Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 545: Yun Fang hits the wall!

Chapter 545: Yun Fang hits the wall! (5)
The next day, in the early court, after someone picked the head, almost half of the ministers in the court knelt down and asked the emperor to order the second prince to be crowned prince.

The emperor briefly read the memorial, and handed it to the chief executive, with a calm expression, "It seems that you all think that the second prince is worthy of the heavy responsibility of the prince?"

"Back to the emperor, His Royal Highness the second prince is the son of the first son, and now he is the eldest son. Whether it is the first son or the eldest son, it must be the second prince. Now that the world is stable, it is the best policy for the emperor to appoint a prince early to appease the subjects."

The emperor snorted coldly, turned his head to look at Sang Qiuhong, "What do Duke Jing think?"

Sang Qiuhong came out, bent down and said, "Back to the emperor, the old minister thought that the second prince is still young, and I am afraid that he is not enough to take on important responsibilities."

The second prince's face changed slightly, unexpectedly, the first one to stop him would be his own uncle.

"Oh? Let's hear it." The emperor seemed a little interested, and asked with a smile in his eyes as he tapped on the armrest of the dragon chair with his fingers.

Before Sang Qiuhong could speak, Sang Qiulie took a step forward, "My Majesty, I believe that the most important thing right now is to stabilize the frontier defense. As for the establishment of the crown prince, there is no rush."

The emperor's cold eyebrows were slightly twisted, and his eyes were looking at the Minister of the Ministry of War, "What's going on?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of War is naturally the second prince's man, because he planned to appoint the prince today, so he directly suppressed the report he received earlier, but unexpectedly, it was brought up by General Sancho.

"Returning to the emperor, the Ministry of War received a report yesterday, saying that several small border countries in the south are starting to make trouble again, and have repeatedly invaded our southern border. The villagers along the border have suffered greatly."

The emperor was furious immediately, "Since that's the case, why didn't you report it?"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of War was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he knelt down on the ground, "The minister was negligent for a while, and he thought he would go to Qin Qin later, so?"

"So, that's why you think that establishing a prince is far more important than Zi Ye's border security, don't you?"

The second prince also trembled. At this moment, he seemed to realize how wrong he was!
"I see that you have been a minister of the Ministry of War for a long time, and you can't tell which is more important. Come here, drag it down, and hand it over to Dali Temple for scrutiny to see what his intentions are. He even concealed such a big matter at the border. If you don’t report it, you’ll be damned!”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Liu Xiang, who has been silent all this time, looked at Sanqiu Lie thoughtfully. It is not surprising that he knows about border defense matters, but the attitude of Sanqiu's family today is far beyond his expected.

In fact, he already knew about the second prince's actions today, even the emperor had already heard about it, and today he was just waiting for this opportunity to beat the courtiers.

The emperor's original intention was to use this opportunity to punish the Sanqiu family, but unexpectedly, the Sanqiu family had directly expressed their attitude from the very beginning, and they did not want to support the second prince now.

In this way, there is no reason for the emperor to embarrass the Sancho family.

In the early morning, the emperor was so angry that he dismissed a Minister of the Ministry of War, and even the servants under him suffered disaster. In addition, even the Guozijian who invited the prince to play the ceremony just now, etc., were all punished by the emperor. To dismissed.

After the court was over, the second prince's face was almost white and transparent.

Neither Sang Qiuhong nor Sang Qiulie came forward to talk to him, they just shook their heads and sighed, and left the palace respectively.

The second prince just walked out of the hall, and he felt a little dazed, with no strength at all, as if all the bones in his body had been pulled out.

A servant hurried over, "Your Highness, the Empress has a request."

The second prince smiled wryly, what else could the queen mother look for him at this time?

The second prince said weakly, "After you went back to your mother, you said that the hall was not feeling well, and you should go back to the mansion to rest first. If you have anything to say, you can talk about it later."

The servant was taken aback, the second prince has always been filial and never disobeyed the queen, what happened this time?
The second prince didn't give him a chance to react, and he walked out of the palace in a slightly staggered figure.

The servant stared blankly at the second prince. Why does his back look so lonely and embarrassed?

After listening to the servant's report, the queen took a deep breath, but she never got angry. She could see what happened today. If her elder brother and younger brother hadn't spoken out against each other, she was afraid that the urgent situation at the border would have been told by others. Speaking out, when the time comes, the second prince and Sanqiu's family will be truly passive.

After a while, the queen was a little annoyed and said, "I am so disappointed! I thought he was a good person, but I didn't expect him to be so bad. Still think I'm smart, and treat everyone else as fools? Your Majesty It is clear that he has seen his actions long ago and waited to give him a chance to weaken his power."

Now in the early morning, they let them lose a minister and a servant, and even punished the contacts of the student. The emperor clearly wanted to shake the mountain and remind the second prince that he is just a prince!
When the news reached Linlang Bieyuan, Qian Xia just smiled slightly, "The emperor's temperament can't be more domineering. What he wants to give, you have to take it if you don't want it! If he doesn't want to give it, you want to grab it? Hehe, then You can only admit that you are unlucky."

Mu Liunian shook his head, "Your majesty is really clever at this move. He obviously wanted to regain control of the Ministry of War, but he borrowed the hands of the second prince. The affairs of the Ministry of War have always been managed by the second prince. Now, I am afraid that he will no longer be qualified to enter the Ministry of War."

"The border is not stable. How dare you hide such a big matter and not report it. Do you think this minister is too courageous?"

"It's not that he doesn't report it, but he just feels that compared to the position of prince, it's a trivial matter at the border. But the emperor made it clear that he made a fuss out of a molehill. Punish them from the head, who can say no?"

"After this incident, the second prince may have to calm down for a few days, and it will be enough for him to see clearly. Compared with Sangqiu Zirui, what is his difference, and how much is he worse. You say, according to the second prince's temperament, yes Will you give up on yourself, or will you continue to work hard?"

"It's hard to tell!" Mu Liunian handed over the peeled walnut kernels, "Try it, this is a tribute. It was rewarded by the queen before."


"The marriage between Mu Huanqing and Liu Ruyue fell through. According to this, the empress intends to let Liu Ruyue marry the second prince as a concubine. Although the decree has not yet come down, I'm afraid it will be soon."

"Do you think Xiang Liu will agree?" Qian Xia asked a little uncertainly.

(End of this chapter)

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