Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 502: Wishful thinking

Chapter 502: Wishful thinking (6)
Mu Liunian had already guessed something in his mind, and holding Qian Xia's hand, he exerted a little effort without any trace.

Qian Xia's brows twitched slightly, she didn't say anything after all, she just raised her head, just in time to collide with the emperor's gaze.

A pair of clear and waveless eyes, clean, pure, and crystal clear, without the slightest hint of dodge, only dazed, and puzzled about these things.

As soon as the emperor caught her sight, just for a split second, he almost decided that this matter had nothing to do with Yun Qianxia.Why, he couldn't say for himself.

It's just a unilateral thought, how could a woman with such pure eyes be a murderer who forced people to commit suicide?
The matter seems to be very clear, but the emperor has not ordered to deal with it for a long time.

As the Minister of Dali Temple, I think it is necessary to remind the emperor that the parents cannot be allowed to flatten the palace, and be charged with instigating the Mei family to steal the emperor's heir without any reason, right?

If this matter cannot be concluded, then, I am afraid that it will be a great shame to the Changping Palace!
And the identity and power of the Changping Prince's Mansion are there. Changping King has not entered the court for many years, which does not mean that he is not threatening.Besides, now that the emperor has bullied him so far, it is hard to guarantee that King Changping will not have any complaints in his heart.

"Your Majesty, this matter has been clearly understood. Mu Huanqing was originally born to the Mei family and King Changping, and is the second son of the palace. However, the Mei family was coerced by the Mei family, so he spread such a thing." It's a big lie. Please also ask the emperor to investigate this matter strictly, so as to return the Changping Palace to justice."

These words are to remind the emperor that Changping Palace is not a master who bullies casually.Furthermore, it also gave Mei Yuanyao a hint that what he said in every sentence was just the Mei family, but he didn't make it clear that he, Mei Yuanyao, instructed him.

This time, Mei Yuanyao seemed to have heard some tricks, and also knew that it was impossible to escape from today's events.Originally, the emperor was a little annoyed because of the utensils found in Meijiazhuangzi. If he was instigated by others, he would be sent to the guillotine completely.

"Your Majesty, I suddenly remembered that a few days ago, my cousin Mei Yuanhua sent someone to visit the Mei family. I'm afraid it is?"

The emperor also understood that Mei Yuanyao had seen the current situation clearly, and it was no longer possible for him to recognize Mu Huanqing.

I don't know if it's because of the guilt towards the Mei family for many years. In his private heart, the emperor still thinks about what he can do for Mu Huanqing. If he can't recognize the royal family, he can't accept his favor openly. Then, it's best The only way is to keep the Mei family as his uncle's family.

Who made the Changping Palace no longer able to accommodate him?

"Okay, I'm tired. What's going on with this matter will be investigated by Dali Temple Secretary tomorrow. In addition, today's matter is also a matter of my impatience, and I almost wronged the Mu Qing family. I hope the Mu Qing family will be more sympathetic. "

King Changping raised his eyebrows and clasped his fists, "I dare not. Today the emperor was able to return my innocence, and I am very grateful. I understand that the emperor was in a hurry at the time, after all, it involved the emperor's dragon veins." It is reasonable for the emperor to be so anxious."

The emperor smiled uncomfortably and nodded. The queen on the side looked at the two, but always felt that there seemed to be some secret between them, so she kept it in her heart immediately. Today's matter must be to make people rush It would be good to tell Zi Rui.

"If that's the case, you all step back. As for Mei Qing's family, for the time being, stay behind closed doors in the mansion and contemplate your mistakes. Without my will, you are not allowed to enter or leave the palace at will."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Mei Yuanyao knew in his heart that today's matter should be put aside for the time being. Then, it also shows that the Emperor actually intends to keep their Mei family's line, perhaps, it is for Mu Huanqing.

It's just that today's incident is too much trouble, if you can't give an explanation, I'm afraid that the Queen's place and Changping Palace will not stop here. It seems that the only way to encircle the present is to abandon one cousin.

But when I thought of this cousin, he had achieved the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Once this position becomes vacant, it is hopeless in all likelihood that the person who will fill it up will be from the Mei family.

However, anyway, all the ruling officials of the Mei family are basically suspended. If he can't abandon him, then everyone in the Mei family will be unable to keep him.

That night, Mei Yuanyao went back to the mansion to contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors, but someone quickly invited Mei Yuanhua to the study in the mansion to have a talk.

The next morning, someone discovered that Mei Yuanhua committed suicide in the study and left a suicide note.

The content of the suicide note naturally assumed all the responsibilities, and its purpose was just to hope that the emperor would spare his wife and children.

Even though he was still suspended, the dignified Minister of the Ministry of Officials committed suicide. The news spread quickly in Liangcheng.

Of course, these are things for later, let's not mention them for now, let's just say that after Mu Liunian and his party returned to the palace that night, the atmosphere in Chuyunxuan was icy cold.

"What's going on? Did you hurt yourself?" Mu Liunian knew that she also went to see Mei Shi, and now she is even more sure that Qian Xia used illusion to deeply hypnotize Mei Shi, so that she would be willing He wrote down the suicide note, and then hanged himself.

Mu Liunian didn't feel sorry for Mrs. Mei, on the contrary, he felt that it was really cheap for her to die like this.

What he was worried about was whether Qian Xia would hurt himself by doing this?
When he thought about how Qianxia used secret techniques to hypnotize several people in Anyang City before, causing them to spend too much energy, and thus turned pale and very weak, Mu Liunian was worried and wanted to jump.

He obviously cared about her very much, but when he said it, his tone was cold, and the expression on his face made it difficult for people to see how much he cared.

There was only a bit of distress in those slightly cold eyes.

"I'm fine. Didn't you tell me on the way back that I'm fine. Look, my face is rosy, and I don't look a little weak?"

Mu Liunian's face didn't relax because of her words, on the contrary, he became a little colder, "You are so courageous! You have the courage to do it, but you don't have the courage to admit it. If you hadn't heard about the cause and effect from the emperor today, wouldn't you? Aren't you going to tell me?"

Qian Xia knew she was wronged, she bowed her head and said nothing, her hands were a little uneasy tugging at the corners of her clothes, like a child who had made a mistake and was waiting for her elders to reprimand her.

Mu Liunian was originally full of anger, why didn't she know how to love herself?Why do you want to hide it from yourself, but now seeing her like this, I can't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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