being dumb.

After thinking about it, he and the Mei family were also put together today.

But how did the other party do it?Why did Mrs. Mei hang herself?Does the emperor not believe that Mrs. Mei will really commit suicide because of this?
"Your Majesty, my sister's death is unknown. It's obvious that someone has ulterior motives and doesn't want my sister to open her mouth to reveal the truth to the public. Your Majesty, this person's heart can be punished!"

King Changping snorted coldly, looked at Mei Yuanyao with contempt in his eyes, "Master Mei, do you want to say that all of this is my envoy? You know, before entering this imperial study, This king doesn't know why the emperor hastily summoned his ministers to enter the palace today? Could it be that you think that this king has the ability to foretell the future? And then send someone to strangle Mrs. Mei to death?"

Unexpected prophet?

Mu Liunian's heart tightened, and sure enough, he noticed that the emperor's gaze towards Qian Xia was not kind.

"Your Majesty, did Mrs. Mei be killed by someone? Didn't the commander just say that? It was indeed hanging himself. Come to think of it, the commander of the Imperial Forest Army who can serve in the palace, whether Mrs. Mei committed suicide or was killed by others, is still able to You can tell the difference. Besides, even if you can kill Mrs. Mei, is it possible that you can force Mrs. Mei to write such a last word?"

Princess Changping also frowned, and said displeasedly, "Liu Nian is right. Your Majesty, if he is forced by others, the handwriting written here may be different from usual. But what my wife sees now is Yu Yu. It’s the same as usual, so it can be seen that when Mrs. Mei wrote this last statement, no one forced her.”

(End of this chapter)

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