Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 553 Move Another Day?

Chapter 553 Move Another Day? (3)
The queen frowned slightly. What happened this time was indeed somewhat unexpected.Although it was San Qiulie who stopped the person arranged by the emperor, the result was also embarrassing for the second prince.

The queen is not stupid, she understands that her son asked for it all!

If it wasn't because he listened to the gossip and deliberately alienated Sancho's family, how could there be such a catastrophe?
"Your uncle and cousin will not care about you like you. Since they were able to stop the emperor's plan in the court, then naturally they are still facing you. Otherwise, you think Liu Xiang and the others are just eating nothing What? It's a good thing my brother didn't recommend you as the crown prince this time, otherwise, I'm afraid that the Duke of Jing's government will also suffer disaster."

Xiao Yun felt relieved, like a mirror inside.

This time, he admitted that he was too hasty, but the members of Sancho's family chose to watch helplessly until it got too out of hand before they stood up and said a word.

It has to be said that this time, Sancho's family deliberately let him stumble.

"My brother told me a long time ago that what happened this time was Zi Rui's intention. Everything was done according to your own ideas. You didn't support, but you didn't stop. As for how bad you stumbled, this time, You should have learned a lot."

The Queen's last words were spoken extremely slowly, almost word for word.

After Xiao Yunfang listened, he suddenly raised his head, and looked at his mother in disbelief, his eyes were already red again.


"This is what your cousin told me personally. Everything before you was too smooth, so you are a little proud and complacent, thinking that no one can inherit Ziye's throne except you. Who knows, all of this, outside From the human point of view, it is an opportunity!"

Xiao Yunfang understood it completely this time, and said, "Yes, I understand now. All of this was caused by myself. I can't blame others. Cousin is right, after this time My son understands the matter, and at any time, don't be careless, let alone be proud."

The queen nodded, this trip was finally not in vain.

"If you have time, go to Jingguo Mansion. There is the real person who will always stand behind you. Don't push your confidant out because of some trivial things. It should be your powerful man. The power you rely on has become a dark sword that others use against you."

"Yes, Empress Mother. Today, my son-in-law received the teaching of my mother-in-law, as if enlightened. In the future, my son-in-law will definitely be more careful, so as not to do such things that hurt loved ones and make enemies happy."

The queen confessed a few more words, and by the way, asked the imperial doctor to come over and take his pulse, and prescribed a prescription symbolically, and the illness was considered over.

The weather is getting colder. Although Qianxia is good at needlework, she only has one pair of hands. Because it is the first year of marriage, she first made a red fox fur cloak for the princess.

After the princess saw it, she couldn't stop the smile on her face, and kept praising her for her dexterity and filial piety.

Mrs. Zhao looked at her with a bit of annoyance, but she could only stare blankly. She is someone else's daughter-in-law, and she should be honored by others, shouldn't she?

Zhao's eyes rolled, "Qianxia's needlework is indeed very good. Look at the stitches are fine and even. You must have been instructed by a famous teacher?"

"It's just that I learned it from my mother since I was a child. It's good that the concubine doesn't dislike it."

"How come? I looked carefully. In the past few months, didn't you sew all the clothes on Liu Nian's body?"

Qian Xia blushed slightly, "That's because he has bad eyesight, he only thinks what I do is good."

"Okay, no need to explain, mother and concubine understand. Let's talk about your father, every New Year's day, you only wear the clothes I sew. Men are all the same."

Mrs. Zhao also laughed dryly, "Yes, it's winter now, and the weather is getting colder every day. We came this time, the journey is too far, and we don't bring too much clothes. I don't think anyone will come over until next year. Sister, I don't know which fur store in the capital sells better, and you will accompany me to the streets to choose some furs some other day?"

The corners of Princess Changping's eyes twitched. They live here now. If he really accompanied her to buy some furs, it would be a joke.

I can't afford to pay her a few bucks for my majestic Changping Palace?

Qian Xia smiled and said, "Auntie, don't worry, in two days, someone will send some furs over. Yuan Chu said, this is the filial piety of the Zhuangzi outside. At that time, first choose the furs for the father and mother. , you can choose again. We are all a family, so why do you need to go outside to buy it?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhao said cheerfully, "That's a good thing, then I won't be polite!"

"Family, you don't have to be polite."

Princess Changping appreciates Qian Xia's understanding of the general situation, but she looks down on this cousin sister-in-law more and more.It's just a few pieces of leather, what's the matter?Even if you don’t want to live here, how can I still freeze you?What a shallow eyelid.

Sangqiu Zirui didn't wait long, and the second prince really came to the door.

"Cousin." Although Xiao Yunfang understood their painstaking efforts, he still had the pride of being born a prince, and he still couldn't let go of this nobility easily.

Sangqiu Zirui looked at him coldly, without much expression, "Has Auntie visited you?"

In a word, Xiao Yunfang's face felt scorching hot!
How long would he be confused if he didn't have the guidance of yesterday's mother?
"I'm sorry, cousin, I was wrong. I will never dare again."

Sangqiu Zirui laughed lightly, flipping his sleeves lightly, and he was already several feet away.

Xiao Yunfang was astonished in his heart, the two of them were inside this small pavilion, but in the blink of an eye, he was already far outside the pavilion, and if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely not believe it.

He didn't feel any aura, didn't feel the undercurrent of his inner strength, and he disappeared in front of his eyes as if without a trace.

"No, you did nothing wrong. It's just too early for you to show your pride and complacency."

Xiao Yunfang stood in the pavilion, looking at Sangqiu Zirui in the distance, wearing a white robe, with his back to him, with fluttering silver hair, indescribably enchanting.

Xiao Yunfang went behind him after two ups and downs, and said cautiously, "Cousin, this time, I shouldn't listen to people's instigation. In the final analysis, it's because I have no idea in my heart."

Hearing this, Sangqiu Zirui just licked the corners of his lips, "Yun Fang, it's true that you are the second prince, but you are not the one the emperor really likes. You have a long way to go in the future, if you can't take care of your body These burrs have been cleaned up, you don't need the emperor to do it yourself, you will end up like the eldest prince."

(End of this chapter)

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