Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 570 Shallow Xia is happy!

Chapter 570 Shallow Xia is happy! (1)
Taking a deep breath, Qian Xia could even smell the soil under the flowers and plants, so strong that she almost felt intoxicated!

After a long time, he got up slowly, stretched again, looked up, and saw a familiar figure, shuttling back and forth on the green grass, and occasionally, because of his extremely fast figure, he would move a leaf or two.

Qian Xia washed up briefly, took a red ribbon, tied her hair briefly, and left the room.

Holding an unknown big tree with one hand, he looked up through the thick branches and leaves, and saw the dazzling and sparse light shining down, like a little bit of golden light, sprinkled finely, it is too beautiful to behold!
Qian Xia was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, and heard the uncomfortable sound made by the leaves being stepped on. Just as she frowned, she saw Mu Liunian's thin figure blocking her sight.

"What are you thinking?" Mu Liunian asked with a smile as he pressed a kiss on her forehead lightly.

Qian Xia giggled, and took the initiative to throw herself into his arms, "This place is so beautiful, I don't even want to leave."

Mu Liunian held her shoulders, and looked around when he heard the words, "Indeed, this place is really beautiful. But Qianqian, we still have something to do. I promise you, when our things are done, , I will accompany you here to live in seclusion, okay?"

Qian Xia was a little excited immediately, "Is it true?"

"Really! When did I lie to you?"

The two of them spent two days away here, and Qianxia wandered around, watching how the people here farmed, weaved, and practiced.

Besides being with her, the most important thing for Mu Liunian was to play chess with the old man.

In the afternoon of this day, the grandparents and grandchildren had dinner together, and an elder came to see him.

"Back to the old man, the young master, the young lady, the great elder is still in seclusion and has not come out yet. However, considering that the young master and the young lady cannot stay here for a long time, the subordinates think that it is better to wait for the great elder to come out of the closed door before coming out." It would be better for him to deliver the brocade box to Changping Palace in person."

The old man frowned, and said in displeasure, "Why is this old guy still in seclusion? Has he been in seclusion for two or three months? My granddaughter-in-law is here, and he won't leave the seclusion?"

"Back to the old man, the great elder confessed before the retreat that this is the last retreat in his life. Do you think?"

Mu Liunian hurriedly said, "It's okay. The Great Elder's retreat is of course very important, so don't disturb it lightly. Since Qianqian is my wife, it doesn't matter if the brocade box comes sooner or later. More What's more, compared to the brocade box, some things about our Mu family in the capital are more important."

The old man stretched out his hand to stroke his beard, nodded and said, "That's right. The Changping Palace has not been peaceful these years. Forget it, it's better to let the two of them go back to Liangcheng first, so as not to be targeted again. Fleeting time, this time you Go back and clean up some irrelevant people. I heard that there are still people who are trying to trick you?"

"Back to grandfather, he is just a little villain, not worth mentioning."

The old man obviously didn't agree with his words, "Sometimes, this villain is difficult to deal with, even more terrifying than a hypocrite! Be careful yourself."

"Yes, grandfather."

Just as he was talking, Qinglong came in with a serious face, "Master Qi, this is the news from Liang Cheng. That man finally showed his feet."

Mu Liunian was stunned for a moment, his face beamed with joy, and he quickly took the letter. After reading it carefully, he was a little suspicious, and handed the letter to Qian Xia, "How could it be her?"

After Qian Xia finished reading it, she was also a little incredulous for a moment, and after moving her mouth a few times, she said, "It turned out to be Lu Xiaoxiao? When did she appear in Liangcheng?"

For Lu Qianxiao to suddenly appear in Liangcheng, it obviously surprised Qian Xia and the others.

What Mu Liunian was even more surprised by Lu Xiaoxiao's appearance was that he hadn't gotten any news about him before. It can be seen from this that the person behind her is so clever, powerful, and powerful. How amazing!

When Mu Liunian thought of this, he didn't dare to be careless, and immediately ordered people to quickly find out all about Lu Xiaoxiao's activities in Liangcheng.He is now very sure that it was Huangfu Dingtao who kidnapped the two of them, not Sangqiu Zirui.

Because once the incident about Lu Qianxiao happened, Mu Liunian and Qian Xia would naturally not feel too comfortable.

A few days later, the two people's carriage was only a day away from Liangcheng.

Qian Xia's face was a little pale, maybe it was because of the rush for several days that made her body a little overwhelmed.

Mu Liunian looked at her worriedly, "Qianqian, are you okay? Let's rest here for the time being tonight. There is nothing inconvenient about our own property."

Qian Xia nodded weakly, she really couldn't take it anymore, if she couldn't take a good rest after running around for days, she might really fall ill.

Qian Xia entered the room, and sat on the table a little weakly. She has been busy on the road these days, although she has been extra careful, but the journey is bumpy, and there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

As Qianxia thought about it, she subconsciously reached her lower abdomen with her hand, and then slightly moved her brows, "Sanqi, you send someone to send a letter to your brother, just saying that I am here and I am not feeling well, so ask him to come and see quickly."

After Sanqi heard this, she was a little embarrassed, "Miss, it's very late now, even if you reach the gate of the city, I'm afraid you won't be able to get in."

Qian Xia hesitated, "Go to Yaoyue, she will naturally find a solution."

After listening to Sanqi, looking at the young lady's face again, he thought to himself, could there be something wrong with the young lady's body?He didn't delay anymore, he went out and told Yaoyue a few words, and seeing her leave quickly, he turned around and went in again.

"Miss, would you like your servant to prepare hot water for you first?"

Qian Xia shook her head, "Help me to lie down. Don't bother me when anyone comes, even if you come back at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, tell him not to disturb me, I'm tired."

"Yes, ma'am."

Mu Liunian first went to Qinglong and the others to order errands. He was obviously a little surprised by the movements in the capital.However, I have only been away for less than a month, and the situation in Beijing has already undergone earth-shaking changes!
"My lord, do you want to find a chance to meet Sangqiu Zirui?"

Mu Liunian shook his head, "No need! I'm afraid this time, he is deliberately showing weakness. The second prince made a big mistake. The emperor is personally handling all kinds of government affairs at this time. Perhaps such a large-scale transfer of personnel has long been expected by him. Among them."

"Young master, what about our people?"

"Our battlefield has never been above the court. How the emperor and the Sancho family fight has nothing to do with us. I want to see if the fourth prince is really lucky enough to survive until he reaches adulthood?"

(End of this chapter)

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