Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 569 It Was Her?

Chapter 569 It Was Her? (5)
Because of this, the ancestors of the Mu family were out of control on the battlefield, almost victorious in every battle!
There was no Zi Ye back then, and the world was in chaos!The ancestor of the Mu family had no intention of doing anything for the country, so he chose to support the noble Xiao family at that time, who was also the founding emperor of Ziye.

The Mu family didn't have a high family background, so it was a coincidence that they were able to marry Yun's daughter back then.

Before the ancestor of the Mu family died, he left the same conclusion he had obtained through many times of divination in a brocade box, and left a last word, when the descendants of the Mu family can marry the daughter of the Yun family Open.

However, hundreds of years have passed, and no one in the Mu family has ever married a woman from the Yun family for so many generations.Naturally, it is impossible to know what kind of secrets their ancestors left behind.

And now that Mu Liunian has brought Qian Xia back, it naturally means that the brocade box that has been sealed for hundreds of years can finally be opened.

After Qian Xia heard it, she felt a little unbelievable, and then asked, "Is the ancestor's last words really like this? It's not the daughter of the Yun family, so what if you open it? Since you want to know the secret he left behind, can't you just open it? "

Mu Liunian smiled wryly, "You think they haven't tried it?"

Qian Xia was speechless, and only heard Mu Liunian say again, "They don't know how many people have tried it, but unfortunately, no one has been able to open this box. The last words of the ancestors, all descendants of the surname Mu, naturally have to follow. But how many people have tried it?" Every time there is a catastrophe in the Mu family, someone will think of opening this brocade box, but it's a pity that it never succeeds."

Qian Xia can now probably understand why they are so happy when they see her.

It's just that, a brocade box, could it be possible that he still recognizes the owner?
Suddenly, Qian Xia remembered that the ancestors of the Mu family also had the blood of the Yun family flowing. Perhaps, he knew more than just divination.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I don't understand. According to the identity and status of your Changping Palace, it is not very difficult to marry a woman surnamed Yun. Why did you wait until now?"

"It's a long story. Your surname is Yun. You should know that there is a kind of arrogance in the Yun family. No matter men or women, they are not willing to wrong themselves for certain interests."

Qian Xia was stunned, thinking about it carefully, it seemed so, she had no choice but to nod, "Maybe. But the current Yun family, in order to allow the Yun family to continue to reproduce smoothly, has to bow to the imperial power."

"Even so, how have you ever seen the downfall and humbleness of the Yun family?"

When Qian Xia raised her head, she saw an old man staring at her with burning eyes. His kind face and gentle eyes made people feel a little respect.

"Young madam, you are from the Yun family. You are also the young madam of my Mu family now, and will be the mistress of my Mu family in the future. The brocade box will be presented to us in person in the future. Now , you have been approved by several of our old men, and also by our ancestors. Inside the stone palace, the yin is too heavy, it is not suitable for the two masters to stay for a long time, please go back."

Qian Xia frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, did they all live in this stone palace?"

"No! They are just staying here temporarily. They are practicing in seclusion. This time, if I hadn't brought you back, it would be impossible for them to leave the seclusion."

Qian Xia nodded, and then returned along the original road with Mu Liunian.

"Let's go to the place where you live first, and change your clothes for you. When you come here, you still wear men's clothes, which is a bit inappropriate."

Qian Xia was taken to the largest house here, and after taking a shower and changing clothes, she came out with Mu Liunian. While walking, she whispered, "I really didn't want to move when I just took a bath. I'm so tired."

Mu Liunian chuckled twice, "I'll take you back to rest after I have dinner with my grandfather in a while."

After a meal, Qian Xia became a little curious about the old man of the Mu family.

Maybe it's because he fought on the battlefield in the early years, so he has a bit of aura around him, but after getting along for a long time, you will find that he also has an extremely cute side.

For example, he would anxiously ask when they will have a baby?
For another example, the meeting gift from his old man turned out to be five little dolls made of pure gold, including male and female, fat and thin.The little golden baby was only half a foot tall and was packed in a wide box.

After Qian Xia looked at the box carefully, she couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, there was actually a small bed and dining table made of pure gold inside.

What is this for?When she, Qian Xia, was a child?

Such an obviously expensive but somewhat weird gift really surprised Qian Xia.

Mu Liunian had someone carry the box back, and placed it on the Duobao Pavilion in the middle of the room.

After Qian Xia took off her clothes and found them lying there, she couldn't help blushing, "Should I put them in the cabinet?"

Mu Liunian hugged her gently, "It's good to put it here. It's understandable that my grandfather is getting old and wants to take care of his grandson. We are not in a hurry, the most important thing is to take care of your body first. of."

Qian Xia's brows and eyes darkened slightly, and an invisible stream of light flashed by, and when she raised her eyes again, it was no different from usual.

"Why is grandfather here? Didn't he say that he died of illness ten years ago?"

"That's to deceive people. In fact, apart from my grandfather, there is also my great-grandfather, who had to feign death and hide here. One is to seek a real future to die in peace, and the other is to protect the Mu family and let the emperor rest assured."

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, as if she had thought of something, "Is this to deliberately create the illusion that the Mu family will not live long?"

Mu Liunian nodded, "If it wasn't for the peace of mind of the superiors, why would it be necessary? Grandpa is getting old, and he couldn't stand the emperor's temptations again and again, so he simply faked his death."

"It's far more comfortable here than outside. At least, no one will think about how to gain the strength of the Mu family, and no one will think about how to eradicate you."

Mu Liunian gently put his arms around her, "Didn't you say you're tired? Go to sleep."

Qian Xia saw the desire in his eyes, her heart tightened slightly, a smile froze at the corner of her mouth, and then she said a little uncomfortably, "I'm really tired."

Mu Liunian blinked, thinking that she had never worked so hard before, and that she had indeed traveled a lot today, so he chuckled lightly, "Okay, come, I'll sleep with you in my arms."

Qian Xia lay in his arms, listening to the occasional birdsong outside, and soon fell asleep.

Waking up the next day, Qian Xia didn't rush to dress up, but opened the window, lay down on the window lattice, and looked at the jagged wild flowers under the window, colorful and fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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