Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 575 Whose Layout?

Chapter 575 Whose Layout? (1)
Mu Liunian sent everyone else aside, helped her up himself, let her sit on his body, and then took a bowl and took a sip to feed her.

Seeing her eating slowly, Mu Liunian kept staring at her mouth, "How is it?"

Qian Xia's eyebrows that had been tight all the time stretched a little, she nodded, and said weakly, "It's delicious."

When Mu Liunian heard this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly continued to feed her.After a while, a small bowl of porridge was bottomed out.

"Do you want another bowl? I cooked a lot."

Qian Xia nodded, probably because she just had a bowl of hot porridge, her face was a little rosy, "Well, let's have another small bowl."

Hearing this, the elders outside were also overjoyed, almost jumping up!

After using another small bowl, Qianxia asked, "This porridge smells like vegetables, and you added a little salt. How did you do it?"

Mu Liunian smiled, "I ground these vegetables into juice, and then mixed some water with this to make porridge. You can't eat vegetables, but if you don't eat salt, you will feel weak, so I added less."

"You are so busy, teach Sanqi this method, and let her do it in the future."

"Okay, don't worry about it. Come on, lie down for a while."

After Mu Liunian helped her to lie down, the stone hanging in his heart finally fell. As long as she could eat, he wouldn't be too worried if the morning sickness couldn't be resolved.

That night, after Mu Liunian coaxed Qian Xia to sleep soundly, he went to Yun Mansion.

"Uncle, I tried. Qianxia refused to tell me the truth. I can feel that she has something to hide from me. She is pregnant now, and I don't want to put pressure on her, so I came here to ask uncle for advice."

Yun Cangli frowned slightly, "Qian Xia has read all the books there during the five years in Fenghuang Mountain. Even if she doesn't practice medicine, she has read all the medical books one by one. Her comprehension ability , far exceeded my imagination."

"So?" Mu Liunian asked.

"She must have seen some records about the ancestors of the Yun family there. Of course, her grandfather was also included in it." Yun Cangli's tone was a bit sad, "I thought that as long as I didn't tell her, she would definitely I won't know. But I ignored her intelligence, a girl as clever as her, what can she do without her?"

"Uncle, what exactly are you talking about?"

"In my Yun family, none of those with double pupils or double pupils can live past 40 years old. The youngest among them is less than 30 years old."

All of a sudden, Mu Liunian felt something explode in his mind!Dazed and dizzy, his figure swayed slightly and bumped into the table beside him.

The youngest is less than 30 years old!
What does it mean?Could it be Qianxia her?
Mu Liunian was in shock all the time and couldn't recover.

Yun Cangli's two words were like a heavy hammer hitting his heart!

The oldest is no more than 40 years old, and the youngest is even less than thirty!What does it mean?Is his Qianqian also such a fate?
Mu Liunian couldn't help but think that when he mentioned about having a child later, she always laughed it off, but in fact, she was also extremely scared, right?
Suddenly, Mu Liunian thought of the ancestors of the Mu family.

The ancestor's mother was from the Yun family, and she was from the direct line of the Yun family. Not long after giving birth to the ancestor, she died.He did not forget that the ancestor of the Mu family was also a person who knew divination. His inheritance naturally came from his mother.

Mu Liunian closed his eyes lightly, obviously unable to accept such a fact!
"No! No, my Qianqian said that she will grow old with me and watch the sunrise and sunset with me. She won't, she won't break her promise."

Yun Cangli looked at the pale Mu Liunian, and noticed his slightly trembling figure, a look of pain flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

"In life, death is inevitable. If Qianqian can live happily in this life, what difference does it make between 30 years or 60 years?"

"No! I don't believe it. Everything is fine in Qianqian's body, she can't be so short-lived. Uncle, you are lying to me, aren't you?"

"Mu Liunian, I'm telling you this because I just hope that you will cherish her. The reason why she is desperate, even if it angers you and makes you angry, she wants to have a child is because she wants to be with her. In my lifetime, I saw her son marry a wife and have children, and her daughter marry and live happily. Do you understand?"

Mu Liunian chuckled a few times in a daze, a tear fell from the corner of his eye, the expression of crying and laughing made people look at it, it was really unbearable.

"Qianqian, I won't let her be like everyone else. I want her to stay with me well. Uncle, you are a mystic, so there must be a way, right?"

Yun Cangli frowned and shook his head, "The Yun clan has been passed down for thousands of years. If there is a way, why do you think those ancestors died young? My father also failed to see me get married and have children. Isn't that enough to explain anything?"

"No! I don't believe it! There must be a solution. Uncle can't help it, but it doesn't mean that others can't." The persistence in Mu Liunian's eyes cannot be ignored.

"By the way, Cangming! National Master Cangming has been a great master of mystical techniques in the past, and they will definitely have a way. This is like a curse cast on the heads of your Yun clan. National Master Cangming must definitely There will be a way to untangle this."

Looking at Mu Liunian's current state, Yun Cangli knew that he was too excited when he heard about it for the first time, and he might not be able to calm down for a while.

"I went to your house that day, and after avoiding you, I asked Qian Xia alone. She admitted that she knew that her fate must be the same as those of those ancestors, so she wanted to ask for an earlier one. Child. In this way, even if she leaves in the future, you will still have other blood ties in this world, so you won't be too lonely."

Mu Liunian didn't seem to be listening, shook his head, sniffed, let the tears flow wantonly on his face, ignored it, and chuckled twice, "Don't worry, uncle. I will take good care of Qianqian , I will definitely find a way to prolong Qianqian's life. I don't believe in the theory of fate. If it is really impossible, it's a big deal, I will go with her. "

Yun Cangli's eyes tightened instantly, and he said in disapproval, "Are you crazy?"

Mu Liunian finally breathed a sigh of relief, seeming to get rid of all the depression and irritability in his heart, and said with a smile, "Thank you uncle for reminding me today. Qianqian is only sixteen now, and I am still young. I have at least ten Years to find a way to prolong her life, no?"

(End of this chapter)

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