Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 572 Shallow Xia is happy!

Chapter 572 Shallow Xia is happy! (3)
"What should I do now? I'm pregnant for ten months. If she uses the secret technique during these ten months, will it affect her body? Will it affect the child? Also, if she can't take care of herself well , will there be any sequelae? Hasn't she thought about these problems at all?"

Yun Chang'an was slightly surprised, he always knew that Mu Liunian cared about Qian Xia very much, that kind of relationship was not like that between ordinary men and women, it was just out of attraction for looks and talent.

The two of them seem to be quite compatible in soul, but this time, there is such a big difference, no wonder he is angry!

If she changed herself, I'm afraid she would be even angrier.

She had changed her mind about what she had agreed upon. If she hadn't felt unwell this time, she might have to wait for a while before Mu Liunian and him would find out that she was pregnant.

"Okay, don't be angry. Fortunately, along the way, she knows how to take care of herself, and the child is fine. She's just a little tired, that's why her complexion is bad."

Yun Chang'an really couldn't think of anything else to persuade him.

If he changed to someone else's house and found out that his wife was pregnant, he would probably jump up for joy.But when it came to this master, he was so angry that he almost wanted to kill someone!

"Her physical condition is fine. As for what you are worried about, my father and I will try our best to avoid letting her use secret techniques during pregnancy, so you can rest assured."

Mu Liunian glanced at him, can he really rest assured?Now that the situation in the capital is so complicated, and the court is changing rapidly, it seems that in the next year, it is best for him to stay at home and not be instigated by the emperor to enter the court.

With a helpless sigh, Mu Liunian stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his brows, and most of the hostility in his body had dissipated, "I really don't understand, does she really value the rumors of those people outside so much? After all, her body is so unimportant?"

Yun Changan moved his mouth, but he really didn't know what to say.In fact, he himself disapproved of his sister having a child at this time.But now that we have it, what else can we do?
Qian Xia is not an ignorant person, nor is she an impulsive person with no brains, but this time, she took such a risk and had to conceive first, Yun Changan really couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"Mu Liunian, my sister is not an impulsive person. In my opinion, you'd better have a good talk."

After a while, Mu Liunian gave the order to stay here for three days, so that the concubine Shi Zi could have a good rest.

Three days later, Mu Liunian stepped into the bedroom with a complicated expression.

In these three days, he dared to come over every day after she was asleep.

For Qian Xia's boldness, he naturally couldn't bear to blame her, but he couldn't bear to give her a cold face, but he didn't feel well in his heart, he just felt very dull!
He didn't know what kind of mood he should use to face Qian Xia. Fundamentally, he complained to her.

But he couldn't bear to kill her, so he could only choose to avoid her!
Qian Xia was sitting on the couch watching them pack their things, and saw Mu Liunian coming in, with a slightly dazed expression, she thought he was still angry, so she didn't want to see her.

"You all go down."

"Yes, son."

Qian Xia knew that she was at fault this time, she lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Mu Liunian's eyebrows twitched slightly, such a shallow summer gave him an illusion, as if she was wronging and begging for perfection!
"Qianqian, since you know I'm worried, why do you have to do this?"

The corners of Qian Xia's lips curved slightly, and her two small hands fiddled with the skirt of her body in a somewhat helpless manner, "I, I know that this time I am too willful. But you see, other people have children at this age, don't they? all right?"

"Others are others! You are you! Can you be like them? Don't you forget how your own physical condition is? Also, you have used the most secret techniques this year. Are you sure that it is great to have a child now? ?”

A bitterness flashed in Qian Xia's eyes, but because she lowered her head, Mu Liunian didn't see it.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I said that my talent didn't have much impact on my body. As for what you were worried about, I don't think it was true from the beginning. Think about it, I used a secret technique this year , Then what about next year? What about the year after? As long as I have used the secret technique, can I not have children? This argument does not make sense."

Mu Liunian's complexion was dark, "Are you still urging your words? Have you forgotten that you almost had a problem with your body before? Who did Yun Chang'an play the piano for those few days? Why did you calmly read Buddhist scriptures?"

Qian Xia's body trembled, apparently also thinking of that matter, although she still doesn't understand why she suddenly appeared in such a situation, but she thought it should be because of playing the horror song.

"That was all a few months ago. Am I fine now?"

Her voice was three points lower than before. Obviously, she lacked the confidence to say this herself.

Seeing her like this, Mu Liunian couldn't vent his anger no matter how angry he was, so he could only shake his head helplessly, "That's all. The matter has come to an end, so it's useless to talk. Since you want to have a baby, then go ahead."

Qian Xia's heart relaxed, and then she dared to raise her head to look at him, but when she touched the worry in his eyes, she still felt a little guilty.

"Sorry, I won't do it in the future. I promise, after giving birth to this child, everything will be up to you in the future. "

Mu Liunian was careful to please her, not knowing whether to cry or laugh!

His wife, whom he loves so much in his heart, is begging for his forgiveness so aggrieved at this moment?
A group of people returned to the Changping Palace, Princess Changping was overjoyed when she learned that Qianxia was happy, and even King Changping grinned happily, almost unable to close her smile.

However, according to the rules, within three months of pregnancy, no one will make a big announcement.

One reason is that within three months, the fetus might not be able to sit still. If there were too many congratulations, the baby might not be lucky enough to be able to bear such a great joy, and would be washed away.Secondly, in Changping Palace, this kind of thing is a happy event, but for the emperor, it may not be a good thing.

As soon as Princess Changping saw Qianxia's belly, she naturally thought of what happened when she was pregnant with her eldest son. Therefore, she was extra careful and issued a strict order that no one should mention that Princess Shizi was pregnant again. one thing.

And Qian Xia was also grounded by Mu Liunian. She can walk around the whole Yixin Garden, but she can't go out of the garden gate!

(End of this chapter)

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