Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 544: Yun Fang hits the wall!

Chapter 544: Yun Fang hits the wall! (4)
"After returning to mother, that's right." Mentioning his political achievements, the corners of the second prince's mouth turned up involuntarily, "After returning to mother, my father and emperor entrusted me with all the errands I have given my son and minister. There are no details, and the father is also very satisfied."

"That's good. Only in this way can you gain a firm foothold in the court step by step."

The second prince had a somewhat smug expression, but the queen saw it, but she was a little worried, "Fang'er, you are still young, and you have not been in the court for a long time. No matter what it is, you must ask your uncle and cousin more, In order not to make any mistakes and cause your father to complain."

"Yes, Queen Mother." The second prince lowered his head, and answered, but a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

The queen naturally didn't notice the subtle expressions of the second prince. Hearing that his son was so obedient, she naturally felt a little more at ease, "About the matters of the Liu family, the queen mother will mention it to your father. You have to be careful yourself When dealing with things, you must not be careless. If the wind is going smoothly, it will be the time when others will catch your mistakes."

"Don't worry, Empress Dowager, I will be extra careful. Besides, the staff in Ichen's mansion are all well-educated, so you can rest assured."

The queen's brows tightened slightly, "I also know that your staff are not bad, but they are still worse than your cousin. Not to mention, it's just the Mei family. This time, it is enough to see how smart your cousin is. Your third uncle went to Yunzhou to deliver food. If there is no reminder from him, I am afraid that the emperor will cast all doubts on you. If so, then If the eldest prince is dead, you won't have any good fruit to eat."

Every time the queen thinks about this matter, she can't help but get chills down her back.

It seems like a trivial thing, but it is very likely to destroy all the hard work of a person in an instant.

The battle between the emperor's heirs has always been cruel and dark. She did not believe that without the eldest prince, her son would be able to securely sit on the crown prince's position.

For more than half a year, Xiao Yunfang listened to the praise of Sangqiu Zirui the most. He didn't think about it before, and felt that his cousin was indeed capable and capable.

But if he listened too much, he would inevitably get bored. In addition, several people around him would always show admiration for Sangqiu Zirui whether consciously or unconsciously, and he gradually began to feel uncomfortable in his heart.

I am the proud son of heaven, I am the future emperor, but why is everyone full of praise for Sangqiu Zirui?

I am no worse than him!
It's just that I have less experience in going out, so people think that Sangqiu Zirui is almost that unattainable figure, and I am just a poor wretch living under his halo!

"Don't worry, Queen Mother, I understand the power of it. I won't do stupid things."

After leaving the palace, Xiao Yunfang's hands loosened and tightened, and he returned to the Prince's Mansion with a gloomy face all the way.

"How? How is things going?"

"It's almost time to return to Your Highness. You have long been known as the most filial piety, and now you are the only son of the emperor. It is natural to make you the crown prince. Now, we have received the support of about half of the court. Ask the emperor for an order tomorrow morning, and His Highness will achieve great things."

Xiao Yunfang's face was relieved, "Well, good! Things are going well. As long as the emperor's will to confer the crown prince comes down, His Highness will automatically designate you as the chief historian of the East Palace."

"I don't dare to be humble. To be able to serve His Highness, everything is the duty of the humble."

Xiao Yunfang was obviously very happy to hear such compliments, and nodded with a smile, "By the way, has Sanqiu's family passed through?"

"Returning to Your Highness, never. Because you have issued a strict order before, the people in the Jingguo Mansion must not let the people of the Jingguo Mansion know about this matter, so I dare not talk too much."

"Okay! These few times, the errands of this hall have won the favor of the emperor, and now we have received so much support. This hall just wants them to see. Without the support of the Sancho family, my highness You can still ascend to the crown prince smoothly."

"His Royal Highness is wise! Your identity is here. Besides, you have only entered the court for only one year, and you can achieve such results. Your talent has been clearly seen by the emperor. The emperor really has no reason not to immediately You are the prince."

These words simply touched Xiao Yunfang's heart. Without Xiao Yunsong, the younger brothers are still young and their family power is far inferior to him. If there is anyone who can stand in his way to become the crown prince , but he doesn't believe anything.

Sangqiu Zirui saw Xiao Yunfang's arrangements and preparations, but he didn't stop him. After hearing Changfeng's report, he just smiled contemptuously, leaned back lazily, and swept She glanced at the peach tree beside her, and bent her beautiful eyebrows.

"Stupid! Don't pay attention to him, just let him hit the south wall by himself. I am willing to support him, but it is because he has the blood of our Sancho family. If he refuses to obey, my son I don't mind changing it either!"

Changfeng remained silent, he thought he had never understood his master's thoughts.

"My lord, don't you worry that if the second prince hits the ground hard, and then his head is broken and bleeding, wouldn't it be a serious injury to his vitality?"

"Don't be afraid! Even if his vitality is seriously injured and the fourth prince is still young, he still has plenty of time and opportunities to make up for it. Let him make trouble."

After Sangqiu Zirui finished speaking, he asked people to invite the elders of the Sangqiu family to the Jingguo Mansion, and made it clear in front of them that no matter what happened to the second prince, the members of the Sangqiu family would be It's just that you can't see it.

Because of the Yunzhou incident last time, Sang Qiulie had already admired this nephew very much. Hearing what he said now, he felt somewhat incomprehensible, but he nodded in agreement.

Seeing that several elders agreed, Sangqiu Zirui said slowly, "The emperor will definitely not appoint the second prince as the crown prince at this time. If nothing else, our Sangqiu family alone is enough to make the emperor afraid." And, apart from the canonization of the prince, it is obvious that there are more important things waiting for the emperor's decision."

Sang Qiulie was slightly surprised, and asked, "But what's the matter at the border?"

Sangqiu Zirui glanced at him, as a military commander, he is really keen on warfare.

"That's right! There are some small frontier countries in the south of us. Although their power is not strong, their national power is not strong, but they can't hold them all together. Therefore, tomorrow morning, third uncle, these matters are up to you."

"You mean to ask me to take the initiative?"

Sangqiu Zirui shook his head, "You don't need to invite me, I just want to let the courtiers see clearly that what we in the Sangqiu family see with their eyes is not only the second prince and queen, but also Ziye as a whole!"

(End of this chapter)

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