Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 503 Her Abilities!

Chapter 503 Her Abilities! (1)
After a while, he sighed heavily, "Qianqian, you are really worrying!"

The result of this matter seems to be beyond everyone's expectations.

What the emperor and Mei Yuanyao didn't expect was Mei's sudden suicide and her last will.

What the people in the Changping Palace did not expect was that the emperor would still continue to protect Mei Yuanyao after this point. Mei Yuanhua's death seemed to bring all of this to an end.

Qian Xia was lying in Mu Liunian's arms. At this moment, her expression was calm and indifferent. If one looked closely, there seemed to be a touch of sweetness and enjoyment in her eyebrows and eyes.

Some reddish sunlight from outside came in, blocked by light green soft gauze.

Qian Xia's eyelashes trembled, and she opened her eyes reluctantly, looking at the hazy scene outside, she seemed a little dissatisfied, and she reached out to lift the curtains on the bed.But just after raising her hand in the air, Mu Liunian on the outside held her hand very lightly.

"Qianqian, it's still early."

Qian Xia frowned, looked outside, and then looked at him, "It's already dawn, why is it early?"

His voice was a little hoarse, perhaps because he had just woken up, and there was still a hint of laziness.

"Qianqian, we seem to have slept a bit late last night, let's sleep a little longer." Mu Liunian's ambiguous eyes made Qianxia's face red again in an instant.

The scenes where the two were entangled almost crazily last night seemed to remind her how passionate and presumptuous she was last night.

Qian Xia didn't dare to look at him anymore, she quickly shrank back under the quilt, and covered her face with her hands.

Mu Liunian chuckled a few times, "Qianqian, there are only the two of us here, you are acting like this now, but do you feel ashamed to see me?"

Qian Xia was a little annoyed, she just slid her hand down, raised her chin, and stared fiercely at him, "You don't have the face to face people."

Seeing her blushing like a ripe apple, Mu Liunian felt his throat tighten, and without thinking, he kissed her face.

Qian Xia's body froze at first, and then she wanted to escape, but he successfully stopped her.Soon, the situation seemed to be developing towards that blushing situation again.

Mu Liunian's gentle kiss landed on her jade-like collarbone, itching and tingling, Qian Xia couldn't help but groaned, as if she wanted to curl up.

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Liunian's lips, but he didn't laugh out loud. He was still kissing and caressing her along her collarbone all the way down.

Qian Xia was soon overwhelmed by his teasing, from the initial refusal, it turned into pandering after a while.

By the time the two of them came out of Chuyun Pavilion, it was already past noon.

Fortunately, Aunt Qing ordered people to prepare it early, and when they saw the two got up, she ordered people to deliver the lunch to the small pavilion in the yard.

"Aunt Qing, thank you for your hard work yesterday." Mu Liunian glanced at Aunt Qing. Her appearance yesterday seemed inconspicuous, but at least it showed that Aunt Qing was also interested in the imperial army who came to the mansion to find someone. .

Whether it was Qian Xia's prior arrangement or not, it shows that Aunt Qing is devoted to the palace and her thoughts are delicate. If she didn't follow up, who knows if there will be someone bribed by the Mei family among the guards, or the emperor's hint, And then destroy that blood book?

If this is the case, then Qianqian's painstaking efforts yesterday will be considered in vain.

Aunt Qing had a smile on her face, "Go back to Shizi, as long as you and Shizi concubine get along well. The servant has been in the palace for many years. If the Changping Palace is in trouble, isn't it good for the servant? Besides, the servant has served For so many years, Wangfei, how could she bear to watch someone make things difficult for her?"

Mu Liunian nodded, "Anyway, thank you for what happened yesterday."

Qian Xia just smiled at Aunt Qing and didn't say anything. Now she just feels a little sore and her legs are weak. From Chu Yunxuan to this pavilion, there is only such a small distance, but as she walks, she feels that her legs are not as good as her legs. It's not like it's your own.

Originally, Mu Liunian was going to carry her out, but when Qian Xia thought about the situation, she felt too ashamed.

What time is it now?And just now she seemed to be screaming, it was simply too embarrassing.If she is carried out by him again, she is sure that she will become a joke of the whole Prince's Mansion today.

However, sitting here now, my waist is really uncomfortable.

Mu Liunian also seemed to see her discomfort, and without telling her, he directly hugged her on his lap, let her snuggle into his arms, and then slowly fed her .

Such an intimate picture is too beautiful and too enviable, so it is not suitable for too many people to see it.

The caring Sanchi lowered the pink curtain on the pavilion. Although it is made of soft gauze, people outside can see the inside, which is a little fuzzy and unreal.

In fact, who is too courageous to peep inside the two masters?

The lunch for the two took almost half an hour.

Qian Xiaxu was too tired, on the contrary, she didn't have much appetite and didn't want to eat anything. Fortunately, Mu Liunian was very patient today, even after coaxing and persuading her, she finally got a small bowl of porridge and some vegetables.

Originally, Mu Liunian wanted her to eat more meat, but she always felt that her health was not very good. Eating some beef and mutton should be helpful to her body.But Qianxia seems to dislike mutton, but beef is acceptable.

"What do you want to do?" Mu Liunian asked while hugging her.

"Rest." Qian Xia said, before giving him an angry look.

Mu Liunian found her childish behavior amused, and at the same time felt full of heart. Sure enough, Qian Xia's appearance can only be shown to himself, and even staring at him is so charming. If an outsider saw it, wouldn't it be his own loss?
"Let me take you to the library. The environment there is quiet. If you don't want to sleep, we can read a book together. If you want to sleep, no one will disturb you there."

Qian Xia nodded, she didn't really want to read a book, but she was a little curious about his Yixin Garden, and she hadn't been to the library yet.

This time Mu Liunian carried her away, Qian Xia did not object.

Anyway, it's already like this, and I'm not afraid to make others laugh for a while.It's better than your soft and fluffy walking posture, which makes people laugh out loud, right?That's the real shame.

The two soon arrived at the library, and when Qian Xia raised her head, she noticed that it was a three-story building with a width of six rooms, and seeing that the library occupied such a large area, she couldn't help but sigh, this guy, what is it? How many goodies have you collected?
(End of this chapter)

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