Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 552 Move Another Day?

Chapter 552 Move Another Day? (2)
Qian Xia sent Yun Shi through several corridors all the way, holding her arm with both hands, looking very intimate.

"Xiao Xia, tell your mother the truth, are you really okay?"

"It's okay. It was Yuanchu who was worried, that's why he was reluctant to have a child. However, I asked my brother, and he said that it would be almost done after waiting a few more months."

Mrs. Yun nodded and sighed softly, "It's really difficult to say that we are women! Before getting married, I was worried about the future marriage, and I didn't know what kind of husband and son-in-law I would find. After getting married, I have to be an heir Embarrassing. You are okay now, at least there are no messy people around Mu Shizi, otherwise, I'm afraid you will suffer."

"Yes, mother. Don't worry. The two of us are fine, and the child's affairs are not in a hurry. As for Mrs. Zhao's words today, don't take it to heart. It is impossible for Yuan Chu to agree to accept Xu Youting."

"What did you say? Do you dare to say these words to make her daughter marry the prince as a concubine?"

Qian Xia nodded, Yun's eyes widened, and she smiled incredulously, "How can a biological mother push her daughter to the position of concubine? Is there something wrong with Zhao's brain?"

"Who knows? What are you doing to her! Anyway, their family won't be staying for a few days. By the way, mother, how busy is third brother recently?"

"Oh, you said Ruoqi, I don't know too well. I didn't see him when I went to Yunfu yesterday. I heard from your aunt that these three children are busy all day long. She is also anxious Woolen cloth."

"Second brother and sister Wanting's marriage has been settled, but brother's marriage has not yet been settled. I really don't know what brother thinks? Do you really plan to read medical books for the rest of your life?"

"He dares!"

Yun said with a smile, "Even if he really dared to do this, your uncle would definitely not agree. From the perspective of Yun's blood, there are only two treasures like you and him. If he doesn't get married, where did he come from?" child?"

The mother and daughter chatted and laughed, until Qian Xia helped Yun Shi into the carriage with her own hands, and then watched the carriage leave slowly, they were relieved.

Just as he was about to turn around, he caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of his eye, but the figure was too fast, and he only had time to see half of the blue cloak. He didn't even see the material or pattern clearly, and the figure quickly disappeared into the up the corner.

Qian Xia tilted her head slightly in a daze, then shook her head and smiled, and returned to her Yixin Garden.

Mrs. Zhao hit a wall with the princess, but she didn't give up.Afternoon quietly went out the door.

Since that day, the second prince has always been depressed, and the prince's mansion is also lifeless.Originally, because of the death of the Empress Dowager, the layout of the Prince's Mansion was rather simple and elegant, but the two princes became decadent again, and the entire Prince's Mansion was gloomy.

After that day, the empress ordered him to be passed on again, but he refused to enter the palace.

The queen probably also guessed the reason why he refused to enter the palace, so she had no choice but to go out of the palace to meet him in person.Of course, before leaving the palace, two more imperial doctors were ordered, and they went to the prince's mansion openly and aboveboard on the grounds that the second prince was unwell and the queen was visiting.

"Greetings, Queen Mother."

The queen smelled the alcohol smell all over his body, and seeing his decadent look, the queen immediately became angry.

The female officer next to her hurriedly sent everyone out, leaving only their mother and son talking together.

"Fang'er, you really disappointed your mother. It's just a small setback, so you can't bear the blow? Can you forget what your mother taught you before?"

The second prince lowered his head with a look of embarrassment.

"Look at what you look like now? You've been drunk all day, and you're decadent. How can you still look like a little prince? Go! Go and clean up first, and then come to this palace to answer."

"Yes, mother."

As soon as the queen came, the second prince woke up most of the wine immediately. He also knew that he was acting too hypocritical, but he couldn't figure it out. Uncle and the others could stop him from this incident. , why have you been refusing to make a move?Do you have to watch yourself being reprimanded by the emperor and making a fool of yourself in front of all the officials to be satisfied?

The queen loves her son very much, but she also understands that if she just blindly indulges the second prince, she may not be able to become a great weapon.Isn't this incident a good example?

When the second prince came over again, his entire appearance had taken on a completely new look, except for the look on his face which was still a bit sleepy, the others were barely passable.

"Tell me. I know that you feel wronged in your heart. If you say it, you feel better, so I can sort it out for you."

The second prince bit his lip, then looked at the queen with some embarrassment, gritted his teeth, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"After returning to my mother, my son realized he was wrong."

There was already a hint of crying in the voice, which made people feel moved after hearing it.

The queen slightly raised her eyelids, "Then tell me, where did you go wrong?"

"After returning to my mother, I shouldn't be jealous of my cousin and deliberately alienate my cousin. If this matter can be discussed with my cousin in advance, it will definitely not be like this."

The queen let out a sigh of relief, she wasn't too stupid after all.

"Empress, son-in-law shouldn't be complacent. I always feel that after a year of experience in the imperial court, I already have all the skills. Now son-in-law finally understands that what son-in-law did before is just a clown. , it’s just a laughingstock everywhere. If my son can listen to his cousin more, maybe it won’t be like this.”

The queen took a deep breath, her complexion relaxed a little, and the love in her eyes replaced the previous disappointment, "Fang'er, you are the prince. You must know that if you inherit the great rule in the future, then it is important to know people and make good use of them." Your cousin Zhi is not in the court. This palace has told you many times, but you have never listened to it. You still regard him as your opponent. It has ruined the important ministers we have cultivated with great difficulty."

"Yes, the empress mother taught me that my son knew he was wrong."

Thinking of those important ministers being dismissed and held accountable, the second prince and the empress feel as distressed, how can it be so easy to build up connections in the court?Now that they just neglected to observe for a while, it was tantamount to returning the Ministry of War to the hands of the emperor. How could they not feel annoyed?
"Get up and talk first." After all, it was his own son, and the queen couldn't bear to watch him kneel on the ground for too long.

"Mother, it's not that I didn't listen to your call on purpose, it's just that I feel that I have made a big mistake this time, and I really feel ashamed to see my mother."

"Stupid talk! You are the son of Bengong, even if you make a big mistake, Bengong will support you. What are you afraid of?"

After hearing this, the second prince reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes, "Mother, son, son, I really don't know how to face my cousin."

(End of this chapter)

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