Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 554 Move Another Day?

Chapter 554 Move Another Day? (4)
Xiao Yunfang's heart was full of horror, Sangqiu Zirui had always taken good care of him, and rarely said such harsh words to him, but today's words were obviously meant to remind him of something.

"Please tell my cousin."

Sangqiu Zirui turned around and looked at him with an almost cold and aloof gaze. It was a kind of aura similar to that of a king looking down on the world. When Xiao Yun let it go for a moment, he felt that his whole body was stiff and numb, not his own. up.

Want to move, but can't move, want to scream, but can't open my mouth!
This is a kind of coercion that makes people feel extremely terrifying, and it is a kind of aura that makes people feel like a real king is ruling the world.Such Sangqiu Zirui was extremely strange and terrifying to Xiao Yunfang.

"Do your part well. You don't need to ask more about other things, and you can't afford to ask them. Believe me, no one in this world can help you except me. This time, it's the most important thing. Good example, isn't it?"

Xiao Yunfang's heart was suddenly raised in his throat, and he looked into Sangqiu Zirui's eyes, which were full of suspicion and fear.

"You are only the second prince. Even if the emperor issued an imperial decree to designate you as the prince, you are still only the second prince before you officially ascend to that position. Remember, you are only Xiao Yunfang. Only in this way, the next road , you will be able to persevere.”

Xiao Yunfang felt a grunt in his throat, and a bit of fishy sweetness, but he couldn't move his body.

It wasn't until Sangqiu Zirui walked away that he tried to move his feet, his chest was choked, his mouth was tightly closed, and then he swallowed a touch of fishy sweetness.

Xiao Yunfang knew very well what Sangqiu Zirui had done just now, it was a punishment for himself!

That's right, even though he is the second prince, he is just a nephew of the Sangqiu family when he enters Duke Jing's mansion. To Sangqiu Zirui, he is just his cousin. It is reasonable to want to deal with him among.

Although Xiao Yunfang was punished a little, the boulder hanging in his heart seemed to have disappeared.

As long as Sangqiu Zirui is willing to teach him a lesson, it means that he has not given up on himself.

As for how capable Sangqiu Zirui is, to be honest, he himself can't tell.In Xiao Yunfang's impression, knowing him for so many years, it seems that there is nothing he can't do.

Now, although I was slightly suppressed by him, it was worthwhile for him to calm down and continue to support me.

After Sangqiu Zirui left, Xiao Yunfang didn't stay any longer and went back to the Prince's Mansion.

The mansion prepared by the Ministry of Industry for Xu Zhijian was basically completed and ready for occupancy.

After hearing this news, Princess Changping was the happiest.Having such excellent relatives, although she doesn't like them, she can't be too disrespectful to them.

Now that I can move away, it will naturally be quiet before my eyes.

As for Qian Xia, she had a few more precautions in her heart. She knew exactly what Xu Youting was thinking about Mu Liunian.Leaving Changping Prince's Mansion right now, wouldn't it be more difficult to find an opportunity to seduce him in the future?

Qian Xia expected that Xu Youting would not move out so easily, but she was looking forward to what kind of amazing move this little cousin could make.

Xu Youlan had already started to pack the cage, seeing Xu Youting's delay in making any moves, she was unavoidably worried.

"Sister, it's getting late, let's pack up quickly. Didn't it be agreed that we will move there in the future?"

"It's a good place to live in the palace. Why bother to move? I've also visited the new mansion. Not only is it a small place, but it's not as exquisite and beautiful as this one. Although after moving there, it will be your and my own yard, but It’s not as big as the yard here.”

Listening to Xu Youting's complaints, Xu Youlan shook her head, "No matter how good the Changping Palace is, it's not our home. It's uncomfortable to always live under the fence. Good sister, when you return to our own mansion, you can laugh as much as you want. Smile, make trouble if you want, isn't it more comfortable than being here?"

"Okay, sister, I know what you're thinking. In fact, you're jealous that I haven't made an appointment yet, right?" Xu Youting said with some pride in her eyes.

"Huh?" Xu Youlan was dumbfounded, what are you talking about?

"Isn't it? It's because I haven't made a marriage agreement yet, so now I have the opportunity to get closer to my cousin. And you have already promised someone. Even if your cousin sees your beauty, it is impossible for my cousin to treat you favorably." What kind of thought."

When Xu Youlan heard this, she almost lost her anger!
It's just a small concubine's room, why should she be jealous?
Besides, the matter between her and Mu Shizi has not yet been written off. How did she know that she would definitely marry Mu Shizi as a concubine?Does the cousin-in-law really seem to be such an easy-going person?

To put it bluntly, the way my aunt looks at my sister is also full of dissatisfaction. Are her eyes blind?can not tell?
Xu Youlan's upbringing was better after all, although she was angry in her heart, she didn't say anything too harsh.

"Sister, don't say whether the princess will agree to this marriage. Even if you really agree, you are nothing more than a concubine. What status can you have in the palace? No matter how much you are favored, you can still be a son of the world." Concubine to go? Don’t forget, since ancient times, there has been an order of respect and inferiority, so it’s really good to be a concubine?”

Xu Youting seemed to be irritated, she stretched out her hand to shake the handkerchief, and stood up abruptly from the front of the dressing table, "Little concubine, you are a concubine who keeps talking all day long! What's wrong with the concubine? Besides, cousin's Concubine, can you be compared with the concubines in other houses? In the future, when my cousin becomes a prince, I will be a side concubine! Side concubine, do you understand?"

Xu Youlan was frightened by Xu Youting's resentment, took two steps back, and said with an incredulous expression, "You, you are really stunned! A good family doesn't want to be the main wife, but wants to come to the house to be a concubine wholeheartedly. Forget it, anyway, you won't listen to what I say, so you can do whatever you like."

Xu Youlan was also very angry, turned her head and went out.

Xu Youting snorted disdainfully at the door, "You are clearly jealous of me! Cousin is handsome and capable, and he is the only son of the royal family. If you don't want such a good man, go outside and find someone good. Son? If that's the case, I'd be a fool!"

Xu Youting's temperament is a bit arrogant, plus they are offshoots of the Xu family, and they are not as wealthy as the direct line since they were young, that's for sure.

Now that he has just entered Liangcheng, he followed his mother to a few houses, and no matter where he went, he felt that he couldn't compare to the splendor and wealth of the Changping Prince's Mansion.It turned out that Mrs. Zhao was still a little worried that this little daughter would not want to be wronged. Later, she realized that she was interested in Mu Liunian, which saved her a lot of talking.

(End of this chapter)

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