Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 571 Shallow Xia is happy!

Chapter 571 Shallow Xia is happy! (2)
Suzaku came in with a nervous expression on his face, "Young master, Yaoyue rode straight to the capital just now. My subordinates asked, and they said that the concubine Shizi was unwell, so I asked her to go to the capital to find Master Yun."

Mu Liunian's expression changed slightly, "What's going on? Is it serious? Headache or fever?"

While talking, Mu Liunian walked out, where is the indifference and calmness of what he just explained?
"Qianqian, what's wrong with you?" While talking, Mu Liunian felt for her pulse.

Qian Xia's hand moved slightly, avoiding his fingertips, her eyes dodged slightly, she only remembered now that she couldn't hide any movement here from him, and he was also a person proficient in medical skills.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired. I want my brother to come over and take a look at it for me, and prescribe some medicine for health along the way."

Mu Liunian raised his brows slightly, a little suspicious of Qian Xia's actions just now.

"Well, you lie down first, and I'll have someone cook some bird's nest for you first."

Seeing Mu Liunian go out, Qian Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "It's dangerous."

It was just before dawn that Yun Changan arrived, and he was already panting from exhaustion.But without giving him a chance to breathe, Yaoyue forcibly dragged him outside the door.

"Report to the concubine, Mr. Yun has arrived."

Mu Liunian had already got up and was not in the house. Sanqi opened the door with a slightly anxious face, "Miss's face is not good, she is not awake at the moment. Last night, the prince came back, but he was not in the house." Rest, just stayed for a while, then left in a huff, I don't know if I had a quarrel with Shi Zifei."

When Yun Changan heard this, the sister-in-law's temper flared up again!
"My sister is comfortable, but he still dares to quarrel with my sister? It's simply unreasonable!"

Yaoyue frowned lightly, "Don't talk about it, let's check the pulse of Shi Zifei first."

Yun Chang'an went in and found that Qian Xia was still fast asleep, so he carefully removed her hand and checked the pulse carefully.

With the movement of his fingertips, Yun Changan's expression became a little strange.After a while, he murmured, "Didn't you say you don't plan to have a baby now? Isn't Mu Liunian taking medicine all the time?"

After hearing these two sentences, Sanqi and Yaoyue on the side were stunned!
"My lord, what do you mean? Miss is happy?"

Mu Liunian glared at her, "You are still her personal girl, how do you take care of her? You don't even know that she hasn't had her period this month?"

Sanqi was slightly startled, yes, she didn't prepare a menstrual belt for Miss this month, why did she forget it?
Yaoyue was a little confused, "It's a good thing that the concubine is happy, so why does the master look unhappy?"

At this time, Qian Xia had woken up leisurely, her eyelids were lifted a little weakly, and after falling asleep, her complexion was much better than yesterday, "It's my fault. I changed his medicine without telling him. .Although he is proficient in medical theory, he has never tasted the medicine himself, so he didn't notice it."

Yun Changan clicked his tongue, "Are you crazy? How dare you do such a big thing?"

Yun Chang'an really admired his younger sister for being so bold that she dared to change Mu Liunian's medicine!

"He doesn't want you to work so hard now, and it's for your own good. Why should you?" Yun Chang'an took Mu Liunian's side this time. There are benefits.

Qian Xia smiled slightly, bitterness flashed in her eyes, but she was obviously unwilling to tell them.

"Forget it, anyway, you are happy now, even though it's only been over a month. Even if he gets angry with you again, he won't let you kill the child. Forget it, I'll prescribe you some anti-fetal medicine, you This girl is the same, knowing that she is pregnant, why didn't she say a word? Fortunately, she didn't hurt him, otherwise?"

Yun Chang'an didn't continue to talk, Qian Xia just lowered her eyes and pressed her lips tightly, not knowing if she was obediently listening to her brother's reprimand, or she had other thoughts.

Yun Changan watched her take the medicine, and told her to take a good rest first, and try to lie down for a few days.

When Yun Chang'an saw Mu Liunian in the study, he saw that his face was a bit gloomy, and the aura emanating from his whole body was also a bit sinister.

"Did you check her pulse last night?" When Yun Changan came in, although seeing Mu Liunian like this was a little frightening, he had to do this for his sister.

"Well. Did you prescribe her an antitussive?"

Yun Changan nodded, "Otherwise? The child in her stomach will call me uncle in the future. Do I want to be like you, when I hear that she is happy, I will have a calm face and love her?" Does it matter?"

Mu Liunian frowned, "I didn't expect her to be so bold! As I said, she's still young, so what's the point of having a child in two years? She promised me, but she refused to do it."

Yun Chang'an crossed his arms and folded his chest, "Is this the real reason why you are angry? Do you think that she conceived your child on her own initiative, or are you blaming her for tampering with your medicine?"

Mu Liunian shook his head, closed his eyes helplessly, and let out a breath slowly, "You don't understand! I care about her and cherish her, so I don't want her to get pregnant so early. You know, when Lu Shaohua That kick really hit her in the heart. In addition to her frequent use of secret techniques, it will hurt her mind after all. I'm worried!"

Before he finished speaking, he pursed his lips tightly again.

Yun Changan raised his eyebrows, he could understand Mu Liunian's worries.At the beginning, he found himself and explained that he didn't want children now, just to let Qianxia take good care of his body.

The so-called secret technique is impossible without any harm to a person's body.

For more than a year, Qian Xia has indeed used secret techniques frequently, and even played a frightening song, which hurt her heart very much!Otherwise, there would not be the bloodthirsty situation last time.

"Since this is the case, why don't you two have a good talk? Some things are always held in your heart, and it may not work. What do you think, and what does she think? Mu Liunian, don't blame me for not reminding you , Qianxia is a girl who is somewhat stubborn, you wouldn't want to see her go into a corner."

Mu Liunian was silent, he really didn't know what to do with Qian Xia!
He doted on her and spoiled her, but now, she was so bold as to lie to herself!

For something as big as giving birth, she didn't show any traces of it beforehand.He often boasts of his medical skills.He didn't even know that there was a pregnant woman lying next to him. He really didn't understand. What is his medical skill?
(End of this chapter)

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